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~i~ <br />~~' Mt3RTGA(#E <br />Tfitf3 f*tDBN?~. made tisiz _.._... __-.15Ch_ .. ..___- day :~-.---Rpri 7__ .- _ _. 19 ~_. by and Detweea <br />-- <br />Robert t. I11riDenhp~MeT' and Thelma- M, Umbeiltkxwer~husband and w;fe,_~Ch ln~tj~.a~.~r rat <br />rigttt~i]d_~S_ c a~ -nf ..the~therr. _ ---. __ .. __ __. _._ __ _ _ . _ ._---. - -_-- - --_ --- --------- <br />of,~.__.ilil]]_.___~_.Gro4y. Kebeaeira, r nwrt~or5~-..~ , Had Grand Iskaad Treat Company of Grand taLed, a rsrpioratios <br />organized erd erdstirtg cedar the taws r>f Nebraska wish its prinapai nfflce a~ place of bruiseea at Grand Ialsnd, Nebra~ra, as->: <br />WI'1'NESSE'i'H; Tbztariidmoetargae_._.__,forrmdiaooatirrno3tlreeamo[_-.___..___.~_..__._.__.. <br />Three Thousand Two Hundred Ninety nine dollars and 86/i00 **** 3 zgg,~~ ,,~ <br />._____-- _ ----------___~.-_.___~.. IloOarsfB ___r <br />_-- ---_____ _ _--- __ -__ _ __.--. i <br />the nraipt of which is freeeby aeheardedsed. do - --...- b these <br />Y preama4 rnortgaga sad wartarlt unto ~#7 mertgag[e, na eepezpzRit <br />forover. adi the toibarfng desafbad teat estate, situated in the County of ,__ .-~ .. , ~. <br />.-~i3.1.~__._._._. _------~-------~- <br />` and State of Nebraska. to-wii: <br />The Southerly One Half (S~) of Lots One (1) and-Two (2), in Block Twelve (12), <br />in Arnold and Abbott's Addition to the City of ,rand island, Hail County, <br />Nebraska. <br />Ttigethtrc with ad tfeaua>t, air conditroutng, iigirtutq. and piumbiryt equipment and f'iatures, including screens, awnings, storm wfnoows acrd <br />rloen. mrd window elutfna or blinds. uaad oa ar m txrxtnectroa wtt$ said property, whether the same era rww lrcatsd on saki property or hereafter <br />placed tfrarean. <br />7'O HAVE A.titi TG HOI.q THE SAME, tagathar with all sad singular the teneroencs. hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be- <br />karyinlt. or itt anywife apywtaiaiag. frmvas, and warrant tfx true to eba earns- Said :nwgagor 5- -hereby covenant ~- with said <br />mortgages t_naz - _ ~ My -__3C'ts. - , at the delivery hereof. she lawful ow~r c- of the premu:as above ecraveyed and deaeribt~, <br />sad ~~ srzerf of a gwd arxt mdefeasibia .wrote of rnheritano3 tbererrr, free arui cinar of all encumbrances, and that __t. he}L._- wdf <br />warant amt defend the roue ti~reto forever against the siairtti~3 and damant~ of all parsons whornsp?ver- <br />f>RL}Yf Ul;i) Ai.tMAY`~, anti tads uttctrumsat is i=z cutad ant daLre,ud m>cz~rre thrr paytrmnt ui she sum ut -_ ... - _,- <br />Three Thousand Two Hundred Ninety_ Nine dollars:. and_~3bj100~tfa,~ia_3 29,8¢- _ ,_____l. <br />with interest thereon, tugaahrs with sorb charges and advacra~a ea may ba due artd pay sb~ w aeuf rrwngaget under the terms and conditions <br />of the pmatieaory rata of suss daW harawith and seetirsd Etaraty, ezatvted by sar:l mortgagor 5 - , u said nwrtttagae, peya6le as expressed <br />.in said ante. and to aacura Cho p~focmance of art the terms sad coaditirms rontairrad theceia. 