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<br />~~iL 1 IT~~X~ <br />~~~ <br />Thin mortgage made :nd entered into [hie 18th dad of peril <br />19 g0 by and between f]AVZD E. PHIIZPPI and NAONII PHILIPPI, Ht~bartd and Wife <br />i hereinafter referred to b mortgagor) and TSiE WF.FQ,AD$) I$iPjgtiA; get~t~ ~a ( ISLAM, <br />Grand Island, Nebraska <br />{ heninafur referred to as <br />ma~rt~gaagee~t, who maintains an tdfiee and place of bnalrteaa at 304 WC,St 2hi.rtl Street, Grand Island, <br />WlTtiESSETH, [}tat for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which ie hereby acknowledged, the <br />mortgagor does hereby mortgage, x71, ![rant, assign, and ronvey unto the mortgagee, his successors and asaigtta, all <br />of the folhswing dcxribed property sitttatcd and being in the C;ountp of Hall - , <br />State of Nebraska <br />All of our interest in A tract of ].and oatgrisirtg a part of lot Fors (4) , Island, <br />together with the accretion land thereto, situated in part of the Southwest Quarter of the <br />Northwest Quarter (SW3d~t) , aryl part of the Northwest Quarter of the Sotrtla~est Quarter <br />(NVit~} , all in Sec'..ion 'I4~tty-Bevan i27) , 'It~wrtship Eleven (11} A1ori3z, Range Nine (9) <br />West of tl5e 6th P.M., in Hall Gairtty, Nebraska, rtnre particularly de^~eribed as follows: <br />Beginning at the raorthaaest corner of said Southwest Qttart~er' tS48,t) ; therx~e easterly along <br />the north line of said Southsacst Quarter (Sit1#y) a distance of forty-One and Five 21?itths (41.5) <br />Feet, to a point on the easterly rightrof-way line of Ir,ctst Street; thestoe rtauung northt',xly <br />along said right-of-way line a distance of One Htmdred Forty-Five and zfiirty-Six Htatdredths <br />1145.35} Feet to a point 42.06 feet east of the west line of said Section 1Waxty Seven (27) <br />also being a point ort the oenterli.rte of the North Channel of the Platte Rivet; thence deflect- <br />ing right 83 degrees 42' arxi mating mrtheasterly alottg said oenterlirte a distance of One <br />HtIItdred Ninety and 'Ihz'ee 'tl~tths (190.3) feet; thence deflecting left 17 degrees 48' S0" and <br />rurtrti.r:g rmrtheastsrly along said centerline, a distance of Ninety-Five (95.0) Feet; thence <br />deflecting right 15 degrees 39' and running rartheasterly along said oezrtexline a distarx;e <br />of Sevpssty-Eight (78.0) Feet to a point on the west line of Lot 'rizirty-Four (341, plattttews <br />subdivision; there southerly alcetg said west line of Lot 4lti.rty-Four (34) , a distancx: of <br />Tao Htattdrerl'lWer-ty {220.0) feet, to *he southwest corner of said Lot Thirty-Four (34}; <br />thence easterly alotrg the south line of said lot Thirty-Four (34) a distance of Thirty- <br />Eic~tt and Five T~rtths (38.5} feet; thence southerly alcxtg a line Four Hundred Thirty-TYtree <br />(433.0) feet east of atxl parallel to the west lists of said Southwest Quarter (S~} a <br />distance of Six Hundred Fifty- and Fifteen Htrrxlredths (653.15) feet; thence deflecting <br />right 91 degrc~s 24' aril running westerly, a distance of Four Hundred ThirtZ•-q}tree (433.0} <br />feet to the west line of said Southwest Quart~.x (SfaHt) ; thence mrttterly alorx3 said wrest <br />line of the Southwest Quarter (Six} a distartoe of Six Hundred Forty-Eic~tt and Seventy-Seven <br />Hundredths (648.77) feet to the place of beginning, and containing 7.901 across trore or <br />Less, EXCEPTING the Southerly Three Htardxred (300) feet of the above described tract; but <br />together with a Sixty (60} foot wide easem~tt along aryl upon the mrtherly side of said <br />last ttpxttioned southerly three hzux~ (300} feet for otxtmort road proposes, <br />'Cagrther »ith and iuciuding nii buiidtngx,, alt (ixtutcs taeledtag iwt wet Ytmrtrd to atl plamhing, heating. lighting, <br />ventilating, rrftigerating, inctaerntiog, air eawdttitwtng appuratua, .rod +•irvntan+ltke taungngur hereby. declaring that <br />it i~ intended that the items hreeia ruuwrratcd khnYl he der°BeJ to hove bees psrrntnacntiy instnlled u+ port of the realt~i, <br />aml all imptovrments no» or hetealter exi~uag tlnxtix,a; the hereditamrat.+ ..aJ appurtruan~Y:n and ail other rights then:- <br />unto bciuagtug, or iu na~»isr appertatnmg, anal the revcr.i+.u :utd r+•~.•r.rua~, remainder and remainders, nll right. of <br />redc~ptian, and the r€nta, ir=cttes_, and ptttfita t.f Ehe aixtrt de~+rilrcd ptuprYV f pn;vided, !m»rvrr, that the mur[gnta,r <br />tihall hr r ntitled to the posse'..: ion of ~;nid proprttp and w err#]rc•t and retato the rents. itiwrs, and pnrfit+: naut delauit <br />Itcrrundrrk, 'f'„ have and to fa,ld the -,nme now the mortgagee and the wucer.~r~ io interest of the murtgag. ~ fan_~rr <br />to frr .ample or +-it€h uthrzr et,tnsc, if nny, ns i« +tnted hrreia. <br />The mortgagor covenants that hr is lawfully seized and poaaeaxd of awd has the right to sell and convey Burl <br />property: that the same is free from all enrumhrancea except as hereinulxnr recited; and that he hereby hinds <br />himself anti his auocessotro in interest to warrant and defend the tstle aforesaid thereto and ever} part therm( against <br />the alaittu of ail persons whoateoever. ~3~r.~~ of Dav1d E. Fhil.ippi and IdaOlttl Philippi of <br />This instrument is given to serum. thgfpet meut of a promiasnn note date+l t'april 18, 7.980 <br />in the principal sum of ! 50,000,00 , .igned h~ fklVitl E. Philippi, President & Treasurt;a: <br />in behalf of Centtny Chrysler Plysmuth, Inc, <br />