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80--tic,~.s5C6 <br />t ttterptst Cr+vt~vs~TS &rrrawsr and I.essder a:ovenant amt roe as fotto+vs~ <br />1. ifyttrM d reiac~ toi ftNereM. Harrower shat! prompth_ pay when due the principal of atsd itterest an the <br />indebtedtsus cvtdenctd by the Aiae. preQapmast atsd dart charges as prtwided m the tiMe, and ttte principal tsf and interz% <br />ore any Future Advances stxutuf by then Mortga~ <br />2. FraM far Taus trrtd faatra~ce. Steb~ecr to appitrabk tax ur to a wntten warner by tinder. Borrower shah pay <br />to ltnder on the day' rnantlsly ittstalitttents of pnrteepai and tnterctu arc paytttste under the 1Vae. unlit the Taiae is pays in fu11. <br />a sum tlscrem "'Funds'") rgtul to otwiwethh of the yttarfp taus aad assesrmrettis which may attain prysrity aver this <br />Mortgage, and grotmd rents ten the Property. if any, plus one-twelfth of s~earhr premium installments far barard irtwranoc. <br />phrs Otte-twdith of yearly premiutn installtnetsts for tttortgage rtartrance, rf atty. all as rusotubly auiaued ingiaNy and frmn <br />time to time by Lender an the basis of assessments and hills and reasonable estimatd thetxtf. <br />the Funds shall he lseid in an trtstitution the depnarts or accounts of which arc ir~utred ctr guaranteed by a Federal or <br />suit agency i irteiud±ng tinder if Lender is such an itrstitWtart t Lender shall apply the Funds to pat said raid, asseumatis, <br />s rastrratkro premiums attd ground rents tender may net charge for sst hrsiding and applying the Funds. atntvzing said account, <br />or venfytng and catnlating nerd asaessntents aru4 ltiFls, unkas tinder pays Bormwer interest att the Funds ats6 applicable Iaw <br />permits fielder to make such a charge Svvrsawer artd Lender may agree m writing at the time et execution of this <br />Mnrtgage that interest on the Funds shalt he paid to Burrower. znd unless such agrsemmt is made or applicable taw <br />requirts such interest to be peed. under shall ncu he required to pan Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. txttder <br />shall glee to Barrtnver, without charge, att anntrai accwmmg ut the Funds sttowmg credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />putpcne for wltrch rxh debit ;n the Funds was made The Funds are pledged as additional security far the sums secuttd <br />t=y then Mortgage <br />IE the amount of the Funds held by i_enater. together with the fuwre monthly tnaailments of Funds payable pear to <br />ittc due dates r,.f taxes, assessments. ittsurattca: ~remtuttu and ground rents. shall e>kced tta aataunt :G,';tt~--a to pay said lain, <br />assessments, insurance premiums and graurrd