'tire ranee of said ante are heaebY incorporated <br />6erafn by this reference. <br />it is the iatmtion Graf egreenamt of the parties heron that Glrfa mortgage shall also secure any tuwre advacw~ made to said rrxvtgagcrr _S_ <br />by said mortgagre, sari say arxi aU, indebtedness in addition m the aawunt nbove stated whicL seat tnortgagurs, or any of them. may owe to <br />acid atortgagae, however evtdeacad, whether by torts, bwk account ar at:hecwiso. This mortgage shall remain m full force and effect betww~n <br />the patties hareW and tf,eir hems, parsaaal ra},ruaentaUVas, successors and assigns. until a3] amounts xxurai heruund v', incErniing Luau rr <br />advaaoea, are pard in foil with iatarvat. <br />The mongagor .$,_ .hereby assign .. _. w said mortgabee aU rents and fnratne arisinK at any and all cross from said t>ruperty and <br />hereby autbruua said murtgagce rx Ws agent, ae its option. upon default, to take charge of saki pro}xuty and collar:t all n:nts and income <br />thna#rom earl apply tdre acme to the pay moot rst irstazr¢et. prineipei, insurance premiums, taxes. essassmanes. rapeirs or imprwaatmts <br />rlacxesaary to keep said ptn{rnrty is ttrrarrtabla tnndrtfon, =rr W uChtr ehargaa of paymanta providari for harafn or in the rwu hereby secured. This <br />rata, aeaignmtatt ahrli contiruw is force until the unpaid bakrarx: of said outs is ftdly pakl. 77ae taking of pusaena»n lteruandar shall in nu rnaaner <br />-At+bvanS or retard- aaid~ taortgasee itr tAr milsctfoa of sod soma by foraaiwure ra trt~vr~. <br />'the fa1::.~ of ;.~ ,~tpa}pac w a:~.: „, of ;!,, ::ads htra•»:.dcr at ae}' ! tore shat .^.M fW c•:.~Cr:tcd as a wai4•cr ; t ifs : e5se-t ih« <br />aaiae at any blip tune._sad to insist upon and enforce strict campitattco with ati the terms and provisions of saki note oral aE thin rrwngage, <br />tf aa~ mtrrtgtyior S shalt cause Cu ba paitf to saki rraxtgagea.flat entire an:aunt due it harnunder, amt aruier t}re terms and prnvuions <br />of saki Hate bernby aeerared, iaetutitag future advantte, and any axtanswrtk yr renewals tberaoi its ac+:ordauca with lha tarnvw and pa,viaiuru <br />tkareuf. alai ii acid ~.. 5,,,._,. ekwtS eompiy wn.h alt the pmvrekxaa of eprrd sore and of chfs mortgage, tbea these presents aball !xe vu:d. <br />axharwiee w ramafn ,n ~ force sad etfitct, ^ad said mortgaytx shall be entittari tr+ the poaseasien of all of said property. acrd ruuf. at its =>ptiwr. <br />dodos tke wiwis ut said trots sad a8 aarktbtadaeae repteeeatxf thereby u he irntxrudtately due amt payable, and may tararlose tips rrwrtga}lr <br />Of take any Otirel legal action to pratact its right. Apprriaement waited- - <br />Tbia rmrtgtgie skaif be t>rgdrt,A upam and shall emus w the bartntit of the haux, eiaruWrx, adminretnWra, !+uccvranors and aasrgns ai tht <br />reapar:tiva prcraias harew. - <br />- 11i Vs 17:sfk+~;3 V`Hl4tti;Gk', said Mortgsgur S. M iC€. hergorrtu xt, - head. S.. the clay nn>i .ear Cubs alnn--<• <br />wntf:[a } d _ <br />+' - / <br />r <br />_ _ _. ._... . ~~»... ~_... v_~... _' ' _ _ _ <br />ThE7ma Vii. !.#~}berhower .._. <br />