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>~ _ <br />M41t1'C.AGE LOAN NO. _L 23, _ . <br />KNOW ALL MENHYttit?3EPRFSENTS i3n Harley Larry Thamasjand Yvonne S. Thomas, each in his <br />and her oleo right, and as spouse of each other also known as Nartey L. Thomas <br />Fifty-five Thousand and Yo/100------------ ->'~aaaeorttronc,iooosoaa.~osurnte>Att~.[c <br />- ------------ ----°---°---____---- uor1,~-ws <br />karsed to aid nsortgagos by The F~}udsbk Htx~ding sod Lwr Ataodatioa of Grand Fsinsd, NeMsflta, , rsp(r[[ 5~ abraaetsMdt cF.- <br />ssstid ASSf)('1A1`ION, Ctriifieate fo_ L 23,~Q5 , do lurtbp grsM, wr[Mey and nwrtyg tuNo tAe artiA ASSQCIATfDAi tht <br />deacn'bed rent estate. >ituated in Han Cieun(y, NtDraska: <br />LOT SEVENTEEN (l7) EAGLE41000 ACRES SUBOIVISIOti, <br />NAL~ COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />tirgrther wsth all ttst temmtnts, heredilaments and aptvartrnatices thercunta !xiungmg, rni:tuding attaditd flow s:overings, all window screens, <br />window crudes, hiirais. corm wrnsiuwa, awntrigs, treating, xsr cunditwntng, and plumbing and water eyutpmm[ and aeaswries thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />rsfrigenurra. anti other fixtures and tx{uipnx:tt sww ,,_x txresfter attache! !o ix used :n rrnntc€i:[in verb said teat estate. <br />Arsd wtstttss the said mortgagor has agrttd and A[xs hrrrbr agree that the rznm¢aRw shad and will pay all taxes and afaeaamnita le[ded oe <br />assesa<rd upon card premises and upon toss uwrtgtfie and the band secured zhertbv trtiirre the same shall bs[xrn,e delirputnt; to Isunish approved <br />a[sunrt[z uptm the bwWirrgs on said prermaea sittuttd in the sum of 5 ~~ ,QQQ. QU pavsble to sand A.'iS(1[;IA"('ION and to deliver to said <br />ASS(7['IAT10N the pulicrcs far card tmurance; ami not to,wrnmr< +x perrrni anY waltz un ur about coal premuta; <br />In sat of default m the petrol morsel s>j msy of ttu rcrrna arsd conddwns ~.rf thss trs<xtyspee :rr ihs tarrsd seeurnl hereby, the nwrtgagx stun, <br />un JrrrtanJ, bt rnntleil to immedutt iarssrxuon of the awrtgagtd prtmrses an6 ihr ;rwrtgaynn !+arbv asseRrsa, roosters and sets over to the <br />rratrtgagre alt tht mnta, rrvtaesu aril nsi-:rzst t:. ht 1€rsvtd from ttse nwagagr i prrnuscs ,iut ura sw;h tnrre as she murt~ge iudtbt~irsess slrai! retrain <br />w,pasil , and rite nwrlgagac shall have ihr }x,wrr tr; app+nnt arty sgtnt sx aKents rt may desuc inr the purpus ui repautrgt cast! prem[xs and tenting <br />tree :otter arut aiikciirsg the rents. rtvrnsirs and ur«xce, aid n nmY paY out of :and income alt tapenses +.+1 repaumg said premises aad naxasaty <br />corssctusan,rts artd expersars rncwrril in :cntrag and managing the vnrt arrd of adkcurig rentals thercfnrm. the rrafarsci rerttartiing, if any, to be <br />appi,td toward ihr diachaa~ =>f sts:si =exxt~Er md€t+i€s:;. -a, than; region ;.i itsr na,rtgattrr :nay ,`.-t eteec.aed ai any tmx Jurtrgi tha tai5ttnct of sw:h <br />default, uirspeetnr of wry tnripurary wa»Yr at ihr corm. <br />l~hcsr PrcstnU, }wvrrvrr, art :spun the t",mdunxs, That ~i the sand Atarigagru :arxil ~elyY ~asd iuass ~~o ,~+ ixiute the utatuttty eel saeil shaees by <br />tMY rtxnt- pay rtwntiity to wd AS„Silt'tA! tilt/ .rf tr,,r:.