reran as they tail dttr. such excess shall be, at Bttrrowei s option, either <br />ptnmptiy repaid m Borrower ar arAtted to Barmwer art mamhiy tnstalimenn of Funds. !f the amount of tht Funds <br />held !ty Letter shall na: tic suttluent to pay razes, assessments, ttnurartee premmms and ground rents as they fact due, <br />Botrosret sh:.ii pay ;o Lender am~ amount neressan to make up the drh.:erecy within 30 Jaye Tram the dart nonce is mailed <br />by Leader to Harrower reyucsuttg p:ymenr thereof. <br />Upon paytmat sit fait +=f alt sums secured try than Mortgage. I.cndcr shall prtmtatty rotund to Borrower any Futtds <br />held by Lender: if under pataYtapft ins` hettcs?I rtes Property is u+4d r±r the Property is c'!htrwtse acquired lay Lender. leader <br />shall apply, run later rhzn ,rnmediatrt: pnnr to the .aft t,i *. he Prupcrts ;•r its acywsttitut by 1_endet. u::_. Funds betel by <br />l.essdtr at LRe tsme of >>.p¢ticatiun as a ~~rtdt[ against the sums secured t•v thrc iiorrgage <br />3. A*plkttsiosr d Paytacata, i~niess appitcahie law prnsedd ,akerwrvr. ,rfi payments rccetved by l..ender undtt the <br />'.state anti paragraphs :and :. hereof shalt hr »ppltesi M• i ender tint ;n pa}mcnt .,t amt+unts payable to 1-ender by ttotrosver <br />under parallraph Z to .nrcrest payable nn the tints ttren t:~ rite nnn<rpat ,~t tht '~e;te, ind thtn to interest and <br />pnncrpal an any Futttrc Advances. <br />a. Cam; Leas. Hc+rrourr +haii pxv etc :ases_ .,t-sessments s,d „e her .h:uses. dnec .,nd :mpasatuns aetnbutaFsle to <br />the Property which may arum a priority over this Afongagr, end Masrtt.rid lravmrnts ,•r ground rents. if any. rn the manner <br />pravtdeti under paragraph 2'terent cx ,t ,=ot t':.+d ;n w:.h manner. ~v He+rr:?wee tnaktnF payment, ;vFtett due, directly t^ the <br />payee thertxH. Born>wer shad prcxnptiV turttfsh to i,enuer ail rtou::es „t amounts Jar under this paragraph, and in the event <br />Bormaset ahai, mai.e parmerxt dererii+.~, Bi,r.t,x-cr ,t:;ylt ;,r,+ntpit, ',:rnrir i„ lcmkr rcertpt. cvtdencing such paymtnts- <br />&atrower she#! pn?mprty dasc;hargr am~ s;rr: utsrh :av pnor,ty ,: cr :rat-. Murgagr. prcetJrd. ghat Bm~rowrr afiati trot be <br />:equued to discharge eery wch tarn ,,, king ~> Barrruer rha:i .,gn-c ^. tar=trzsg rr.:hr paVmrnt .~Y t$r aMtgation .reared b}~ <br />seta:tt ;stn :n s manner a;:.rptabk ::; iznt~:. -. •; =ha!I r+: gtti+et te;th ,:c ,3irit skis isen Fv, ,:r <irfraai enic+rcement rat stcrh hen rn, <br />fagot prv>tecdmpx ur~hrch opetbtc to prtvtnt the ens=uctnrenr or rhr Bern rr Sorleds,ut :,f tttr Prnprrty ter any part [hcreuf <br />5. Iinsud faerarascr, -hai± krt;.r+c .net=r:-+ement. r,.. . ::t;ng c+r t+rreattrr vrevted on the P.n=pe~t§ insured <br />agarnsi km by rite. haaards :tnludN +auh:n :he earn; ~,., :ettdr.! .:,s e, agc+ anal xsrh „tttrr !taaards s, t.rnctcr rite} reywrr <br />Firit i i %uCte .