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$Q.JlG1b"?'4 <br />t r:trl:_r's wr;nisr ,egrcrrtt[nt or rt'f't+iih#.. !,y. file •s r,,•=rr sh9ti +ey :h[ ams*rmt ,sf x#1 mnrt~apt imttr:erpc'e prrrsti+rms ;•t •hC <br />manner pr nvufc.f tender pxtaErxph ~ hereof <br />1ny an;aunts dnMrrsed 6y t remise a=[rsva,-,t t,• this psraeraph '. wrth intrresr th[reon. shalt t+ecome addittanat <br />mdeM[drtrss s,t Borrower secutrd by thtc M1frxtgagt i'nkss Burrower atn3 Lender agree to o[fier itrnts ref pawtrtem, such <br />am<>r~rRS shal# t,r payable tsprxr nr+iire frr*m 1 end+tr to tinrrr.wcr rexitrectin$ pa}'ttitnt thereof. amt shag hear ineerest frrttn the <br />date of disMtrserrtent at the rate patal+k from time Tn tune r,er nrNatartdirtg pr'incipat uttdrr the Ytxe unless payment tsf <br />/ni[trsl at xtrch raft wooed tae enMran• fie appticaist[ !aw. ;n wF.rch [vast v~h amn+ettit JtaB isear interest at the hightnt rate <br />permieat}rk under appficabk taw. Nothing ccsntaitsed to this parattt•aph T shag re4itirc I.etider to incur aay expense or fate <br />any action herentttier. <br />E. lpectieo, i enz#rr may make a>r ~atnte to he made reasrmahlt entries upon and +nspectio+is zd the Property, provitlttt <br />That Lender chai2 give Borrower notice prier is any snch inspet:tinn enecifving reasonable ca++se therefor related to [tender's <br />ineerest in the Priem'. <br />9.- Ctstndetrtnstlon. The pr,,ceedc .,f ant' sward „r :iaim for damar;ts, direct or ctmset7trtntial, in canttection with am <br />condemnation nr outer taking ~rf the Pr,~pert+. <,r part ihrreof. tzr for irmvryance in Iieu of condemnation. art herc#ry assigtttxl <br />and shall t+e patd to Irnder. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property. tAc ;_rrrcredc tih:tlt F,c applied to the cams secttred by this Mortgage. <br />with th[ exc[cs, if any. paid in Rnrn~.ver in the event .,; x partial takin¢ of the Property, unless Borrower and tender - <br />ntherwise agree in wntin{;. there shall Ek apt,hrd rn the ,r[rtts sernrrd by this Mor[gaite such pr(tpnrtion of the prtseeeds <br />as i< ogees{ to that prr,pnni~n which the : mrrttnt of !hr sums secured ht~ this ~fnnga¢t immedia[dy prior to the date of <br />taktng heave nr the fate market vane[ of the Prapr•rty ;snmcdraten' prior to the datr of takm¢, write one iraixncc ni ii,c prta;eeds <br />paid M Rrrrnwer. <br />ff the Prnpxrtp is :handenetf by Rnrn•w::r. nr +f. utter nonce by t endt:r to Borrower that the condetttnnr offers to make <br />an award nr settle :+ .:laim for afarilag.