<br />"L~i32,63."~ ~cttrTCt
<br />'t3is'~xtip¢ is entered u:w between irrtsanvr. r__ ~i7i~YP fi tti[+l7ru~rr ~..~~
<br />r''iTIF3 1?3.€@
<br />-----____._------_--- ~---~.~_____ __ _ thereto `"lHortia{oz"I alai
<br />Z~' C7VB~4Ahi? LYriA€. $piDEC t3F t~AtiD ISt.~, Grastcl Island, Nt~aska twin "Morkppee„}.
<br />?t~artgagw !s indebted to Martytgee in the principal rater of b 35,000.OA i . eeirkneed by ii[ort~s rtrue
<br />gated ~;=11 Sr 1980 (herein "kale") providiag for gaymettts of prinripa! and interest, with thr balaaca of the
<br />~y~ ar,__ ~1 I5, 1981
<br />indebie~eit. if erot snorer paid. due and .~-~~.__-_
<br />_ To seente the payment at the !Wte, with iatemst at provided therein, the paymeae of rit ether snmra with intereeat,
<br />adnarteed by Mort~e in protest the seeuriiy at this ~T~- and the pertormmce of the covenants and a¢temmts ~
<br />the eeaniained herein, Martpgar -does hereby arottgade and coevey to itCart®ag~ee the taNav4ng described
<br />property iaeated iA ~-~.H31L_..___--- County, !debraska:
<br />°..
<br />SID[ S@Veli (7) ill Maddow Zane Sttbdivisiott, mall Camty, Nebraska
<br />Together with alt bntidtaga, iropn)vemenu, ~xeures, ,treeu. aflel ~, pas.'.age'ways, easvmrnts, nghts, privileges and
<br />apptir4taatttwk located thernon ur in anywise petKaining thereto. and thr rrenc4 t~suas and proPts, reversions and remainders
<br />thereof; snciuding, hnt nut limited to, beateng sad cooling rquipnient and such pertrmal property that is attathed to the
<br />impruvetaertt air as to rcrtistitute a tiXture; ail of which. inr~tud+nyt reptarwments and additions thereto, is hereby dedarnd
<br />to 6e t part of the real estate secutrd by the lien of this Mortgagr u+d all of the foreRu.ng being referred W herein as the
<br />.:property..
<br />Martp~rv fitrtAttr coavetiarrts and ague,, with btortpatti•.•. a- t,>rtoawv:
<br />1. Payment. 1'o pay the iodetrtedness and tits int:•ze~t LM•r+.oo as providedi ;n this ltortgatte and the Note.
<br />n_ 1'ttie. Mortgagor is rite owner ut thr Preyprt+.}, t:a. ttze aa~ht and autharat} to mortgage the Proper!}, and
<br />_~ ant,: tisat iize !}en erected hereby ua Custaad pnor tarn un ±at.- LTrapert.-. rxcYtzt e± rnas strhrrwise Ue set [Drib herein.
<br />t~ prrrpcrry i£ _=utr~s to a gnnrt_ t• ~t3r~r~,n Hie Ftix€1__S~sr~a~ ,&. ~an_?~ss~s...,a~s~c~~
<br />Gc'tatd I>glattd
<br />is the ~. recorded at Book _._...__,155 , ~' Cl9 oC the Monyage Records ut ....._._...-Hall ___,_._~ County,
<br />tiebaaslca, whteh Mortppee is a tier prat u) the Cren rrrat.•d hea•h}.
<br />`~ t}ther prior hem ur eneumbramrs.
<br />3. Taaes, Aasea~ents. To pay when due alt taxes, .per,a! auvssmrtzt,~ and aN other charges against the Property
<br />cud, uposr writer demand by Mottgagrw, io add to thr paymrnts required under the flute aerured herby, such amount u
<br />may be snt~trieat to ertabie the Mortgagee Cu {lay such taxes. assessmwtts or uWrer rttarges a lhe} become due.
<br />4.. fnattratt/Y. To keep. the imprwvrment+ now ur hereafter totaled on the real estak' dtsenbed herein +nsured
<br />srygKmt datwigP by fire and sueit other hazards as Mortgagee may require. in amounts and with companies aece•iruble w the
<br />~, aad with #ass payabir W Rite Hkxtgtzgee. in ~asr of i=ts under rue~Iz prdieirs the Mortgagee is authorized W
<br />sdswt, cotters. and eotapeonaise, in its discretion, alt etairas tfiretrtxndat at its sale npoan. authorzed to either apply the
<br />proaeeda tp the rtturatitra trt the {Roperty or upon the indebtedness secured hereby, but pay-merit tien•ander she!! cwn-
<br />- - - ~tii-€he sins set~ied ttereb}• are paid in €ttti.
<br />b_ Ca F;acroa Fot Tsscs sad irtsttraaee. Notwit#tstartdi+tgenything z~ntairied ur paragraphs S and ~ hereof io the
<br />_ a+ ar3r, 3!'ar ~haif pat to tits cl~rtw at the ta:ar .: pa_yin~ liar mont.hts~ tttst~trnYntx of prinrap~a€ and interest,
<br />- c#>s•lwd~tb. of tH€ yr~y taxes. +~•, ~ .• harsrd ittswanre presnum.+, and ground ants of anyi which tray- attmn a
<br />petanty user t3em Mart~a>pv, all as reswxrabty estamtKed trout time to trills try the 4lurtgag¢e. 't'he arrwtt»ts su paid obeli tx+
<br />- ! ~ the ,~ wiEburii-i~ttgrest and app{ied ttr tilt payment .>[ the iteti>e in rrspeet to wirrah such amouata ware
<br />depe~Wtad, 'ttri! shins @'aid tas ~ ha~t~det are pledged as additivna! xcurttp for the tndrbiedness smunsd try that
<br />Mortby0a• dWtt~~t ~t pay to ~ the aatattnt of aay deYteirncy between tilt artuai taai+s, tuwestirrients, nzsorantr
<br />prrteiirz~ and.~artind r+a~ and tba dapoetta hereunder wr#hra Pt) days after desaurd is mad. uprnt Mortgagor rrqurstut~
<br />Rsyms!st 2Aie~ti€.
<br />- ~ -and tSse~ T'+i prrtatpiy repair, rrst.rrv ,u rbuttd aay buitdin~ ar :napro.errienta now rx
<br />baftiii~t+ t~ ~-: ire iteayr the 3rr+aperty +n gooai ecxiditizae and repair, without wails, and tree train riti!r.•hauic's or
<br />+ud~irXpty - - - --.try tlw 3ien ttereot: nest t<s natlce, .u:fttt or permit arty nuzaancr~ to exit€. nor to dtmm-
<br />a+ ia::yr;r :;~ ~t ~x erg >x orrisraaa to set., said tc er)tr.tii4' anti; air twqutsettt$$ta or taw with
<br />arsptrce: try 5)e« arty,
<br />