+x'i'fc.~vnt5 v ,ii i4i:h k.eiiUdl .., .., =err ,;:ay ;a;u:-r .':de:t. ~n»t 1 <..t... ..t,I .. ,};», .^.e .xtRU..,.. ,'t <br />stxh rnvrragc ractsxf that ama',atnF .=t ., :cr aytt r^atu:red - - ;,aa ...a. -.::.. ..,: its na .~:s ttortstage <br />:.. . , : .. <br />the tresuraace tamer ;st+~vtdtrg the ..,.:ttan.r ..-t:a' ++rr ..,, ,c. ,.'tt.=.,,,w.+ =...,,rei, -, ,rppr_ t en,;cr: ^rr_,=:ailed. <br />tltttt apfrruvai shalt atr:t ?ar :-rrea_,nar+. ssnt,heid a~i crrtt :..t. -~t, :_:axi-s_c :-.:+.-.ea ,aai rt ,;:.:ci -.- €ht mxrtnet <br />pra..ded utasier paragraph itsteaf ..r. -i n, i;:at,t :!. +-r:: manner- hY Kart u,arr tnaa rn~ pa}mane. when clue.:.i;rrctiv ear [ire <br />[ttat}taa4'e r-arrtar. <br />Ait armnrea,ce tx±trcrrro arhl SrnCw aia tlrcrc,~t ••hais 'e~ .,.r ...<p+~nio ,0 1 <n,.r .nl ,:,e:i :,,. i-.,:i ~ ,+.t, i.ud m„t:gage <br />ctau~ :n favr+r .ti a>td !n t,crnt a_ tt -ar.!c ' _e~ie: -,ter .-.i. ..- ~'` -- .---._I - ,+..a. ,,,! -_ c- s... !het e,•f. <br />and Ihltt4+.rer +na'si tytexntptly S+stnsah t,> 1 errilrr ati te;-t a rte?:ae i,:,l ..,i :e.C:l,:. oral ~ .em.,.n., 1r+ tree s•.rnt t : lt+++. <br />Bcetrt*wrr atsaii glee preempt rast:::e 2., the „tau€a ,.r eetrrcr _,,:d ! csuler ~ ct[dr::, rnai.t ;- .. .~,> :, :,,t m.,.1c pre,;t: p!ta <br />by harrower <br />Untess Lendef aiNt BURt3Wr1 ,V het~,x egret :. t+r,t, f?g- ur+ua soar ~ +: r. a'~~,i, ,pale he .a•prted t„ rr~t,,; elt+,n rr tcpkir rat <br />ttpe Prupcrty .Saautgcd, prevraied ouch tratu:aura, <. -cgra:r .. <..: waanrrv.d!, .ea9!iaic: ..eJ the •s,. t±n+s +~i t.'t:. ttortg,+t;r <br />mrt thaoby tmpa,red- ii sue. tt :esmarstra+r. at :epa;r~fi .... ..,.r,a»rraii:: .casrbte . mr ~+:,. ~:no. ., :hit S1 „rtgabe ,,,,u1d <br />br impauect. the ,nsutance prcxrecte ,hail he .tppik:ist , C6r scan-s ,a _.:aJ hr ?h.,~~L•ttg;:ge , 't+ , , ,a<e,>. +. ., s,y pa,d <br />iv Bertiwer it tffe Prctpen: .xk+attdctret,f r-s fie rranrrr. , r .% tar r ~HCt t~~ ,c,lnnrf .- i rrsurr wut;m ~ ,day. tt„nt the <br />mate rcou~ :-, rats:tri t>V 1_rtrdet t~> Bc.rrc,aaei 'loot Ftrr :i~u.:: na.e .~ r- :=;trts ~.- r.; rc . ,t~nn t„t .;;r»nae 1-~rnciin !.e, :,ie+ <br />.c auttXirad :+ catltA area apyiy the ;:sue»n<i- ~x<xs'Yds >a 1rnS.°t , „pu••n c;ther r., tester n:u:n : r :mot>xu ,~t rhr Pa,pcn~ <br />rat to the scans .ea.nred h} this \lartgagc <br />tlo}G~ t.ender arrd Bart.~,.tr ,rtherw,+e agree as -.;:dng_ .ins ~..r.,. ,rppl:..[nr;; . d ta,•,erdx s:, p: r::r,t,.<i ,h.,,::.a,: cateu.3 <br />ut lxxtps:nz the d~ date _-t rite nu3ntl;?