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TislID Ilt~}A'tY:NC01t Y'ISR17di0>~t f70tr1LlVPx A1ND ACftE~ <br />'/'feat the ;!lerS~r wiH pay the era->4efine pte~e~ <br />~~i~t .. <br />~~~~~ I <br />Tint the Mortpgor:g the tnremr of said praprrty is few siinpte and hap grind right aril tawfu( aut}tarity to sell aryl <br />-.-}r cwtvty khe errant sad tfntt the rai(tr lx-hee atd ek~ai et retry lien err ratambennor. cart tMt 1Morsgsgor wits w•artvnt anrF detetrrL Nre <br />T/ titlr. to said Pmt aR~d~ttte aia?gals-sfat-mains-wlre~roe#~t;-: <br />To pay imaatr~tety when clue aaat-payable afl gertict`al tsres, aperiy:t-tpar.-, !sprtisi ataseosrrrent., .ref«r charges, aevrer stn°. <br />- leer charges, tml a#liei-laltaa an.i charge. against said _ raperty, and alt taxers levi..A acct flr« debt twrureei Ize rehy, and to tarnish the <br />Morigagex, uP-rn teyptest, taint the ,xiginal m qut,a. ate reee(lMs there(eu_ TAr I4lortgagor agrreQ that tharar .hrd( br added io <br />each aamibiy pagmeef required f:rr«uruier or muter the ev-uirirc« of debt seevred p: rehy an amount r:timatrd Fry ttte A#nrtgagre <br />to 4e sttlllr'te~t' t0~- the bGaE!tiryyfer to fray. as They taPCOme chic. t~-is=is, aaeesamintt. and stmifar charp»s apttn the prwn~ <br />ices whjnt (lei rtl'4: 8ttq dr~6eernr tw~cae>,*r t tq sazffrrn•nec Y euc} adr!itirsnat Parm =ntv shalt trr tr rthw+th sfr{rtscrrr¢( by !h« <br />blartgagot with ifse 41ortKaq«.+ t ,n :!cetera- .. i. 41 r+~x¢e Any .irfauft ;, n,..- th-. tearagraf,t: stta{4 4»• =it-rrru•rf a ,fr•fautt in <br />;taytnert nt taxmt, a~r+astnenis, r viasitar rharq«-v r.•Qurni tter ,o:u#r~. <br />~~~. Ttrr Mrr tgagar err; re~e. ?hat them .ha?i alrK. he adrh-d to c:3r» :r.<,nthly payment =+f t:r+retiral anal inlerw! regaared lsere- <br />usidvr an amount rRSi rtnateri hp' th« 1Ir: rSgagc- t=, 4x~ ~os('ict.-ni t, .-r:a}+h• S's. 'alt>rt¢a <br />ge.• . > t,:r- . a. =t M•e„rr,:~s <!u.- the ,nw,r caner <br />_ prat-3M. <»t arty ir>3urartc, i+'+Fetiv .rhvrrr•et t t - \t,,rir;agee ir~a~serrt~ t±vcaus.- - ( s ,netit&rxnc~ ;,t .urh addiucma! lay- <br />. ,paella vita}T he! Eort}:wszh c}E•IuKrtrd F.5- the ?.i<.rtRe.r.... :.:th t}+n 'Sqc rr{._~ager ••trrn Avma ,rf h~• thr 'vtntigagty~ 4ny r4efauLl under ?h[s <br />paragraph shelf rte de.=mr+, a .iP[~u;t m t?u• payment,# ;nauranre prr•miutrta if thr- p,-Fi,S ,,r ~.nteriK rfr•{tnaita:f an• sutfi ere hntrw- <br />~t~rrwrtaYS nr afl rssk {*-rl ir-++•t, and ttx.