,;yt~-i~~ ~u
<br />prior to entry of a judgtttent enforcing the Mortgage if: {a) Borrower paps [.order alt sums which would be then due under
<br />this Mortgage. the Noe and notes saying Future Advanus, if any. had tso aecekratioa occurred; (b) Borrower cures aR
<br />breaches of any other oavenants or agreements of Borrower contained in this Mottgsge; {c) Borrower pays all reasooablQ°
<br />rtpenses incurred by fender in entorcittg the cavtnaafs and agreements of Borrower contained in this Mortgage and in
<br />enforcing I,snder's remedies as prcwidedwt lung:pft 18 hereof, including, but not Tnttited to, reasatable atttiroey's fxs; and -
<br />fd) Borrower takes such action as [.snder may rrasonabty require to aasare that the-lien of this Mortgage. Lsndefs iotEreat
<br />in ttY Property and Borrower's obhgatlon to pay the sums secured by this ttfortgagt thalt continue uttitnpaited. Upon sutdt- -
<br />paytnent and cure by Borrower, this MottgajC and tht obligations secured htardfy shall ramie in fad fmoe and dkct as if
<br />no aaekration had occurred.
<br />Me. Aa~asat of Rssts~ A~atttaastst M Racdrest [.elver bs Peasaasias As additional security hereunder, Borrower
<br />hereby assigtcs to Lert<kr the rents of the Property, provided that Borrower shatl, prior to aocsktation under panFt 18
<br />hereof or abandonment of the Property. have the right to collect and retain such tsars as they becoaae due oral payable.--
<br />Upon acceleration under paragraph t8 hereof or abandonment o€ the Property, Ltttda, in
<br />judicially appoitu~ receiver, shall be cntit~ to enter u rate Pa+~+. 1'Y agent or by
<br />rents of the Pr p°n~ possessimt of artd matutge the Ptoptatp sad to collect thc- -
<br />operty, including those past due..Al1 rcros coll~:ted by Lender or the receiver shall be applies Bast to payment
<br />of the costs of managrattent of the Proptry and colfertion of rrnts, including, bttt na limited to, reeeive~s tees, pretniurm on
<br />roceiver's bonds and reasonable attorney`s fees, and then io the sums secured by this Mortgage. Leader acid-the-receiver
<br />shalt be liable to recount only for there retts actually retxived.
<br />ZI. lyrswe Advassses. Upon request of Borrower, Lender, at tender's option prim to rtstrase of the Mgrtgage4 ntsy.
<br />mats Future Advances to borrower. Such Future Advances, with intetm thereon, shad be secured by this=Mine when .
<br />evidenced by promissory notes stating that said netts are secures hereby. At no tune shall the principal amount of tits
<br />indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. not including soma advarrred in accordatxx herewith to protect the aeptrity o€ this...
<br />Mortgage, excsed the original amount of the Note plus USS. 5.00.e 0;0 ....:.:..
<br />ZZ takaae. Upon psymmt of all sums seettred by this Mortgage, Lender shall discharge the Mortgage srithart
<br />charge to Borrower. borrower sha8 pay all costs of recordation, if any.
<br />Ix Wtrfar:~ WaElteoi=, Borrower has executed this Mottgtsge.
<br />Jium,Y~;lFfar,.e ~ --
<br />Peggy J. Kaoe~' ;f.~`~ ._ .
<br />SS.
<br />COSJTITy OP !'IALi ;
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before the this 1$th. .day of. .
<br />ttRr~i, I9.8~, by .J3mQti8 J..l'1dGe.aAd.PCSFY.J. hldFkls ht155arid,aIId,srj.f$ .
<br />witness my hand and notarial seal at. Gretld ,?$lr~rr~lr, 2ipb~a~ska , .
<br />in said County, the date aforesaid, f'""-°~
<br />~~~ :rotary Fuhlic ° .
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<br />- ~`"1'tlaDii.~i,i,j~,_tt8id t3Y TtiF;SE PRESEtiTS, that. .
<br />("Assignor") faz`-audr,vaiuable consideration to i.t in hand paid b a Mort-
<br />. Bogie Finance Fund, o~9aniz• e~ q~wa of the St. a f"Aasignea"F, tree
<br />° rtroe.ipt pf whicrf COtisideration is tsar does hereby assign, transfer, and
<br />ask ausr unto Aaa~ ta, title, and inters a that certain Mort-
<br />. ed 1ay , , unto
<br />