<br />~~-_a _~~ f _ - - - - - - - -
<br />:*.at Ia .ne =.•ven?. any awarGs are wade to the lion"_gagers Dr tDeir s:iacessars In interest far taking or da®eging
<br />1Y•£t~ taer'ise -:f =¢iaent Cuxaia rile /Ride Dr say part of for ®ortgaged praxises or a[p saserent Lhereia, the said
<br />r :.rmras are h_°re~, s.<s SgnsQ tc *:ie ifcrtgagee; the tfottgagae Is hetebY authorized to Call?CC, receive, and reeeiyt
<br />~~ i -bra.+,r anQ :, e;:;.iY the sane !n prayneat bt 3ay Sad?btedriess. sat,¢~ed or rumacycad. secured by Lhts mortgage.
<br />~~ ~ -?? Tl1at ir, t^e event ~rtgagars default in the payxietit of aa2G principal srm, ar at anY instal lxept tDersot, or
<br />!!! .y any interest *. hereon, a£ the time Mien the saxc shall tie due, 4f' xi th respect to airy covenant ~ ^oncittion het't-
<br />,.heii, at the cptiar.:r± ^ic. iga8~e. the entire 'c~eD redness seeised h~'eDy shall fortMltti Deeoxe due and Payable,
<br />11s a'isil bear intrsest ac Lhe default rate de'scrSDed to said note, and the !ivrtga~e aay laWediately foreclose this
<br />j x~r2~age ar Pursue asyy otber avnLLaDie 1ega1 rte.
<br />-f '3i *hat Sn the event ac*ii~=r. !s Drought *_a foreclose th2s xortgage, the nartpgee shall be entitle4 to lxxedlate
<br />t r,ssassian of the ~rrtgaged prax+.see, and the Caur*. rest appoint a receiver to take possession, of said praxises, with
<br />tZe :;seal pavers ~. ._reivers !n 11ke Csaes_
<br />- ~ 13j Yiiat fsil:i:-=~ or dE2~ of tiarLgagee tL~ eaercise any of Sts rights or privileges shall not De construed as a
<br />w3;ver t*.ersnf: ?hat any ac*_ ^L 17Drtgagee waiving aqq pec2fic default of !iot'tgagars shall not be construed as a
<br />- ~ wiieer of anY •at;re defaults: that. ;^ ^a~:= _~! default N the payment Df any aagrtizatioa Sastallments or interest,
<br />' o^ in case o.' pay sent hY ?"vr'g-"~,ee nr a,:J :.lah, Sidgi~t[L, tea, insurance, Coat ar ezp_acise, er rents, fees or cMrges,
<br />sill 1?ortgsgee sC all !lave the pr;vilege, aim*,but der lartag LDe wRele lndabLeMess due and payaCle, to foreclose on
<br />s,ca~tnt :.t arch :peClLtc default for surf. ;sues as are In default and such _*Dreclosiue proceedings ?pay De h~ and
<br />t:e ?acrd describe; herEin spay De sold, suC,,Eet to the unsaid SDGeDLeGness Cereby secured, and t.Ris mortgage Miail
<br />:-?;t:nse :.s a 11e; LGr a.:y ',npail balance. -
<br />(i^' "'brit wh<_ *,"ortgsgee may extend :asdSefer the aatvrity Df and renew and reamartize said lndebtedaess, release-
<br />.`~'um 21aDS 11 ty a^y party 11aCta thereon, uid release frore the iI en hereof partloas of the property covered hereby,
<br />w:tti~ut sL LEC'Snc the p*icr; £Y haseof ;: the 11aD111ty of Hortgagers ar cuyy other party for the peyxent of said
<br />i:teDt E.dtaess, all r;__.^. vx L?nsl ozze, 1e LP^~er t.=., ^enCVrals, and reaxart;2ations to De secured Sx!reby.
<br />s
<br />i /' Transfer :, :erurltY. i*. is a~3reed '~~tweer. the parties heretc, their heirs, legal representatives and assigns,
<br />- ! ~: ;ar. t^'egrit- sad rESgon_!u;!Sty ~fythe ?tortgagors ccnstitutea a part e; the ccnsiderati on far *he note secured
<br />? h-rreby',6 a[!dV 'brit ~ 1 , 'he eve, t, e*:? ~; tgagers shell sell, transfer, Gr ^anvey the property descritre4 herein, the
<br />- ~ !o~rtw?~-.e ~y s' _ e~ :;p::f~n j~.~iare -.Y:e entire ladeDtednass 1~nedlateiY 'IUe and payable antl !nay proceed in the ~-
<br />i rce^;a*:* =f is -i`,n±9 ?s _n ' qY "L.Er SzfaU1L is the terms Gf the note and aortgsge.
<br /># ~:; A:~algrlvler,*- :; F°rrc=els -. ~:Seeril :.case. nortcagors hereby trans ter, set ?.ver, and convey to Mortgagee e11
<br />{ n ci s `_, s n.*. Se~sy rcr i- ,^.a~ -sy ^m time ca time Derafse Sus ant payable under any oil. gas
<br />- a :.-. - sa. Er.'_ ed - 3._A s ,..,w x~- -~ .-r .ha, ,:.ay hereaLter ame int,: ezisr_ance, ;.avering the above-lend
<br />j sty ^~ ~...ez-~!~ f. a._ _. ar> 3o re_ei>_. b> ~r£.gagee ;hail De ippiietl c.s the indeb LeMess secured hereby; or
<br />.gs~ea ar:; , 3, :e=l,er :- tae Mon ti{e~TOrs ~r ".Elr successors in interest, an3r or all
<br />- - -•xa;ree:t -_31its ', t3:r. sd E",ai: faL~.:rE ats:as. Sad wi Lhout pretudice
<br />ittY - - ter - r • 2'1Q2. ~' ra.>3 E 371.. '~3f' eYaC~? ?;EreLi:der LC MOPLgagee of said rent3,
<br />~ ^`;~ _ -i- s4 - £~.- 1P} - --1 - ~- f .C DE fi yT^JSSS -r -t..^ ~ P aYYmEnt Jr MCUCt10n Of Liie IlbrE-
<br />z..g .eh[, ,.,D±~rt c. .n. .' a¢.e - ,, r. u.DefGr_ ,r,.,Ided, .ndey_t -.ant of the mortgage 'len cn said real
<br />j : ta1A s~:.-,r: ,"~avsn r•,r t,~a,ws "-e t' ace ._,_ re;e~se -f _Sis martgsge .f , ....,rd, Lhis ronveyane2 shall
<br />-~ .. rt.. a:i.t ,r... .. ...., ~ni err>r~
<br />t - tn~ .-s.> . ... ,.t: w -. -b:a.. '. F++,`*: Re- .ct. +w+: . , the ~i~utar .,. gisral
<br />v, ~ ' i ~- ;
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<br />-- _~_-___ ~__....___ _____ -~•• ,~ r ~ .~ obert E. Brunim n f_EAW
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<br />.,,.. ,,__.., fWbert F. 8rt:z~und and Audrey `S. 8rua>mun.i, i:uyband and wife,
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