<br />EISZE K. ~IESE, a widow, herein called the Grantor, in
<br />consideration of Thirty-seven Dollars and 'itTenty Cents ($37.20),
<br />receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and of the further
<br />agreements herein stated, hereby grants and conveys unto the
<br />CZ T Y OF c;Rr1t~ i? I SLr1.~i3} , PiE~RFISKA ,
<br />a municipal cc~rporatign in riail L:a~.~ty, Yebraska, herein called
<br />the Grantee, r+ permanent and perpetual easement and right-of-
<br />way to Survey, construct, reconstruct, relocate, inspect, repair,
<br />replace, extend, rexno~re, ~:.aintain. and i~perate thereon electrical
<br />transmission .end ;3isrric~..tion lines, zcnsisting of poles, towers,
<br />tower zoundations, clown buys, anchors, crass arms, insulators,
<br />wirea, supports, .end .<ti^.er '_ixtures. rind ec~uip~nt, and necessary
<br />surface saarkers and = rher :appurtenances upon. over, along, above,
<br />ac: ass, ..r„xderreat~a ;fnc °-=,rt tart ..s r_ract =f land comprising a part
<br />~~Y I.nt ;?tree i:;?f, ,sanu. =~,.uate.: in the ;dortheast ~~uarter of
<br />the Sr~.xt;tw.~st =(.sorter =?«E4~Tri'~;r ,! ~;ectiC,~.. "i'went~,:-three f23),
<br />'Cywnmhi~; rlti+ren i'.? '4orth. ~an~e 'tine r9} ':r'e±t ~? ti:e '~t:^: ?'.`_ ,
<br />in Gall ~-au^t~,r, ?~eisra~ica, tease partic?:iar:y described <,3s inLiows:
<br />ueginnix.~ :~t t. c:€~ intersect i=>n - *he snutn tine
<br />•~=f maid ~rrheast ~{,sorter ;=t the `-',c~~ztnwerst :.carter
<br />ih'E~v.~,J ~.ith .a irne :,ne *.housanrl •;ix s~undred tziriti_•-
<br />~even _€nii 'ive tenths t:l.~3f.5) reef Fast. of :end
<br />€'~sr'l l€'.~ w:. '.ft€ 'Rie~i :i"ce =Y =;&lc~ ?-
<br />- `"` . '- =sec .gin "'wenty-three
<br />~2.:) ...:f`rCt ~aStf,'rly aictxE ti4~ °~ctltn ~ine . 3:' =paid
<br />~'or*_heasc =;~uarcer of the S€r:~thwest F-lt:arter (iv'EkSW~)
<br />~~:~~ ~ti~~ ~-~ -'~i~itt£- ivy _. [sj j ,Get ; thence xIC>rtllerly
<br />p3~~1a.€1 `~. ~~ i-he ai~:$~ i, j~ne _~ Sait1 Sect ~an Wen t_Y'
<br />Chre_e l~~} 3 i4i5tanCe of twenty and thi rty'One
<br />hundredths C2i!.3l) feet, thence ;ie!~lecCing :.eft
<br />~tpa ~~}` ~5" and running westerly ;~ 3istance of
<br />sixty-five cs5) feet; thence southerly parallel to
<br />the '~eet line ~-: said `section '"wenty-three t23} a
<br />distance =~t twenty and fifty-Hire hundredths (2(1.59)
<br />feet to tae place {~~f beginning and eantaininK ~).73I
<br />~ser+~s, mare or iesa as aI;awn <>n the plat marked
<br />exhibit "~'. att.dched ierett~ anti incorporated herein
<br />by reference,
<br />ttsget#xer with the t;11;~--wing rigtat~:
<br />1, i~rantee shall have the right ~: in~res5 znd c~resy
<br />a~atcrss Granter's property for aany ~cryase ;;eces.~ary it, cc>nnecticxn
<br />with the survey, Crtanstructic+n, rect~natruCtic~n, re1?c;atic>n, -n~spect-
<br />i-an, Yel°vair~ rep#.aces~nt, extension, ;arsditi.m t: c,, .~aintenax2ee,
<br />Jpeeatiz;r, anti :~ema4al <sf
<br />~aaid sines, >±scE; :n~,z-e-;~, xnxi :>->re:;s
<br />