P. t. c, Na..~r:~-.. ~. az~ .zo.~... .
<br />M[irRAiKA
<br />~~ ~ Q~
<br />Tate Nae secured by a tnortgage executed Fsy ................................ . .. . ..... .
<br />.........3Ct9~c E.. K$, Ant=. $Et!ERt~Y. ~,. i~St$#3AT!Q ,amd, w t fg a . .... . ......... . ...... .
<br />.................................. . to Tt-is Pxtml4rtTUt. I~ CopanztY ~ AAA, On
<br />the ... 6i'b .........day of ..~4P.t-,t ! ......... , t9 ~d., and t-ecorded in Book ... i ~......... of
<br />Mortgages on page . ~ 2. r ..........~a l<< ................... County, in the Staze of Nebraska, -has
<br />beat fatly paid and satisfied, and such rt~rtga~ is hereby dectarnd fully paid, safisfxd and released.
<br />~ V WhaterDi. a Vice President of said Ttir= PtiL~FNtW. ItvstmArrct: Cott~Atvv OF A!>t~lCA, hag
<br />hereunto signexl his name and hereunto affixed the a~rporate Sea! of said Company in Los Atigeela,
<br />Califarztra, t#tLS ...... - .....~,Q~* . ............day 4f . ........ MBCCh .............. , 34 ~.
<br />~} _ ~ },
<br />t fix ;, t+~r,:;rd
<br />..,~©~,~
<br />.....:.~ , ,z ,v
<br />Stwtt +x~ Cutruxv~.t. ... `•,~ „r.
<br />- i - - ..rte -~-, s ..-.
<br />t
<br />i 3r1 titi±, . . -~~`~"...... - t3ay of .... arci' . , , , . , 24 .~., before nre,
<br />tape undersigttec3, a tiaxary Pub#iaA: aut/+~thvraect to take acknvwtedgtnents, itt ;aid (: tx,tiry and State, personal-
<br />ty appeared - .......... ~ a1.• 1i. -~[r3NRl~ti .... .... . . . . ................ to me person-
<br />atly krtovtn and known tai me to be the persarn who exc~vted thr foregohtg instrument, who being by ttre
<br />duly sworn dpi say that #te i<s a Vice President of Tx~ Prtt~K~n~u [t,+strw+.tic~ i'~+APtY (k~ .~a~:A, a
<br />axt~-aticut under the taws art the State of fikw 3ersrp, arid that the seal affixed to the fore&oing irtstru-
<br />t~tt is the axxporate s trf saia# C'armptirik, atnt that ,aia# insttumertt v.as Signaxt and seateat in belratf ul
<br />stipit G'ttq^tpitty try attihctrtty of its 3~oard a?f C)irectvrs, atxi saiai..... ...... .
<br />~,~~: Sra'tsrtrgati ..... ,
<br />. .... . ... . .. . . .. . . ...... . . . .. . ..... , ackttarw~ecl mid instruntrtu to be the free azt atrat deed
<br />~ s f'owty,
<br />tit Ttrsa€ t4'~, 3 have itereurqu set my hatn3 arm affrreed my arffia~ial seal err my uffxe is the
<br />C~iy of tam ,4n, the day arid y~tr first a#reyve wrtttett.
<br />~~tfwr IZUI~tr~ <~! C itltjprrtyjti,'
<br />.. : r .-
<br />