-i. Rani=Nrr faiiY to I[stk~no to [-l`ncltr wnitln 36 days after the date suite natitt is <br />marled. I..enclcr is authorized to cotkct ;end apt-i}~ the prnieeds. at 1-eru}cr's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Prnpcny nr r:+ tht stem, ,r~urrd ht- this MotrYaee <br />L'nlris [enter and Borrower rttherwicr a~rce :n ',-firing, anv sn.h apphcstinn of prc,ceeda to principal shall not rxfend <br />or p;,stpnn[ the slue :late :rf the mnnrhtt ;nctaifm~;n=,s referred to in i,aragraphs t and ?hereof or change the amount of <br />Such mstalimente. <br />t0. Borrower tiW Refsa_sxxl, E'strnx+nn • - tt~ itratc for ^ ^;rnt nr medificati.^^-n of smortiz~sion of th[ cams ~ tired <br />ivy flees 41nrt}•ahr wranird he Len,fer t.• anq ~:,.~a.. , :n interest of iinrrow-er .hat! not o#rcrate to release. in any manner, <br />rhr ii;tbiiiiY •rr ihC..uiytati B„rrnwer :,,, it-r ti ~ ~. crsvor, ,n ;ntirest Lender hark not he rcyuired o> cotnTnence <br />Rrile~aM>~a~~ir or ~cl c r._ ..r n~ .me roe caamer.t o; „th[rwise ntixlifl~ nmor€ization of the items <br />d h)'O~rasnn .'f :nL d_ttta n<I snadr Mt the ,rriRrnai I?t,rrr,w cr .a,d Rittrow•r is snciesa,rc in interest. <br />;`y~ ~tiut a 1Var rr In xhe. -ra:t- ht 1..:rd r in eser.isint ,env rtgh' nr remrdl• hereunder, fire <br />iTl'f~fWIS1"Y!m'fL~f'9ti'""".SSpjfttc3Rie !aw, -.+t,;. .s-.t ,,c ' wa, ' f ', :,rerl:tue the eserciu ,.i :nv ,uch nttht +,r rrmrdl'. <br />Tttc przxurement of incurattre ar the ;,,scnrrrt ;,..-, .,., ,r .:fiber (• tr. #.cnder Shall nrn ere t -.+:rrvrr „i I ender } <br />rrght to aecetrratr ihr ytaturity , !hr mCTCht[dt._-. , rc,l {rr th,. tif;:rtcape. <br />12. Remedies C'umttlatirr~a~lt •rrni•ir. r,•.:;i.d r, chi. fit..;r:.,r .,-=• di+tina :;na cntnuiative a, anv ,•thcr '+eht nr <br />rcmrde under this Mi,rtpagr ,tt aff,u,icd ), _ : _! ,-tL _ ,;nd at he ~- •rs_rwJ .=+ncnrrent h•. nx#c}tcn:lcrtlL ;•, ,ncc.rsh'cN• <br />13. Su[cesson and .1ssi:Ras Bnuttd; .brim ,and lrrrtat f.iattiNtY: (.'aptinrrs, T?tr ~. a~enarst<_ a::d :r}:rccmrnts herein <br />:ontantzd shtai hind. and the riQius .rctr~,,nd"r .e,all •:e, ~a to, the re; pceu'•e sucics.,rc and vr,,tgns of i-ender :, t,d B<•, r,„err. <br />,object to she prob.urns cf parat;rapit ?rct r,, i. 1'i .over.ants at,:i .,enxmen~-.:,I Br>r'owcr shall be }<,nu and uveral <br />~i?tr :aptia>n, ;utsi hrxd:ng, nt i aa:.: ; ---. Hnrtg' ~ rr „ r ....,ven!rrn'r ::ni•: , ;,, ,re •tai .. hr cd .s <br />finer; prof err dcfirte the t?rnrr,+;,ns i,rrrnt ~ - <br />l4. VMkr. Except leer ant' nustir cry;!; red ;,n,te•t ~ppiii,,bie t:t s. ,., hr ,turn ,n an;,ihrr manner. :, .,.,true t <br />Hnrnrwer provided for ,n this St<,rtgagc .tl x ,.