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<br /> <br />'1'!ris Ia[ottg#ge icenten+d taro betteeen ,I~ 3t_ #gRtct Ana L =n { -Iccr s...~s. a a - s <br />~. ---~ (herein "Sitxtgttgtx") ford <br />- 7~ f~`iB?!tt~iI€YtIAL BAi~ ~ fif~ANt} i3i~{+TD C~iAi+ID 24r <br />~.-~ {#tereia "Mortgagee"}. <br />is indebted-to Mretgtt~e in ~e pldnt:9pd sttm of $ 1 r~i(Y1 _O(1___. , eeidereced by Mortgagrn's note <br />dated 4-9-~ (her+ata "Note") provtdiag fot paynunts of priarlp~ sad ialsrest, with the bs#ance of the <br />tadeirledtress, if not sooarr twirl, due sad psyaWe oo `~I `+-~ <br />To severe the peymeotof ehe Nos, with intarsat ~ provided tBereta, the psytaent of a8 other sums, with interest, <br />adtcaond~ Mort~tpe to ptoteeL the secncity of this Mortgage, and the pertorrsance of the coe~enstxta sad agreeeneaFs of <br />the osatafaed het+rttr, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage sad coaety to Mortgagee the foibwiag described <br />pmpatty located is Hal i _ County, Nebrsks: <br />I.ct I•`ive (5), Blcx~c T1vo 123, in Capital Heights Third SYtYxti.visian, <br /> a Part of S.1P. ; of St?€:titut Tito (2). Township il, North Range 10, <br />tkest of the Sixth P.M, <br />Tugettter with alt bwldings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, pattstgeways, easetnents, rights, privileges and <br />~ located tlrerecrsn or in anywae pertaining thereto, and the cants. rues and profits, reretsions sad retaaiadss <br />thereof; indudirtg, but not fiat#ted tax heating and cooling equipment sad such penond peoperty that is attat>Ited to fire <br />tmptmenteat~ so as to eortaidtute a facture; ~# ut whitdt, it~ue~ng replacamtents and adetitions tttereio, is hereby dtmiared <br />to be a pert of the real t~tue securrd by the lien of this Mortgage and atI of the foregoing being referred to herein as the <br />.>~~rty,. <br />l+lort;agcrr further coasenaats and ogees, wrtb Mortgagee, m follows: <br />1- Payrsseni To pay the indaniadrt~s ar ~ the tnrerest 4hrreun as pntvided in this Alortgage and the ?lute. <br />'- T'tt3e. ~ ~ ~ <tw~r ut t#te Fruprnp. !tea the right and authority to tnotkgage cite Property, and <br />rrartante thst the lien rrratM hereby u a treat and priax Tien vn the Property, except as may atherwrse be set forth herein. <br />+. ~ TttF ~r+Spr-rat ;a UbleCt to 3 ~ tv#tetein <br />kr the , rta..arded at Book .----,___-. Page.__---_~_ of the MorEgage Keeurdt of .. _-----._ _---___-~ County, <br />Nettessica, rrhtett Mtertpge is a Tien poor to the Jten crested hereby. <br />~:, thtter prior iieaa w erttumbnaeea: <br />3. 1+artts..tta. Ta pay when due rt# taxtm, ape€ral assessments and art other charges againas the Property <br />acrd, upon rrrittra detested by Mortgagee, w add to the payments required under the Note secured hereby, such amount as <br />rosy be suff#crent to ettsMe the ~ to pa}' such taxes, assesstnrrnta or other ehargea as they became due. <br />#. lo~rrtace. To keep the itrtpr4rrmeau nave to hereafter rotated on the rest estate described herein insured <br />tysiasi damage by fire and suctr other hturards as ;itttrtgJagee may require, us smouau sad with txtmpturies acceptable to the <br />MauLtiggw, and with toss paysb#e to the Mortgagee. is case of toss wader sueh policies the Mortgagee is authorized to <br />sdjxat, cu##ect attd comprot~se, in its dtaexrt~m, alt e#airtn thereunder at its cote option, autharizedtaeitherapplythe <br />premeds to rite rustorattoa of the Pmper[y or upon rhea itx#ebtec#ness sectued hereby, trot payments hereunder shall tvsrt- <br />titesre ~tti t!x sutra secitrad tta:eby are paid to t~#. <br />5. ~+ emote Far '!Yttea gnat #txwuitttte. '~ttwi##starrditt~ ~rtytAttt{ au+ntaiaed in partq~raphs 3 and ~ hert~if to the <br />csmr~j, ~ €#LW# pay t6 ttu3 M st die time of pveytng the taoathiy ittatalltaertts tat prineipsi and tnterest, <br />filth of the yetuty tattsa„ etaeaments, bssard insucsnee ptemiurm, sad gtamd rests lit any) which may attain a <br />testy dlri~t Mme. tdi rrs r~ausb#y tst#tnsted [rote time to Lima by the Mortgagaw. The amauats so paid ahaN be <br />lreid by the rrtt#ssatt lttteteat and appitsd to the payment vt the item in respect to whtch such amounts were <br />~peaired. 'fire gases Paid to ~ htvtntader ate plod >F additaoaral aecur#ty for the indebtedtseas seaweed by this <br />Mortgeigotattdt p~ to Aiottgyse rive eretrt/nt of any deQcieaey betrneen the aettta# taxes, anessrtreats> insurance <br />plfi_ ate gtound rtv+ta argil Uts depuaita-ttsaretutder witttm. Y4 dsys afltrr dereaad is made upon Mottgsltur regtmatia; <br />patytw tbet~#. <br />~. i`ie-aif Mtltnta eeMt #3ee, 't'n psomptty re{adr, restore csi rebui#d any tari#dtuga ar imprasetneala now nr <br />?udarttt+ar ue the ~y~ to the Property in goadcondtti~sat asset tepa#r, without xaate, and tree trout meehanM's or <br />'~dat txK axpr~iy its kJt+ T+frs®t sot to rntt~, sotto oz P_ rrmtt any ntrisauer tat ectist. oar to ctimin- <br />tab t1r ter rite std of t}ae PropeKy ty any #et ceF ors t+e act; and to v;nlpiv wikh elf rrqutrntnrrts at taw with <br />t t+rr t#te Pt~pe°rty- <br />