• :#et>.>;,.; rrt a ..+ru~rtx•nt ;:. rhr• <.rtf :rr [ rrm:rnr; tree ;i~+rtgaK.•.• r±~:a•. :i>ply .hr d*=; «rvrt to <br />VY/pay premturns •,n rs.+,tz. r,Klutm+i r.• hr r...,-n+i h, ih+, nu:rtk;,r~n y, <br />PawmaaES ...axle hr !?. .,,,rzca:`•:r x,n;t,.r +t:,- :<I>.;x,~ ;;a;a~rSPht ruay xt tka- ',[zil-ten r,t f}+e 4irxrtgagre- trr held »r :; anti <br />r°+:mm+ngto*-f ~s~tth ,Kher .... !.:rr<. ,- .... -., , ,}i, y a-,me.rt ,d ..+r h --r n:~ :cn.4 unrri =n ani•ttr,i. crrr4f p;avmrnts am herwhv <br />pt«dgerf ere wrvnty h:r 'hr ;. ,::a:,i Fa::mrr ~, r,+r ze,:rr;r:'r r.,.:obtr.-ln:-:,c <br />7`c> yns-u re. «D-,ter c,, -:nd >,e.; nia u+ f,:r - ., z,=5; -, -,. ~==rte»gcr• •s r F rh<• irfe ,;f thin mnrirage uz:ainal p.,frree± and <br />- renewals t4terrof, daily -i st i. ac .,n ={A,~ -f-err r. ~ -a. -, - ,c t. ~ .:rte, nsarmg a;;amst ftre erne ,fl her t, su rarde <br />hasatds. ;?aauaitits- and c-rent:ngenrtrt av thr 'viottg:tyew mays require. i'n an .vmaunt equal to the indehtadneas .rated ,by thin <br />42origagr- and in +?r..^tt.anre-: ~ra:-: t „c4;:.~ *, ., ~ ., -,.. ....- ~iac..<r .r f.,,.,r , f arsi a+t f.,r+rs aaavt>inifiw t.> t}rs• \tnrt{za~ <br />_ qre in thr ezrnt err. s- { !icy :, .-..t r. n. ,,r t~ -.. ...~~. ..-, .-ss ,.a-. .:. !.,- Ai,.rzgas;.v may i:r„curt rnwrarce „n thr_ <br />tarlrravement-s. ;wy the Pr, unurca ti-rr~d, r .+na ,. !- • -al' Le ., ..-, I a:i: ,,u. ;,nd 3, re~ahi« -,.~>ih cart rest at fhe rate srt <br />n ; <br />Earth in wad r.e?r~ ~rt,..1 _.r<i+ak! '. .,: r.:] 1:-. ~,.3::,err,.._}:.. :!,.r+„:,g.. - +-rn+sh -,ah ~wa7r <br />as are hr-rrtn r.~durr<-n ,r fnilu:.- t t.a~ ,. .,,,...., .., i . t, r -„ ., sz , ., r z~n , -.r *!<,- lt, rr;;ai r, „atrt r ~, f.•faal: <br />under ibr t~ rmr: ,r( ti,; n=rt;;es .+}• •t i,.. „f ..., tY•5. .., . - _~. «.rnr -.t ,r,u:. .n«u n:i,- at ctur~rnrni ., r+.,« u.. <br />earn«ri pr«tnrum. <br />AnY vamx r.-cetv~ri ~,v ,...- \l,~rrtag.+- ; . trae„n •-.t s. .: ~?mn+ur m+ur«+i aaa:n+r. etas t~r• r•-t»rn+-a by the \inrigagee <br />an<t at~f,JttMi t<.w~ani t ta^ i~e.m.•nt ,t r ,. t ...>, r+. ,. .: .at zFr --e ,. ., _,! s . -4::; t_akw-. ;u.:h .•rrnr. r:t F:rr uh,.{1ti „r ,n <br />pars nra! hc- pard ,.vet _ tht• Si.,rLxui;,.r t , i~~ ea=st r< p au - r --?_ - ..:-?:na,-, ,.r ,., t -=i€rf new tut.rhnk~ ~ . '+-err i,iarr ,-r 7=-r ,u;c <br />s)rtter t?ttrtH»tr %,i r,hjert ssi:~faa i,,r4' I,. f;:.` tj.'.rt;;ak+-'~' '.