4,3~~//R'~se~rssed 1f~7S sir snd cdu. 5 watt, twaarr. !k 66~6t
<br />~~~ {/CJ~.~~
<br />~- L. PftASCII ansd STICYf~i C. PRASt~[, iiil+ aa~d 1~sirasd, aaait io fssr
<br />sad lria sera zit and ss.,!pwess..~f, ~sah •tltar., Granto , wbather otter or more.
<br />4'HIR'tY-lQir~ TBi)H1 tIYE J1F~! 104!'f'~ HI16i.~AS
<br />at coa»ideratton ot ...................(~~x~~r~.~........................., receipt of which is [tereby
<br />f-AYII! C. f3A~ sad Y~1lfA J. H4YIS,
<br />ackaawltdged, cpnveyH to ................................ Hataigtad asd ft3.ta Gratttees
<br />sa joist tettaats and not as teaaQts to cotttma~a, the fpilpwinq described real carafe tae defined
<br />its Nab. Ae~r. mat. 1 76-201} in ............~i.Ll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cpuntq, Nebrasfta;
<br />Lot Sistaam (Ib}, alaeY Tva (2), UaivorsitT
<br />Plan:, an Additisa t• th• CitT of 6rsad Islsad,
<br />fish Csttmt7r, f€~bzaaW .
<br />Grantor eovertante t jottttl~ and arvrrally, rf tnort than ane3 with the Gramees that GraMOr.
<br />t l} ut lawfttlly seised of such real estate and that .t :s free from encumbrsrtces ...~jt4ip.~r.......
<br />aasa+aa#a sad zsatrl6tiaaa sf z+:oard
<br />(3} baa legs; power anti lawful :~uthvrtty to convey the tsame;
<br />{8} vatarrartLs anc wtil cirfenr# the tole xo the real estate aga;nst the lawful cintms o€ all persons.
<br />~ ..
<br />Executed; .........fry}.Y~ ....'. ~ ............ .. 1 ~.0..~:
<br />.,.A~~ ~
<br />
<br />8trtt o€ Yebrasita
<br />Ceswnty of ..... ~iwl2
<br />---~
<br />....... ~ ........:............S~i.
<br />.. Bsrfsara L. Pzsaeft
<br />-----
<br />., ~_c~
<br />...,.,3,,,.,...
<br />f 1W ~C1
<br />'[Tie fpregotrtQ instrument xsrs ae:kttowlegged before me on ..... ;y,.,.!,.J'~. f.,~ ............... .
<br />by,...~iE{t,L,.,.PI~SGH,and ST'lYili C. fali~i8 m,~ai'd`~snd~~i'1~
<br />giA~
<br />rj#r-ft1r~
<br />S't'E C?F I+flfBltAf~SA:
<br />Ctatat7 ut .................................
<br />irllad far rt~cord xpd ettterrd :n tiuntet;4ai 2ndrx arc ................. .............. ............
<br />trt .,.., a'e lpcie .....IN., and rrtordcd en Lked Record ....................... F'.,gt~ .... ..... ..
<br />..
<br />i'-v~t%rrty CT 1.1r~ty {~s~3nt~ ~ ic~r~c
<br />€tegtarlxr a.. iir~us or i;3eFx.#~° i-ix:t{rs#.tr e.. i1€~»e~
<br />