<br />~--;~;~.~-~ MoaroaoE
<br />TRts fNBEMTtT)l~, mach thie__._._}$Lh__....___.._ day nt__ __gpri}._ __._ ._ ____ I9 ~__. by and betwsee
<br />Gard L._Shafer and_Patrif:ia J._Shafer, husband and W'ife~ each in_his and her own right
<br />of f,iAl 1 __~_ Cpupty, ,, as morigegorS_..~ . read Good felaod Tnrat Cotapany of Grand IsLrrd, a eorporatien
<br />oeganiaed sad existing tmda the laws of Nebraska with ifs prfncipsi office and place of business at Grand laiaad. Nebraska, as mortgaggx
<br />W fTNE35E'171: That said tmrtala®ar _. __. . frx aed in sorrsideeatioo of the cam of _~_,_...-. - _ --
<br />One' Ihattcand ~•ot~r_~n~;pd Flft~v ShreE. dalldrs__3nri O~f1QD is'.5~( k.
<br />the rsceipt of which is hereby arYanvvk+dged, da -__-- by these presents mortgage sad warrant nrRo ea~
<br />t~ri~rtgagbe; ite'~'etld6~N9narai aeeigos,
<br />+forever, eil the follaring described real senate, situated in the County of __ __. _ Ha 11 __--~-„--..
<br />and Stare d Nebraska, co-xit: --
<br />tot Six {6), freedom kcres Subdivision, Hall County,
<br />F~braska.
<br />Together with all haatang. air conditarrtiog, kfghtiug, atxi plumbiaq rcryiprrzerrc arks futures, including screens, awnings, swan windows aruf
<br />doors, amt window shades or blinds, used on w in coonxtbn with said property, whether the same are taw located on said property or hereafter
<br />Plaead thereon.
<br />TO ffAYE riNt3 i ti Ht~Lti TH£ SA>#E, together with aft and ainKUiar the tenements, hereditnmen[a and appurtenances thereunto be-
<br />btrging, or in anywiax appertaining, frxeyer, and warrant the title w the setae tad morKagor S - .hereby rovenanc S -. with said
<br />raortKSger that the y-. df'~ , at the delivery hereof. the iawfirk owner - 5 <,t the premises nkwve conveyed and drscriheri,
<br />sad ar° xixed^-3 a Kaod and mdefeavibla aatat~ of inheriteM•e therein, free, srstF rie~r r.f ,yll rrcurtrtrranre7. and that - the #.. wit!
<br />wareant and riefend the tide tkereur forever against ttre ciaima and drmtrnda of att persona whnmaoevor.
<br />FRC)VI DED Al.ti' AY'S, and this inatrwrwat is executed and dalivetrad to secure [hs payment nt the sum of .
<br />t~--Thousand-F_o1:r Hundr~eci E.i-fiy_ Three_dollars and-.g0./]OIl unllnrs+~- ] ,453_QQ _-- - _- ~.
<br />with intsreat thereon, together with such charges and advent~n as may Fie due nrd payable w sanf nwrtKagee under the terms and rnndrtions
<br />of the promisanry note of coca date herewith and sacurad hereby, executed by card mortgagor _S. _ to sand murtKaKee, payable as expressed
<br />in said ants, cad w actors the performance of all the tar®e sad coaditiona conteinod therein. The tetras of sard note are hereby ir>corporated
<br />beasts by chin ratarence.
<br />IL u the intetttinn sad agreemaat of t}re patsies 6erWn that this mortgage shall elan assure any Future advances made w said mort.Kagor -_-...5
<br />f>y said mortgagee, and any a»d all irrdabtadtteaa in addiWan to the amotmt above atatxd which said mortgagors, or any of Chem. may awe eo
<br />acid mortgagee, however avdenwd, whether by note, tropk account or otherwise. This mortgage shall rernaitr in full fnrr:e and effect t,etween
<br />the parties hsesur sad than beers. personal reDreaentatrves, successors and assigns, until nd atnrrunta secured hereunder, includinK tutu re
<br />advances, are pad is fui: with mtereat.
<br />1'ha rnrxtgagur _.._s~. hereby assign....- to said murtKagea all rants and income ttriaitrK ac any and all times from said property aura
<br />heutdry authtuixe acid morLgalfan or its agent, at its option, upon default, to tale tharKe ut said property and collect sit runts ntul mr;uma
<br />therefrom and apply the acme Lo the payment nt interest, principal-. insurance premiums. tease, aasesamentn, repairs or inrpn,vemenis
<br />naeeaattry w keep said D+WrartY is temmtebie rnnditiart. or W other charges or payments provided for herein ur in [he rmW hereby secured. Thin
<br />rvat aaaigamettG shall cuatittue in forns until tf~ unpaid balanrY of said mote is frilly paid. The eking of possession hereunder shall in no meaner
<br />pasvaet ~ retard acid roortgttgoa itt the ooileetiwr of saki awns by foreolprue or atharwice.
<br />'I'ha fa3ura Df tF~ rrarasgrrgaa W airs any of its rights hati:utrrlai at any Cirne shall nut tea corrsEtuuri as a waiF et of r[s rrKhi to assert the
<br />same at any tenet time, and w insist upon acrd enforce strit•t cmnpiia~e wit:n ail tine terms and provisions of said now and of this mortKaKe.
<br />If said tonrtgagrrr S shaft puce W 6e paid w said rnartgagee the entire amount due it hereumder, and under the term, ntuf pnrvrnana
<br />of asset rwte hareffy sacutsd, iacftrdiDg future advaxea, and any axteaeions or renewals tharvot in accotdatres with the CrTma and px.. ts;rttrs
<br />thateot, apd ff acid IDetKRagur _5_. shall cr~apty with sIf the provisions of said nata and of this mrrrtgaga, then these presents aMil be t.,ui,
<br />otherwise W resryrur is fufl ttxee and dlacs. sad eakf tnortgegee shall 6e entitled to ttce possession of atl of said ptoptety, and may, at its upta,n.
<br />darkue the wht~af stud onto nrd aftutdatK,gdnasa raQteanntwf ihareby W 6a isnmadiataly due atai payable, and easy furexlerxc this ax,;tgsh,.-
<br />nr take say other l+tG~ adios to prWact its right. Appsaiaeaaent waived.
<br />This rmrpgaga shalt fee bindtog r~ron and ehei! eotu-e Lo the benefit of the hairs. exrcutar+. administrators, suacasa,rs and aaa,gna nt the
<br />refrpartiva parties lawaw.
<br />IN WYFNF,sti i4HiY'«R[`".UF, said MorytagorS.. lye y4?. heraunw set their hand - 5__. tike day anti rear fast abu.r
<br />wriLtea. - - l J
<br />f ..
<br />~ Z-
<br />_r~t~.~ t~ i
<br />Patri>` Id ~ . Shdfer ~~"".._
<br />