~ „ M tnnsling '.uch ,nee ~•L -. .air.! !nati :,ddrexc. st , nc.rt-.. _ at <br />life Prnpeny ~ddses „ ~i ,uch =ether ; r'r,,. .n~ R see=wet n, rt tkwgnaic by notice to t [nice a4 prnr,.i vl !scree :uri <br />Ph1 in}` nottcr t0 Lin[kr rhaii t+c gstrn i., ,ere; fled set nr return tsce.i-: ^t-y;e~titr.i. *:. trotter ~ddsCSa v~u1LU ~, .a, , .-, , <br />su.h other address as 1-coder ma-~ ,.:,t3t-at, he a,t ., 14:..-. wet :s, ^r ._3,.~ -^r-r:•: .fin: , rt:.t t L• ,.,I r' 'ten <br />ASortg:tgr shah to ~rcrneu' t:, h hrti~n ;, r, tc. ti„r r -•: i ~~sdrr ,... L,~;cr. in .-:.~ nisr,rta :i_ tt,s:.rt~ # -.e.,.i. <br />t&. L`niferta tiottgsrge: t;uvrrnin); t a : tir:zraSditr. -, r, , s , .,t rn.`+ ~agc ~ nsn.:-., ,.:.,tnrrn ._, r'L -., .r .. ~.rr,,,l <br />u!.r and ni>n-uniform ::ovrnant+ s. tth iun!u,'• .,,rrurr•, ,t -.:r„ s ~- ,n t,' _-_t _t ~,.tr:. .. --, ..•. .:,. _.: ...-:v, .m ..::_ ,:,erinr• <br />real prcpeni'. This 3tu,rgagr° -, r rrnc.i 's rr,,• ?.. tc -... ,.. - .:, -. - ti tf:c Prn1>rrts ! L ~ni in the <br />c€'Yl ;hat at - rts•r ~s. r,taus .,r~~rr. ii _-r; n ti-t - , t r. ia•.c. -h .i,- -a- a:TCu <br />,tlh[r prs~trvons cf •hn !.1. rt E,acr .n ~ c A ., .,,-r ,.. ., .rfrL. r h-nit hr ~.., ri i, nrrg i,r„, ,.ts ;:. .,ud t=, this <br />read the pro.asiir{tc ,,t the `•fongage u.,...: ~.. a. , ;~_ f,;red = , 'r ~.a'.ct.,V+k <br />J4. Harruwrr's Cnp~. Bee rrw_, .[~,:,_. ,_ •. ,, ,n__. .- „ya.:r nr_d t,L .=1 .c ~: .~ :, -t n <br />.. '~.! •h, ^+f veer„cc ~ t+me <br />cr!. ei<: ,;,rtinfl ti,r ,rttcr rri,,rv.#altcrt• hCr a•,`f <br />17, Transfer of tbt Ptuprtit 1 suntptit n i..; r - ,', n. ~I t'c Yr }u.s s ^ ~.. '.n t. ,. i - -- -. r: ;i <br />by Burrower wrihusat Lcadet~~ . r =. nn, ~ - ,. ~ t,lm,, ~.. - .. , r :,. ~ , .,L w,il ra, ,c ~ ..rz.. ~a ~.r o, <br />thn Mortgag[. (hl rhr :t'ceta•r: ~( ., _ ,_...-„ ;. ~.. ::,r a .... - .., rr ,., ,(r~.he. <br />tlesccrt: or by „prrau..n -•rf :a» i ;a<~ '.L at ., .....: ., . .. , <br />- .:.lei .L :. 1 i`f', p ., .: e. ,. ~ ... .5. -... ... :,t . , s,.t >tr.. : _ !, a• <br />:rnmcd+atdy dtti .md pay.,ble t utd:, ,.,-;: ,,,~ .. ._,i .:., „j .., .. ~„t ~ , , _._ .,..., ...:::is-r <br />and tbC }xrs+xt u, wittnn tiu Ps,~#•er rl ;, t, '+i ., ,~ , . ,r„ ,r.;,i ~ .... ~.. u., n n.,: '` ,. ., :. : , .. ., „-.r: <br />, sattsfai Mty to t-c udci and let -,hc m+aa„ r.r..+ .a ._r ...., .. _:d -~.,. \4 n~,,,~r -. ,~~ t~r. :.h ~. S u3er <br />+hrif request !f 1 Cane: ten., w,nCU .h. ,; t ,. ...., ic.: _- ,fir. ~-}w •,! f#- _ :.r <br />;rtterest ha, >: cecutcd a w7utcr, :c cu ..pu, a: ;errs .. r„F, r_„ , _ , , ,.;rt i ,,.,.