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~}"".. +~ <br />Mf3RTGAGE <br />THIS MORTGAt3E is made this...... , ,18th ,.. ,day of..... NExil ................., <br />........... <br />t9.. 8171 between the Mortgagor,. s7~iggtie .A.. t .sod. Pegg3r_ ..I..3fase htisitat3d. and .wife..... , .... . <br />.................... . ................. (herein "Bonowcr"), and tht Mortgatiee,. Caaataere3al Fedex'a.2 <br />..`~. ;`Age .aAd. I9dfl A$$oaiati,oa .............................. a corporation organized and exisoiag <br />under the taws of ...13~t~S)Cd . . ............................whose address is.. P.A« .bpY.11A3 ...... . <br />.124NDL9wti .$#atli+IS,,. QWaha.. 2t~bx38ka.. 5$.1131 .........................therein"I,ettdet'"). <br />WtteAe,-s, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of..ThirSy..Trto. thortasrzd.and xe>.loo-- <br />...----.......... ---- ....--. -. -~~32,44A..RQDoltars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note <br />dated...Apri,1.18,.198Q ........ (herein "ivote"}, providing-for monthly itzstaifinents of principal and interest, <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable oa....May. l .....241Q.......... . <br />ToSrcunE to Lender {a} the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Mote, with interest thereon, the <br />payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />ltr&rrtgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the tepayraent <br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 22 hereof (haeirt <br />"Fntttre Advaarxs"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following deacdbcd property <br />locetted3n the Cotmty of.. X1,1 . .................................... State of Nebraska: <br />---Lot Five (5 ), in &lock Txo (2) of iiarrison's Subdivision of the Soutltyest Quarter <br />of the Sotrtheast Quarter (SYIIJ4SE 1/4) of Section 8, Taxnship 11 North, Raage 9 ifsest <br />of the 6th P.M., in i{ell Covaty, Nebraska.--- <br />wlt~it rite addt~s of.. ,1512 No Lafayette .. .. ..... . .. . .... ... ~t~and. Ts1~3d. , .........., <br />tstraatt [e~tyl <br />Nebraska 68841... e ........ (herein "Pruperty Address"}: <br />. • • .... tstrh sAa 2i~ corn - <br />ToasTrtER with all the impcovementc nary ur hereafter rrerted rnt the property, and al! casements, rights: <br />appurtenances, renu. rayaitie,, ruinerat, ail and ga.; rights and profits, eater, water right, and water stock, and all <br />fl7ttures tww or hereafter attax:hed to the pra(xrty, aN of which. including rcirlaccrnents and addipuns thereto, shat! be <br />deemcti to be and remain a part of the prrz;pcperty covered try this Mortgage: and art of the foregoing, together with said <br />Perry (or the teasettoid estate if tttis Mcrrtgagc is x?n a tca,ehnid) arc herein referred h, as the "Prx>perty". <br />Borrower covenants €hat Borrower u tawftalty sWScd of the estate hereby onscyed and has the sight to mortgage, <br />grant and x.onvc.y t~ t'ts+pt;tty, shat the Praprty iz usre.ntusrctxre,1, arrii that Rttrrx,wer wits wdrrant and defertd <br />gc3tendty the tits tct the Fraperty agtrirrst ctit :~aitzts and stettsattJs, sutag^x~~t tt. any deciatatixnxs, eacntetats ar re~tricziatx~ <br />fisted rn a ~heduie nt esuptizttrti to c+,eragL n am t:tic rnsu,atx-' iu~:s ~:;=urir,rd i ttdrr'. inters~st in rite Frxt~rty- <br />2ibSF'Tr~ 3;`flo <br />