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80- ppy5B9 <br />fil(>1t7GM'E, <br />ttgR7Y,AGE 1.AAN rx~_ 23 , 703 <br />laio~rwu~a+ar'nte~eESEtrns eau Ji~+ L. Johnson and Sharon R. Johnson, each in his <br />and her c>srn right, and as spouse of each other <br />Tt, rvbethar oar a mote, m aaeidaatira d the as o[ <br />_.lxill^tiY'¢jL_Thousand Five_Hundred and ti9.J]00--------------------------------------- DoliaRs <br />larded to stmd titortgagor by The pgaita4k 6 sad 1_caa Ataoeatao of Grind !aced, Nebeatka, lfoetBtlrr, ~ 315 dstesaE aaeek aE <br />aid ASSOClAT10N, C,ertiti~te No. e. 23, 703 . do he[day Ott, uaKy std martgaee ~ me fled ASrs/D(;JA27Uit1 t!s rwo.(r~ <br />itettrii6ad red estate, xu[uted itt IIaN County, tQebrasria: <br />LOT SIX (6) iN HERITAGE ACRES SUBDIVISION CITY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />together we[h aN floe terretraents, ttereduxrffrn[z and appurfenancrs thercumu helongrt[g, tnclut!#t[g attached tirxu crrvermyt, all window ttJeens, <br />window shades, bhrds, storm wertdowa, awnttips, rtraurig, au wtditirrmng, and piut[[bing ami water euwpmeat and accessorin thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />refrigeratrxs, and rxhrr Rxiures and aqurpmrnt Ixrw tx hrrcs(ter attached to ur used rn aamt[xKnrn we#h sold real estate. <br />And whea2as thG sad tttnftai]g[3r tas agreed and does hereby agree that the neurtragrn }tail anti will ~y aN taxes and asaesavents levied or <br />assrsxd upon sad prernrxa and uprm this anorigaar and the faunei secured thrmby brL:arc tfte sartu shall became defingtxnl: to furteirtt approved <br />rnsuranaz uprm the taudduegs on sad premtses vfuated in the sum of x j ~ r ~DQ, QQ ;+ayanir so said ASSOCtA~C10N : rd to deliver to sxd <br />ASS{X'tATft3N lire prat,crea Ersr sa[d rnatrattax: and mu to wtmm~ ur permat any waxtr ;m or a~u[ sand prefnBses; <br />in .max of default ,n tht perfurtttatnx «i ~+rty Uf the terms and arruirtiurts of thts nxutgage or fhe bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shalt, <br />un dcttand. tae emdkd ur «rmardutc posaessinr# u! ttac murtepted prcmues -rd the rmxtaagur hereby assrgns, transfers and sets over to the <br />mrxtppget xN thr rents- revenetn and ,nWnee to he dcnved frc+m the rtnrripaged premises dtuiag such Itme as the ntuttgage irtdebtednea sfrail reatajn <br />upped; and the m[rrtpgee shah tmx the p«wer to appoint any agent err agents tt rosy desue for the purpose of relstring said premaea and renti[t6 <br />Otte saarfe and vlkatmg rht: rrnta, revent[es and ncr>mr. old rt Inay pay cut «f sad eacnrtr ad cxptmset «f repairing sand premises and ncoesary <br />uxrfs[rus,rura oast expenses ancuned an rrn[ittg and trwvgireg the came and of ruilecitng r_^ntals thcreft«m: the balance retrtautio[;, sf any, to be <br />applied !award the siaschargc of said *;[urtgaae andrbtrdness: thrsG ripjtts +rf ifar nxxtgagre may tae exercised at any time daft[g [he existence of such <br />irtault, snespectne of any rrmpurarv waiver rat the sa:[ze. <br />a:'lsrc Presorts, *x>w:>vet, ,: r.. ss-pur. file t ..sdux~n. i hat ;t Itre zau9 #ortgatZOr <haii trpay ,:,w' kaan ,m •,. nrfsrrc the maturity of yard shoes oy <br />payrttevt_ }aay rnurethty tta ,arc! ta`'10t:l.iY'!t)N :et the sum ape4,fird n r}~r g<xad secured lreteby as :ntertat and pruaa:apal un sad lam. an us before <br />the .; w-gi~th day c>f e jLh and •_~ti= attanth.nt:l :mad lcaan :s fully ~, pa} aii taxes u;d a~saat~nr= evted axatrtst sold premises aruf un thas Mortgage <br />arc the tined ste:ubu' : base`,, tx€.;.