<br />~,a~ : - _- ,__
<br />
<br />`'.24 k119t SR G..^se 'vent rnp u~rLgnrars :'911 tr ,ay !d: P:~ v:l£ wry taxed, it?^,!~, ",'d t„ 1' i i
<br />team rate lzrsran_.., as heretnDefars pros?ded, or -nil pap rants, Fees, :;r r.Tar~ ¢ rr assesswerts, ar ta„i to i ~~
<br />perwi*., 1S.-enact, ~;r :rlvii?ge: or Yartpasee is re~air~; t:, 1[sctrr e ~ ''~~T the tengs ~+f ~r ,ease, ~ F~
<br />xpeRSes tar aDS tract .ees, attorney fees, coats, g ~j
<br />ax~incvt~su dcdroab2 - cDer~rs kR carmecL iott wi th X14+_1!~tior:, Y,artgagee nay wake FU~7 payment or pravifle SwXi insurance, ! i4 I
<br />-_gsLFon, and ate anpatts pal., '_Deretrir snail become a part of tDe Indebtedness secured ifereby due I
<br />&id payaDie Ssarred-ata Ty, and stuall bear Interest Tram the ,]ate cf payment at the sane rate as provided for default ! ~
<br />it! tT!e Hate. S3
<br />!
<br />t>} That in the <•vent ~.r,-i <,ww Cs are Ta t,+ ~ ih. ~a gag,~rs or >S!eir strc^essn*5 ?n In±erest for taking or damaging 1 ,.
<br />Dr the exercise ^:' emtnen dose+r .Ye vfir!. 9 y ;art cf iha mert3aged prrn!iaes nr any easevae2et therein, the said -
<br />- awards era hereby a +qr.~ ,- ke r1<~r' e;r.. he Ma*tga~tee is hereby autharized to collect, rebelve, a^d receipt = -
<br />tiderefar and *.a ai ply T. s.:.ne in Ge'~r"e.: ~„y 17detrtedness, -store; 1r ;rrkma*_ured, seauren_ Dy this mortga8e. ;~ -
<br />1
<br />;gi '!Tie: in Che ~•v. ?fir+3ago-~ dPfau t ~'? ~a,f+!ert ~! a prinnipal sane. ar of any 2nsLaliraent Lheraot, or ( !;
<br />~' any Snte^est tier. r _ ! e - .a !rre -he :a..e -Pal d.-e. with respart to ady covenant or condition here-
<br />o', then, at the nlrinn .~far~r sage Lte _ +.re eb ~e.,ne,.s -ec ..e: hereby shall tar4hwi th Deeome dos and vay~le, # t3
<br />sr!a21 bear interes,. af, tt!e defa~.~ rat --_cscri 7e-. .,. sail nat. 9nd the ttartp$g6e "~i' immediately foreclose tdsis 7 +
<br />m~!rtgage ar purs!rf- any other a_vai lab2e Legal rrmeQa- $
<br />'Tt That ir. the .vent ac•titn - !r.vgYt ... er - F- tti• m~ -,rage, the ,SOrtgagee shall 6e entitled to SmmeAlate t
<br />~tssessken at *.he ^wrtgage.,^, g a I P. an .he ~o.r.. r,ay appa.c, _ r-ecei•rar to take ;;essession or acid prem}ses, with
<br />tee uses; powers ~i reretvers in ~ks_ ,a,a;.. ii
<br />. i
<br />13) 'that tallure or delay of :~rtaagee r exer^ se env ^ rl3h is ~ .r;v?leges shall na*, be rottstrued as a f '
<br />i '; waiver ehereat; i;;aL ^«-ly arc rksrtgagee wniv::ic:~ my ::pct irJdefa~ t ,r ~ryartgagars shall not be construed as a
<br />wtiiver o.* any tut~rn ]e-a,ri ts. ..t;a1 in -:a Lain t. in re ay^,aeflr t Irv amartlzatSan inatailaents dr interest, -~
<br />o; Sr, case ct payRer try -.c-rtgagee ar xriy !en tsdgrGer.t,tax ~nsuran a .o *. or expense, 3r seats, ..*ees or charges, i{
<br />s•.ld ttortgagee t!e.ll have *ha ~ ri r +eqe, kit..*.a.:~ - + ,:!g ~ Ye n ,le SndeDtedness dos and p~yaDle, to tareclose on -
<br />3:--aaur,L at .~llcD .,;.ecifi^. Sets if *--r as s.ms ~ e in ~-2 u ., =and =ucD tar er_Iasure proceedings may De 15ad and ;
<br />tta land descr?be;. herein ^!ay be ,r.-,:, .utr., ~. ~. ., -he unp _,,, :adebtedness hereGy secured, and Gh.s mor Lgage shall - '
<br />anntYnue ~ a ll?. ,';.^ ady npa:d tbal3nre. ~ ~S
<br />!, i ~+) 117at. the ror'gagee ...ay extend iryd '?-*e^ `.he r;it'ur?fy .t and rQnata 5nC rector*.ize saki Indebtedness, release
<br />om liaDii y wry ;a } - -.D - ere~• it - _F, e _R the 'Se-^, hereat ptrtiars at the ^roperty covered hereby,
<br />w'thaut at~er.,. r;f tr .:r..:,. '. - t~... eef .,.? _' ti-,._y ~ •-gagers c ar1q ether gamy For Lhe payment of said ~ `t
<br />1S_daDtedress, alt =,~c i ezte^si. ;e tar^er ., ~ i . 'n "Mraat^arr,aar~i ;,.;_ ,n ne F_.. ,.rgn hgratry !
<br />• 1
<br />3 -r s r --* •. L - a3^e ~~sa?n he! het*s, Legal representaC:ves wad assigns, ~
<br />?. st :_et,~-._~ ar.1 _,a_, - ~-s- ,_r, ~... ,.9r: ;**.he rocs idnrst!~a t the rote secured
<br />- h'retry, and that r. r e - -? c ,a:~ .21..E .rarstFr,.~ r .vey the^roperty described here}n, Lhe
<br />- - n.+r!:gagee ~!ay at - p•i.,^ , ^SSr> - ea' n.:es-. !^!meCia e~y l~ue and payan~e srd ray gmceed in the en-
<br />- t~ rez!gert ?g 1,; c_, 'q .__ ?n `. e:•>rs , t ._,-. ... .. :ar.^_ martrtage.
<br />t
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