+:'.1vW1 ~„ ten} i... ~ ,,., th,' rn,.rtgai+r' rr.r t45r t!:,1 int. :: r;t .+„r .-~,.-re` <br />- by t>f*turr :uch Fraym«n[ .'tier [,n,k ;,iae+• . <br />'i',a t,r+unieti}• =ri-atr. .., 4,.+• •.r .. .,.. - -- r ,.. „t.f r:._s=,rrrts ~ - t.e; Ynit,=r :.r: tttK , mt-a'.. whx-h :nay }tt• <br />esrr+^ damsgerf or dent rnyri 6 .i tsrrmtwt-swr w i , ,ttdrtr-r, athti roq:a.: err, ~i ... tr,an n >. ,..,..nnrr tarn a,r ether e+eri or <br />r°lsirxa u[ ;=+-n rv,t o-zpY- 7 ~uh+:rr3i=,ate,i +ac. zhr t.rn iss-~ .E :..-d t;r ,+;r3T.~,r „- , ~.rmt a;.;aWirxl r )t s, -uev ic, .~ ra .,n <br />- vau3 prrlterir nor zn fterr?.rt ~. rite ..n aui trtentt?-rs. r-_-fr ti, ,4t+ y ~ = r.thrr 's,'i wh.-r.-t,v ttir trn.i.r-ty hcrrt!s t vrvevrd she!! 4wcume <br />l~ valve}>i€. nut to ,#amuaah c nntsa:r +., vai~f ws, acct art .,, ~:m+~an wt ;,. a, r .,, ,- w,t:i-. ., rth sii rryu+rrm«ut. of law wah r~.pect <br />to thr mortgage} t,rertzt~ -_ and rth« u:.r tta; recd <br />1'n.a s:wui., C.< {r..n~+•.., .-s an, i--<z ...._.., ia- zs,,,~,+ -,rs:, qgt-, :,.-.. ,. _. -::. ;.. - :,,,nz.,.<ar.,~nr ,.. utr r.:na, n,n <br />prca`r-e:ling. •rr .r tv(er •t_ sht :=t ~«~ur>•,rnt +3•aua-,tr. ,.. ~: an+: <:f?+a~ etean^,.•, tow A4:.rE ergrr =hw}! Fu~ rntitl •r' t., :.:t ...rri"'nsatien. <br />awards, and -: ny ntfx•r parr:x•ra : r~G.•f th .-r •r.:taclt vhail tW en U7tSed, at cis -,poor fn ,~anntenav appkar in arni prtx~soute in tts <br />t.w~ ttariur arcs +~+•'tf .r r r r,_-+_-~:i-„~. Ur i.. craw= ..a ~.sRny,r1y7,- • ., ~.itir r. s- a.- + uali-. ex .rtte atx`h taking, nr :7atnage. Afi nuch <br />-.- - -. a'waRts, dattsagt~. ,-tiih4 u# aitu3n ?auf ;esaxrad€ gr} ':eretry a~tFrttzi E:> f}:e Ri:,rtgs~r.+. atte. ntay- a(tvr r:xtu.°t+ny; <br />thettrttrttrt aN its rrx;aeetws. release any nuvteys as te;etvau# try ,t er apyty the sett • tin any tntlrbttvtness secured herehy. The M+>r4- <br />ga~i agtaeR tta atutcute viixh fateit+ar aastgnmawtts st any ctnrrt+enxalruta- awarrts, damages. aru) nghtx of acttun aml prarewla as the <br />iittfrtgraw tatty- !+rtWire. <br />That in caaa n( {ailare Lu t)erium anY e~f ttta= r«venentr hereix+. the _tlsutgag.-e Wray ~~o un the ?stt,rtgagor's fwhal[ r.erythittg <br />ao Crrvertanted; fttaL the llurlgagee ntay ai>M; do any art ti naay dr+em necessary tr. protect Ehr ftrn th«raw (; that the Mortgagor wilt <br />''eWY upat demand any murteva itetid or dishu rear( by tkre Mortgaq«e fur any rd the aMwe purlxrse+t, and such maneya tagettier with <br />lntlrrat theroon tt the rata" provided i.n laid mote shall #1r•e?rm+r .. much addthcna{ zndetNxfne.