^. :nz;a;inwrts .ctett6.i ;,, . %aragt~,ph. ,,.. ~ .a, , ,,.. : h.utgv °. c ,n„~,a,: , , <br />sash tasiaitmcnr"- .. ~aia~r paragtaptt '.~ kaeteut ihr Pr=rfurs~ .+ ., .c.t =-. r tna<. ~.. i ,t6~, + .. :aJ ,. ire f :~d Hcs r,•.. <" <br />€n and tts eras msus elite pvi:czes orb: ra ansi ', pr.~ceo. rhete- i <:u._ ;ag ; , .tart-,g.. -, .he rR-..pert. , ,.r + .:,t•, .,,r <br />ar a~yws.rnxn ahai: paaa ;o i.rrader ~c: tttc enteral '.v tt?c cane sea-urcci t•a .,.,+ tt:•rt~„r,: .:rt:,it+lta[ei} p;-,..-t ..:r i, ,,tie ,•. <br />AtixlYltYttil a. <br />ft, Ptrs:trvatlea acs/ titsietenanee ttf Ptapent: Ixaaettohsv: tcrndoreiuiutns; Planned Lttit l)rvrluptttents. Si,ttrtr,-<~c <br />,~U k4ap tl~ Prrrpertx ut grad ;spar >uvd ttat? tti_ aunlnnt pasta .,. r+czturt ,tiuerrtrtet,t ,,, .7etc_u+tsttoa nc~ i'r„~+e,ta <br />attd stisii cvunpty ~itft ?he pravistirns :?t ary itasc lei tna4 it:rt[yag~ , , a+_t:., :l !ht. it.:aesgc :. ~.,. ., <br />cs>ttsiomtntutn .~t :r ear nail ssn.t ,:x.ekrprnr:rt. trot r.-sser te;3 ;'<r ,.,. ,iE ! Ka, r.•NC-- -;d, .rs .,tJrr ti:.r.t.:, . <br />rxi 4+3actsalii-r ere;?say yr gtaverte.tu~ itya ,<A~+~.rtm:~a3t r~6sttnea« .! ~e ciepmtni. ?ta- :'w sA~a ,rail role-uaSaur, r,1 t x <br />csazdanxintuto or ;5ianee+t utut aie.a:r+pr~rt[, srd un>r~,,.r, !' ., .. ,•.i.,n<rn:um .,r ,nnr.f ~.-n,t ,_ <,. q,=„cnt <br />tWFi sr.xcCUteJ ~ Bortuwcr azad :ro?rd4W ~gstirrr ,. ,,. :n±+ M,rrtgage. -,._ ...errant. .,::,} igrce,.uvi+, -, ..t', , •!r, <br />ahttlt he :rtcutputatat tntd amt vhait emoted .t rai ::,pgfa•rncn; ;•'tr ..rtenztt~~. and ,,i rhr, il,arigage ._, , . r, ,..,,.. <br />~-ets a psi hcrsc~f <br />T, t~lalact~ g[ LcMtliR`a ~-~7. ti l;~rrcrwrr ta.i'3 s- r*ert<arnt .he ~GVeraatt;a ,trail -,~rcenre:u3 ~_,nta,ned ,.t "r„ <br />A~ls7rtptj@Y, cis tf ~aep „t,;tscre a; ;rrsx:etdst~ ,s .amnw.rxra :,~n+ch r,,atce cal+} .a;ie, t. i ender+ ::rtrre,t at, :he Pet~}x•rta. <br />~tsi4rxttg, but eau ?xm;t~f tc. e~ptau dtxue;tp.:n~stra... ~ e? .. ~.. sra6aricne, :_ , - xcsdinga .; a-.,t...,~ <br />hanir:cpt rxt ~e:eelaaz, [iKre ? €:Mier ut l.rrxa3rr -{+t`v.3sa, -;1.asp :,ot.,.t. -t fie-r.,. -- -sa: :- -ua ~:H !- .,t (~„r:,,,,-. ,sl.,,,a ,::, <br />s~Yt rake stt»h acir,an as :s ruessary ., pterrc:. t ~r»trr t ~srtre tft. .,+.7;aeg. ., , •t.:.t „ . !:. t+„ .etur+,t ~ , <br />rKaKn,aP.rie 8ttf, t'nayi ICC# ~init aRti~.ry .'.tpufr !tK ~fciptrtF t~ F`u sY:4 ;Brie.,. ets,lae r,{, r,.:~F ...~?ytattc +.,tr a~,<r ., <br />.a>Kr:Tatx+n ,;7 ::tar::itt{i rhx kavrt .:eel Yip ?tits ~lutaftsgc. Brae;. r ax±at: a+. } r . t, ~ y ..r,., ,.., na,;r...-~. .. -< <br />'sst~E ~ ;?'..;:t ,-ir-~ ,a~..a, !: °-s s=ip ir`zt'~rsx t~ -.Ah tom, __ ,,,,,,,~. --_..,:5 ._.. 13-=r,. ,a,_ .. <br />