', .
<br />~ ~ ~ .-.<
<br />I' ~' FARTZAL
<br />f
<br />t',t~ ifa canc. ar.aw a.~aer 1d..,, ti~eir, lsraw
<br />/N CONSIDER~lTIpN of tlrs paywnret of tArr ef~bt nuwrsl #use6e, tic FIVE POINTS BiAI~
<br />~7 +risatiare t~s wr+~ie to
<br />FIVE POINTS BAN& ~, Jon-A. Batter, Yobert J[rYpa Ifslte€, Lts~r`li.
<br />~ RtHw, and Curtin N. Christensen
<br />erw fire fntlownrg elrseribsd real rs~ts, te-ad:
<br />Lot Eleven (11), Homestead 2nd Subdivision, Hail County, Nebrask$.
<br />t
<br />- „ ~
<br />. ~ erf Srrliow iw Tortnuhip , Rawgr erf tlrs 7$-0©31126 P:-X; Ha1Z j
<br />Carrwty, Scats of Nebraska which u recos'tlsd ~ irfilR Aoc.# of Rsal Estate-31®rtgagss, page
<br />~s of tha records of said Cotnrty.
<br />~ IN TESTIMONY lPHERF_pF, the sale! FIVE POINTS BANK Tres eaarsd
<br />tlreaa presewtr to be exuuted by its president and its Corporals Seal to ba aJ/crsd hsreta this 15th
<br />may, of Agril , ry $t7.
<br />{~~ FIVE POZN'YS _...,........._...-._......_
<br />--°-
<br />_ _..._Vice
<br />~--• ~"
<br />., _. _..... - .._. ._ Bv. ~,,~'~'.~`{./' ?.., Presides!
<br />( ~~
<br /># ~.,....._. - ..... ~.,_....._ ........ ...... ...... hest .--._ ........ ................._.......... , Caslrier, Sserstary
<br />, ~.. ~ ~u pn this------.. _. ..day of.----....Ap.I~_i.........-°--__._., tg_$4.-.
<br />..,.
<br />~.!-'~ ' • _'..~....~11 . _- _ -----.-....-----Corwty f beforr rws, the swdersigwsd, a Notssy Pub&e iw and for
<br />"C,.... • ' cane J . C . Everett , Jr - -- _. ._ ..__ ...__ -.- -.-_ ............. Vice Presie8art o~ the
<br />,/~,.,, SANK, .2015 :?- Broadve.ll, Grand- Island,--•NF--°--.....------- ....... ... ........ a Ctirparatrow
<br />to wrt prssoerltyy known to be the Prrsidewt awd idewtical prrsan arbors carne is agixed to the above releass asd
<br /># ~d tAs erenewtion rherrof to be his volwntary act acrd dead as suck officer, and the volwwtary act awd eked
<br />of said Corporation.
<br />Grand Island, NE _--, iw setid C tlu do and
<br />y Witwess my bawd awd Notasial Seal at....._..-..-._-_ ................_...-... __------------- orttty q year
<br />last above artittew. _, _,.,,
<br />i ld carwrnusrore e: t.-.._.-.. ---. - J
<br />y P~ ~ ...~.~L'>".rl~Cjz:r..~~."`.~:.X.f~i%z~<:..--°--......., Notarq Pw51ie
<br />i
<br />~'
<br />
<br />
<br />