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$0- <br />idt7RT#'.AGE <br />~rcnce t.o~t+i rro. H- I 682 (FNA } <br />lulo~ Ai.L MEtt BY TttFSts rl:rsa[rrs tlae Dennis R. Potter and Jean C. Potter, each i n his attd <br />her octet right, and as spouse of each other <br />N # neteL'n T - MO's~• weet>rer oae a m.~liq.tio. tK tee s~ atF <br />hgi~sancf Seven Hundred Ti~ntyTmne,and 200-------------------- ---- <br />k,ewed ~ erid twereyte[r' by The i:sp^oteek aed I.oen Astotbtfoe of Greed tam. tiebrain, ~~0. tgeta 197 ,ewes ac.r.dt tsf <br />stet AS50C1A170N, Cesrifia[e !vo. tN- I 682 { FN9 ~o Bsztby ~, ctsney ad mosgpae w[mn tes aeW ASSOCiATlON Ss feterwl~ <br />dststrshed red auam, sttanted so tWt Cwsaty, ?Vebrasica: <br />tOT SEYEHTEEN (17}, BISHOP NEIONTS SUBDIVISION, NAIL COUNTY, <br />°iEBRPSKA <br />iadeiher wtth ai{ [hr tts,ementz. fttrcditaments ;ad appurtenaners thereumo Wig, uxJttdtrtg aitaclted floor psverittsz, all window screetta, <br />ntaduw sharks, hinds. storm waxlows, awvtrliRt, Ittatmg, au condrtamurg, arnl piuttthmg and water egtt:pment std acwsoviet thcrtto, pwtgts,ztovsa, <br />refrsgeraias, sad txhet fixtures and egwpttt¢nt ?xw: ett Iterraftet attacMd to or used in ctmttettion weth saxi real exta[c. <br />4nd vrhereaz the xaaf naxt(pgor hu aPSCrd xttd does MrrtrV agree tsar the nxxtgagw sixail and will pay dl tares and aaseasments kaisd or <br />araad oQun st,d prrmgn and upon this rtwrtgagt and the tx)nd secured [ttrrtby be#rrr tFie same shall 6rmrtte drlingtant: fa fitrttisJt approved <br />nzstuanre upon the htaidmgs rm satd prrrnssrs snuated :n she sum of 1 ? ~ , 729. ~`t} payable to sad AJ'itX'IATI(Nt and to deliver to said <br />ASSQC'IAT10N the puttcaes hx sax! ertswamx; and twr [_, commtt :u permit any waste cm ar atxwt sad prernrss: <br />in cae •_+f default m iM perfarmance of any trf tTst terms sad axsrWnionz of rhea rraxtg, ge nr ehe 6an6 secured Mrehy~ *fre mwtgagm dull, <br />txt dcrrtatut. he ctstnkd to smatediate p[rsaessxtn .,i tttr m[+rtragcd premises scut [tx etxxtgrylttt herehy azsttpts, transfers and sets over en the <br />mmgagtt aH the rents, revenues xad itturpte to tx drtrecd t:om she rncxtgagtd prrmtses dwmg sex:h rune its [ter mortgage utdehmdrun shall remain <br />unpasd, aced the m+rtgsgee sitali }rave tM fxs+rc+ t.. app++nt any ~¢nt or ageats n may desrrc k>r rise purpose of repaairgt pfd premnaa and rrntiisg <br />thr sanx ar[d [nika:tugt the ants. revenues and mwme. arW d may pay++ut of said income a)i rxpemes ai rtpatrtng said premises and tteeeanry <br />rnosstuawrn ztsd rspeases uxvntx! m stntutg and trytea>r}nX tM tattle stet ::f colisctutg :etttais tttertlrs>rtt_ the halanct remainatg. s!' arr. to 6e <br />appimd t=+ward [Far drsrltarFe of sad rn;rrgape +rtdebrtdttess, ihex rights ~=t et[e nx>rtgagr nati he exetcesed at any trine dttrmg ttx extstenee of attctt <br />d€fku:i. ar.c~r.