-am sprerttrtl rn 11r+: ik:nd ~a:.:sxeu isercf>y ar :s;ieress and prmu~i ern aarit irws. vn ar haitsit <br />CPSt 1"wemxth sf.y ,h =='ach anti every +rw;rrth. ui.t:l -.and `«zan ss fu>Iv paid; pay aii taxes and »sseesnsrnts Irvud ar(axtai card prexsrxs and ao tftis Murtgagt <br />and ihr )?and stcureil ihtreby. heiose Jeimyw:nsy, iw msi; appoved inwrass~e upon ttx bwtdmgs Osrsruu sn uw rum ul S ~~ ,QQQ. UQ payabk <br />io said AtiSClC7A7:t3tt', repay to ;;ud A`~~€X:t_A", i. y: zrpuzt d€~ured all rru:rzcy ?tv :t paid !ix suafi rocs, asscssnrrnts arul wsurance wrth iniereA ai <br />tht mavtnum it:gat rain thrtrctr !r.rr~ :sir of pay~szt art . •i z+~hxk Mortgagor tstseby #g:c~-as tes pag, prrnui nu wasEe t,n sxed prtsntists, ictep and tutnpiq <br />with alt tlw a~eennnes and wndnrwts of tht tictnd for S 55 ,QQQ, UU rtes day gwtn by ihr sand Murtgzsgur w coal AS3(xYA'1'I()N, and comply <br />with ati the reyiiuerisents ui the Cunsattstsun aad Sy-Lowe of sad ASSO1.:IATtUN, !htn ti[esr pres~tnis shall become nuR and void, otixrwrss they <br />shat) remaur m toll toter arsd ;ray tee torecbsed at the uptwn of the caul ~tiSO(;tATt(Nv atfet fadtut for ihrei: monttu to nuke any of Basil <br />payrntnts w t,t that nuxzitu m arrttie m rnaitittg aanf nwnthiy pay nrants, ur to kelp and comply with the agrreatents and condztwns of said nand-, <br />aril Akmga~x agrees iu 'ruvY :; :rcesvrr appuic:trd fer!ltwrth rn sus;tz farectosure proceedings. <br />I[ there rs airy ctunge sn uwritiship ui the real estate zrwrtgitged hereto, by sat ur otherwise, then the entire remasning indtbtedrua hereby <br />secured shall, at the uptiurs of The tyuitabk Huddwg end Lout Assau:iaiiwz of t;rarui islasrd, Nebraska, txwme utumdiateiy due and payabk wsttwut <br />further uutice, uil [},e aouiurn renraususg due wrdts said txntd, grid atg~ uttttr bend fur any addnion:il advances nude thereunder, stun, from rite <br />dart of expt:sse of said optwn. bra: mtarect et ttce zraxtmuns regal rte, and then rrwngagr nay then be furcefozed to satisfy the artwsint dtie un said <br />band, and any W}atr 6esrsil for addilw:ul adraacea, tugrttirr with alt sums paid by card 'fhe k:gwtabk; 8utlding and Lunn Asstxiatiun of (:[and lsiand, <br />Nebraska for mswxrscr, roars and asvtsazssenta~ and abstraczsitg txttsssarn .:hargts, with usuresK thereuu, from date of payua~ni at u'u stsaxunuxn <br />~ rate. <br />As pcuvukd m the. H[itid si:tweil fterrby. wtuit thss rriurtgagr resizaiiss a+i effect tlu inuctgagte tray hrieafter advance additional simss w the <br />makers of said 9nnd, Usrie asitgna iu suc,:tssuri in +ntr[rst, whiz:3z sums shall be wittun the security of tNs trwrigage the carne as ihr funds urigirsany <br />secured the[eby, ihr total anwunt of prirwipaf ilebt ever tc. excYed at an} time the ursginat arrkunt ut this nwrtgage. <br />~~atea uus 2~ s t ~ ref April ~. n., l v fi0 <br />,. 7 ;~ <br />matey ,k7~r~=- -__.._ <br />Y~ ne S. Thomas} <br />S1'A1'£ OF NkB&ASICA, { ss. (ht this ~ l S i; s+fay of Ap rt ~ iri 8O . txfwc riu, <br />CfyUN7"f tJF tlALi, if <br />the undrrsigrtrd, a 4«tary Pubis. rn acrd fur said {:aunty, izrryrnatiy urrte <br />Marley Larry Thofnas/and Yvonne s. Thomas, each in his and her own riQht, and as spouse of <br />@aGi1 6thQr _' whJ are pcr+.oriany krimwn to <br />also ~"-~rtey L. Th(xnas <br />rrir W tie ihr identu:al pcrv:m S tza ~ AY'-~ affixed to t. r aLhrve rstz wsui.t a> murigagus u and I h@)+ severally <br />~ ~ <br />aE3knuw12eiyCt! tht aid instrunttrt b1,* ~~ ~ r vcrhi act and virtu <br />87Tirf,h5 ray h~ Nctatsat S[-a? ttlr ia(~u=.rsard •~~ <br />Nestart Pubter <br />