~, t.a'r , wr F3 .r. to .,ii <br />nt,lr};att[,ns under tilts Mortgage ar,d the ~i,:t,~ <br />i( i,endar 2aeti lies etch option h` s.. . ,.,.~- i a.,,rr .:,.,;! ma:= ii.,r:; "..i ..,st,dc ,t ..: ,tirr,,t;rnt :., ..-_.-rda:.,. anti <br />paragraph i4 hctrot Such nan>;.r •h.,ii i~t . i,: ! • , ,-t ~ .. tLe.: .. ., rr, -} c :bete t.n- 7,•u~- ,.,uiCti . ,•t,ir. <br />srhkh tiurr„wr~ .as} pat the st. a +~_+.:•~ ~ d-~ '~rii ....,._ __ _ . <br />i.cnckr may w,tktarut tarttu•r n. r.r - -_-, .,nd • ., Its _:. ,, .. • . ,., . c „~ h .. ~, ~ - ~-a. <br />'Yu~-t_'=xtt c.,ast Cut-,:~..}, 8,n:--.a-- >`..._ .,....t .., _. _ .a, ,_;t:,r4,. <br />18. Atcrkratiun: R[Fesedlrs_ Fxirpt as ptu. idrd iu par aXraph t'. alert rut. ;spun Bn+ruw cc's hrrai is of any sun:oyui „s .,.. <br />agrarmrnt ref BatrVwCt is this llrtrtkaµc. iu.iudwrk tote ruaexlr to par "hen <fur an. +unxs +rissreil hl tiri. lturtkuxe, <br />#.ender pric,r to ractlaraliua shall rt:ail twelve rn B.srronrx a. prusidrd fife puragrapis i4 hereof spoil! rice: fife rhr tree ufs: <br />(~) the ttiCFion teQuietd to cure sorb Mrar h: t}t a elate, nest Srr thatt 1q} day. trout tGs d'rie Thr notice is ;nailru rt, F3:a rn„Lr. <br />bl wbis~b such Ixeaeb met+ct tat r+urd: trrar# iJt that taiirrrr to curs extch Nrs•at.h „u o: before the date rirr.i'.re~d in filer rsr,ti.r <br />rutty re31i11 in at`rrlata[inn of the snots cr. tired bt thir ~9uttKat;r, [erriiustue h4 ±+tdis-cal lose :~a~diuX curd +,ile nt [FSC Prnirrrl}. <br />'Ebt nutkre sl+all fartbrr iatarst Barrn+vrt ,.i itx right fir, erittciafr atFrr -srieirratiue :u,ii the nght to :a,r;r in she tot i, hrcmr ~1i <br />p#sxxCCtltgg itte rqR-sa3at€'6ttit n1 a dttw#t uv s+t} uti+rr eirfc~~nzr „f Rterre,,.er to aa'r:~irt att~nt ~auri tort-, ..r~,,,r.~. it rise i.r,-a,-i: <br />t•>. Not inrrr4 tin rv before Ftsr slate spei'itirst is ttrr uuti. e, t rrrdrr ai Lrerrirr's may dri#are „ii tit rhr sun,* sra,,,'rd hr <br />4157fs !4lssra,t to be irrrardfatei; tfrte rend pf•)abte ~ithouf furiher rF[rpand and ntay furrilax "t judic,ai pr,.a <•cdiug. trader <br />•itaYt br tptxtled to i'dlirei is sW:b ptrri erd7tt~ ail rrprnsrr of turecit>_+rua, tnituditriG, t*nI tnN 3tntitrd tu, ,use. nt durunmuta[r <br />ssiaiertcz, a6wtrtu; to seal tittx rtptyrtas. <br />l4. lletrutsrr°w fitaht t>x Rei€~tatc. ,t,. _. , M s ::u ,., .,:-, ,, ., -n,, .rc; :::, ,-, ts..:; ::- <br />B.,Fr~ -.rr .. a:+ h„vc » .igt,- ss- fl,r-e .e:..~ -_t_.,x.ur- .; . - - . <br />