~ .tat;ny[~rscy: ftnntait approvri ?rtsut~nca` rcpcrn flee buddrngs titsrtarn !n *.ftr of ? j I ,30A, nQ ~aysbk <br />to ~apl A.S.ti(K'tA flOh. repay «: soot ASSElt'tATiON txytm drnarnf all nntney lay ct pout t:a: such taxes, ar~etamects and rnseeranax wdb uateres! at <br />the fuaximum legal rate +hrrtvnr fruna ;qtr of payateni all ed whtct*. Mnrtga}prs tscreby aarrrs io pay; pernae rua waste am sad prem~es; keep and Gampty <br />wrth all the agfeetnrntc and .emdetx,na of the N«rxi tax S 31 ~QQA A fins day flaxen fay the ,ad Mortgagor to rod ASStx'IA7'tON, and wmpiy <br />wdh ali the fryunrnrnta c;! ttte t'onstpuuun and Hy-Laws of foci 'lA7'ION. then !hest parents skaN laeeotfte nod and v[rd, otherwise they <br />shah srttatn to !ull turc'c and :nav hr lorrrtnsrd at iM rrprrurc ;ai the sad ASS[X'tA i~tON after fadure tur three rtauntits to make any [sf sad <br />payfnrnts or hn there stnx[ths rn arrears u; maims sad m,utthiy pxyttuntr, uc to keep a[n! comply wdh ttte agrerfftents and cundtirons ui sad Nand; <br />and Mamge##w xYreGS to lure a teaxnrr ai+ptuntei turihwrth to swlt Itxeckrsurr prutxeduaga. <br />if [here m am ctwrge m uwncrstup of the era! csta[e rrnx[ltagrd trcrem, l+y xak ur crtherwtae, then the entire [rmam[og tndebtedaesa }aereby <br />stxWed shalt, at the uptiata of The i-:yuatabk fttuldirgt and I.usrt Asarxptxxt ut grand Isiaod, Nebraska, become trtu[tGauteiy due aced payable without <br />fwthet nW roe, sad #hc anxrwN remsatmg due ttnike sad tMUtd. atnl any u[her bard fu[ any additional adva[ices ntaak thereunder, shah, from the <br />date sd' rxerG[ae of sad uptn+rt, t,w uatcresl at the muunum ic~tti nts, and th$ murtgags may t}mit be fraeclosert to satiat'y the anwwu dtsa un said <br />brutd,and cry uthsr hoed for addita,tal advamsxa, mgc#htt wah aN s,ma pad by said The i~ytt#[abk $taidirig sod I.uan Asaneiatxxl o(Crratd Isbnd, <br />Nebraslut fa imt,ru,rC, tuesand aaesassrnka,anri absirac,r#tgextensnxr charges, with intetert therrxm, from date of payment at the maximum <br />legal fate. <br />~a per+vdlsat ut floe Nnrad s~wr~ hereby, wh[k tbac arnartpytgr rct[xa[ns sn el'fes;t ttte n~tgaggec nay taoreefter advance ~dii~sl stttits to the- <br />[[rhers .af sard $vtid, tiros assyq[s :rt s[ax:e~tY to m[e[cat, whrch stems shsil iu w[thm the xrfiaity of this murtgags the ra[ne as the f»rtrls orgynally <br />saea[rsd theeeby, the tuf#l ansuuttt of pritteipst ~br !fur to rx[:ecd at any trine the «rrgf[ui utnrunt «f this rrarartgtate. <br />asap tibia -.-~1 h ~;. d,y of Ap r i 1 + tt.. t rr 80 <br />{ _ ~ __ <br />Shard R, Johnson - <br />~e~~T~.t~ N><tsrtASitA, { ~ r)n ttris 1 i th aay.,f Anri 1 i~ 80 . befae t[,e, <br />t'~nlirrl5t ta= iiA~ t ~ <br />the utadersgptod, a tHniaty YnWfc Hl arW la fi,ai C snu,ty, 1W' canopy t'am6 <br />Jitilt~f L. Jo+mscm aiu! 5harori R. Johnson, path in his and her rn+n ri~t, and as spo~s~ of <br />each other ''~ arp ;rr oersted to <br />roe tea lea tat deatrsai parwu 5 woose n+une 5 are atliatert to=the above ~Gxtrmnen#.~ [ru,rt~x S arx# ,.-.they ~.arrtNy <br />ad[a+u+vleieW ibr sod issstawrcnt w 6G Chei r vo#watary m.t and dmctl, - ; -' J-/- t <br />'S4t?lksk4 lanA arA Nola tai Saai [hc date al+>testta:. 'r' <br />l <br />!IY t ~~ru[etrsnrsa eaprrrs. ~° ~-~• f ~ . <br />stags sa ttS;Lttt.rti' ian-`;be! a'tietcaxaaj '+xu, l'abl[i <br />t~ ^i b~61lIAt. gtj! tf`1}k -~._. ay,~ y <br />