<br />I~ ,7~ ReAI. >~Sr.~Te MolrrcAOl: -- retiraka
<br />1Kr~~ MEN BY THES£ YRF.SENTS: That Rite_A• _J+~4ti!~~ + si&~].e_l~?'6°n _ . hecetnaRer
<br />called mo ~ of m consideration
<br />d'the sum~~e Efio~ n _ _ ---- --- - to Fia
<br />.art,.-.,,n1 F'innn~e3~ - ~ reby grant, bargain,
<br />sell, and mnvey unto DiaC Finance t'omp:tnc of ?~~ -____._____.__ _~_ hereinafter called mortgagee,
<br />of ~_,~ Ball -.._._----_----._ - --- .-_ - { ,runty. State of Nebraska the folktwing described real estate situated
<br />in ____. ~a11_-- ---_----- County, and State af'~ebraska, to-wit:
<br />Lot tett {30jin Block Eight (8), in Scarff Addition To City of Gttaad Island
<br />together with ail the tenements, her~ditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, title,
<br />dower, right of homestead, claims and demand; what_~:riever otthe said i4lortgaKor, in or to said premises or an_y part
<br />thereof: and ~tortKa~or dues hereby cnvenant that ,aid 1lnrtgagor is lawfully seized of said premises; that said
<br />premises are flee from a!1 liens and encumbrances except ae otherwise noted herein, and that i4tortgagor will
<br />warrant and defend it}e title t~ std premiscw a~unst the claims and demands of alt persons whomsoever.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said mortl;a;;ee. provided ahvays. and these presents are upon the express
<br />condition that if the yard mnrtgaRor shall ~}v ! n tul l to said mortt;aKee a pmmrsson• Hate dated April 10
<br />19 _.Efl__ for ~ .~92j.82 _-___ payable in instalments actYtrdin~ tc the terms tl•tenrof, the fatal instslment of
<br />whtrdi is due on .Apr; t t 5__________,____ i9 .~`___ which includes interest at the rate of 2 ;per month on
<br />that part of the unpaid principal hiance not i n excess of 3I .tkKi. t' ' ~ per month un that part of the principal Balance
<br />in excess of ~l,t)(ti) and not in excess o!'.~`,5.ik~(}, and t', % per month nn am• remainder crtsuch unpaid principal
<br />balance, and shall pay :ill taxes and as.,;essments lev}rd upon paid real estate, before the same becomes delinquent,
<br />than these presen!5 to rte void, otherwise u; lx and remain +n foil force.
<br />IT IS 1•'L'R'T'IIER AIiKEED that ;i failure t:: pay any trf ,aid money. either principal ur interest, when the same
<br />bemrne due. or a failure to cumpiw .with any t:i t he Sure};oinc; agreement:. shall cause the whole sum of money herein
<br />second to become due and co;lerv6ie at c;nce at the option of tF.e mnrtgagee.
<br />NOTiCE'CU C()NSUi.HER: t. I)o not sign this paper before you read it. 2. You are entitled to a wpy of
<br />this paper. 3. You may preps} the unpaid balance at any time without penalty and tray be entitled to
<br />receive a refturd of unearned charkes :~ • ccordance with law. f,
<br />Signed this_.__.._ ~r%c.~ ~ciy:tt `~~~~ .l.j) 1 ~ -
<br />b'TATE OF liebr k• ~ti~ r ``.:.~'~?tz-• '-!f ,~` ~+-"~`~'-"","
<br />____ _---
<br />,,....JJ,,~'~/ ~4MtMtKtlrl i .". ~.
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<br />(1n this __----_~_--_.___ da}' of -_ _'~,e~~_- - :l D. 14 3c-. , trelirre tne. the iuuienignrdra Notat•y
<br />Puhhe, duty arrtimt.~aiutted and qualified tEir and r+=adint; ;n _;tid i~ruut~, peruinallt crane-_~;iii~,::i! -_,.~~~,r~'
<br />__-__----__-_-_- .- -.- - to me known to !re the irlrr,uc~a! ix-tyro .tbr„e nnme at3ixed rrr the triregaing
<br />}rttrttn}4?nt <... mrrt e or .`,+; ,r=kr=<•'.rr•r -~ t,; ;;..
<br />tari' act and dyed.
<br />~it'nesa mc° hand and Notartaf k>al the dad .uni ~a•;u• last aixic+• written
<br />4ly Coro€ni~ expi.-e;. heLl,~~ ,~ ~1 d~~ ~ ~-.' J
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<br />__~._._,_.__. _r . tint m- Pt tiu -
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<br />Enured }n Nurttexixal Index and fi}ed ien• r>~oitt .n the ufTice rrf the Regi;aee rrl 1>Nrds of said rxmta~, the
<br />_.,. ~ - _ __. day of .. _ 19 . _-- , at ---...- _ ticlrxk grid -
<br />minuietr ---__ ~3 . and duiF rrxurded in E3rtuk _ - :,rt
<br />Mttrlgages page . .. _... _
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<br />rze,t:..zer :,t rk~d,
<br />wx cne ~
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