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<br /> <br />ORDIliAtiCE H0. bi83 <br /> <br />An ordinance creating Street lmpzovameat District Ho. 947; defining the hoamdsrtes <br />of the district; providing for tlts improvement of a atxtet vithia the district by paving, <br />smrbiag, guttering, and all incidental ~ratk is co~ectiaa thezetrith; sad to provide <br />the effective dace of thin ordinance. <br />B$ T! DRIIAIAEB BY THE MAYOR AliD CODDiCIL 6F THE CITY OF GAA9D ZSLA>TD, NE8RASICA: <br />SECSION 1. Street Impzaveseat Biatzict Na. 497 in the City of Grand Inland, <br />lLbraaka, is hereby created. <br />SECtION 2. The boundaries of tlu district shall be as follove: <br />Baginaiag ae a point on the Worth line of I3th Street, said point being <br />132 feet East of the East Iine of Sc. Paul Road; thence running Weat on <br />the Korth line of 13th Street and a line with icQ West prolongation iseittg <br />32 feat 'tarth of the parallel to rite .'forth line of Weiaert Subdivision for <br />a distance of 388 feet to a point 190 feet West of the West line of St. <br />Paul Rs+ad; thence running Vorth on a line parallel to sad 140 feet West <br />of the West Tina of St. Paul Road for a distance of 113 feet to the South <br />Pine of Beck Subdivision; tisence rtmaiag Wesc on the South line east the <br />West ozolongatica of the South line of Back Subdivisiaa for a distance <br />o€ 117 feet; thence rumting :iarth an a ling parallel to sad 304 fact West <br />of the Weac line of St. Paul Road for a distance of 205 £eet to the Weat <br />prolongaii~n of the Korth line of Back 5.tbdivisian; Chance cunning Easc <br />on the Wesc prolongation of the Varth line of Beck Subdivision for a <br />distance of seven tact; thence rcamintt North on a line parallel to and <br />300 feet :vest of the Wesc ling of St. Paul road for a distance of 784 <br />fact to '!te South line ~3f '8th Street lying West of Indiana Avenue; thence <br />ruining East on the South line of 18th Street and its East prolongation <br />for a distance of 234 feet to s point 6b feat West of the WeaC line of <br />5t. Paul Road; thence rvanlnq North an a line parallel to and 66 feat West <br />o€ the ;test lira of St. Paul Raad for a distance of 163.5 feet to the <br />South lists of 18th Street; thence running East an the South line of 18th <br />Street far a distance of b6 feet to the k'ast line of St. Paul Road: ~.:ence <br />ru~nttinq Nort?t on the blest line r,f S Pa31 Rcad far a „istance of b0 feet <br />C to the Worth tine ~=i ihth Street, thence rumtinR East an the East l.rolorgation <br />~ of the Yorth lire of l~'th Street far a distance of b6 feat to the East line <br />of St. Maui Road; theres: riming .~ uth an the east ;inn of Se. Paul Road <br />~ ; for§a`distance of fitl feat, tnen;.eyruaaing East as s line parallel to and <br />. 9, eat `_:~uth of the ztorth isae .~,f iut ~ ,'tari+ood Subdivision, ror a <br />"' distance of 300 fast; thence ramia$ South on a line parallel to sad 300 <br />m <br />:~ _*ass Past of tna rant iiast~f St. aul eivac ~oz s distsnee of A8b.3 feet <br />to the East proirsagaticn a tae Korth li,~ o€ D.X. Subiicv2sion: thence <br />Q ~ rims~3g Easc vn the last praloagacion of the Worth line of D.K. Subdivision <br />,~ fcr a distance of s+ven feat; Chants runairg South ~rrt a Iine parallel to and <br />' j ~ 300 feat Eaat of the Eas[ line of St. Paul Ruad for a distance of 140 feet <br />1 to the Korth of 15th Street; thence rumting Weat an the North line of <br />ISth.Streee for a distance of 282 feet to a point 125 fast East of the <br />East line of St. Paul Read; thence :,inning South on a Sine parallel to <br />a~ 12S feet East of the Eaat line cf St. Paul Road for a distance of 292 <br />fast to the Narch line of 14th Street: :hence running East on the North <br />line of 14th Stress for a distance of seven feet to a point i32 feet East <br />of the Ea8[ line of St. Paul Road; t!tanee naming South an a tine parallel <br />to and 132 fast East of t'te East line of St. Peul Raad for a distance of <br />340 feet to the Nartlt line of 13th street, tseing she place of beginning, <br />all as shorn oa the plat marked Exhibie "A"' attached hareco sad incorporated <br />4er~in by rafsrtnca_ <br />SECTION 2. T.'ae folloviag street is the district shalt ba improved by paving, <br />~h~8, guttering, sad a31 incidental work in correction therevich: <br />St. Paul Road from the North Iiaa of 23th Street to the North line <br />of 18th Street. <br />Said ia~roveasnts shall be taeda in accordance with pions and specifications prepared <br />b7 the weidnesr for the City and appraveb by the Mayor and Council. <br />1 - <br />
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