-w hrrrhy ~.•curcd and may rte tm <br />.. - - --+dadad ist any decree (rNes.'lctsrttg thty metrE(tage arul },r ttatd •-•ut . ( hr rt ni - prr+ce xts of ale of aard prrttntses if not ntherwtae <br />patd; that tt atb,U ntst he oWigatury upatn the Rtoregagre to :tayutre +ntn the valtdtlY +( any lien enrumtrrarars, s.r claim rn ad~ <br />vsptsnL-murreya alt al'xrva auttmnted- tart ntrihtt~ txerein rurttetned shall ta= construed ss rextutnng the Murtgagaw trs advance any <br />taotreya lac leap each puriwse tent to dtr any act herruntkr; and That Mortgagee v}tall runt incur any perwnal haMGty hrcause of any- <br />tttjty tt-aaay ekt err oaYi W ty, Mareuruior. <br />in the aveni ++f the rie(autt 6y .Murtangr+r is the paymi.nt of any tnsta}Iment, as ra-rtuuw} by tfw t~otr ,•.I h..•rr~try. ,+r <br />itt-the pasformar¢e rt( the a6liaattun in thin mortgage su in the carte secured thttretty, the :dortgage« shell he entriint rt<r der.tanr the <br />dsEtt tagArad he diss and ppypbte witiuatt nutlet. and tFt« Muttgpgar shad he entitled at its option, wit4urut antler rather by rlNrlt <br />t>i ~y a tt3R4`aEU_rv ~ Ae apitadated by the Court thpree.(, anti eyithout regent to the prfequacY n( any security feu the Indebtedness se- <br />_tt~abY, kn trri'trrF-Tt~au: l a3cas {,as+`rc~rtc~.+sur rr( :ka rm>rtgaB,Ud 4~r«misr.., anti i~: e- 3 , a:;Sf °e~ivr fha rFat+: i~:u+°a acrd }rrsdit• <br />ihr,-tiixl apply the tllnr, }!cp z>.3sta r,f rrpr•ratisus 3n!t-cc,ttr+r:Lion. ap,.n the sndeht.ritia5.s rune red by thtn mortgaq« sar,1 rrnrs. <br />itttats and prniSM IaelESg heresy antign«d to the Mnngarirw as furttr«r w-rttriry tar ttw tsaymxnt of ail iredvtNecfneaa secured heretry, <br />TYae tH,trrtq~rrgee ~rltaU haver the parwer Fn. ap(tautt arty agent „r age-nt= it may dt+sue for ih~ porptvsF of rrpatnnq .std prem~ <br />htte; rrtt4rttR the eatprir: sxrtigctintt the rents, rsvrrturs arui Isaurne, and it may pay r,ut of +artt rruvrmr all r>tte ave. rrtntrreti to rrnt- <br />Mg acrd tnarxa(3tag dart seiner anti rd calktrGng t}te renYalx tharnTsarrt, '('hr hatattca rrmernrng, tt any- vhall t»- ap(flterl Inward the <br />rltflt'lNr*rt ilrt the triat't$'t{frt ~.-air~'e: Vii,. 'l'hrs a~ignrrwni :s tf. terminetr art+1 6?c,:m.- null an.t ,arid ugrn rrira..r „{ :hta nx rtKagE <br />• ~ <br />~s <br />_._J <br />a.~~. <br />