-~ttvr m arty trmporxry wtixt c,t the st=mt- <br />'fYreae Prtaems, ixswrvex, arc upon ehe t ~or+dttsun_ "1'}ut J the saxt S#,xtgpax sfratl repay sax! z~,an .ut ;x lseiwe tM rnattirtty of raid shares bV <br />pevrnnu, fwy rtamtbly to scat A-kStY.tA~IIfS!v of [tic win sptrafieG m the lk2ud t=ett~ te:rznr ,: v:[rrnt and pr'•ncsPst rte std loan, on or txfort <br />tM T znttrtYs dray :rl ..actie artef c+v.+} rrs~txtk. unt,i s,tai flan rs iu#iy pant. paV aft resit amt ataessrteents tined ag~rtnst seal prttnaea amt on thez Mortgbs <br />aml [etc Hotui ucaur6 trseteirv, bciorr ueismietemy. twntah appr<md tnaurartcr rilnrn t!+r h:tehlatgs :Mteun to the suet o! S ! G , / ~~ . ID payahk <br />to std AS.StX"IATI4N: rrwy [2 sasd 4SSQ[:IAYI(Ni ssprsn dctnarx3 a!4 ~uv€Y i,y tt paxt t,x scuff ±axes, ~ sessrstects surf toa[:rarx~e wsth ;nterea at <br />the maxtraum itg~i rite f hetr<m inure date of payment alt ai wnsch M.artgagor htret+v a~ees rn t'aY ~ ptrmrt n+ wash e,n sad pxertuaes: kttp a>.i comply <br />umR aIi tttr agreenscot=_ atsd vndtttwts .,f ttr 13[usd fur S 1 r1 r'29 zIi eras -.taV Sams o4 rite sad Mwtgagor co sasd ASS(X"tA'#[(Ni, and asmpiy <br />nth all the ta+qutremcma .sf the t~ rmsauutsun and $y~ivtvs of saa# Ati:iLX'lA 11ClN, [Mat titex presents shelf bea°uase null and void. othtrwue they <br />shale rettssm m full f:xte amt srwy tit twc[:iz~sed as ttte t,ptson <>t the sad ASStIi'IAilOly atkt lxilure fur tiu~ msmtha to rtutke any of satd <br />paymcros w he thyme rnsxstha m ¢ttrars ut ntaktng cant namttdy paytrtemts, .x su kerp atx! u,mply nth itse agreements and axHiditmz of said [Bard; <br />sad MortgaFsx agrrs h+isava a rtsaervtt appautied fwfhw+th m su.:4 tute<k:+smr mr+ceedutzs" <br />ii there is arty ckirsite ut trwucrshsp-of the era! s_atatt tzWrtgaged ttetem, by sale w :xlxrwne, then the emm remasnitpg ittdebtedtsea <br />tttrsby <br />teeured senN. at the optisx[ v# Itte Fgsuirdtk Ht»I~ sad Loan Aateciatrsx, of L:read Island, Nebraska, Become unsrsedsa[ety due and psyaek without <br />turtkas r>•stsss, sttb rite atsruunl remtmttgt dire tauter totid ttrnd, snd am' artier bond tw any additioad adwssaxs tmde thereuodes, shdt, fr+%n the <br />date Lsf rrmstas n# and optim, bear emetm at the maxuetsa iepei rate, and tits trsaatg~e mry turn be furesiwed tis aatafy rise ittstartnt due em said <br />6owd, and any +stlac bind #or adslitiirssaf advatcea, ttigetees wish ail sty turd by snd The t yuitabk Bwldfn6 and l uaa Aastoeutioo Of Ceand tslsed, <br />Ireiweta frx eaaaartu, taxes aed aeeesmeetp. seal aeatracitssg esttrwost t3miges, with vtttrest thtrs+on, from .late of payment at the rtnairnum <br />kid :sec. <br />As provakd m the Hrxtd sectnesf hereby. wivir this ma"sgsgte rcnraras m efirct the rnurtgagee may huratter adransx additwrta! sum io the <br />tsadters rd naf Brn+[!, ttru asvsgrrr nt wax°surs m mttrtat, wltrelt xwtsa sttatl bt wrthin [he sezwtiy of this tnortgatge thr saute as the funds ortgnaliy <br />stxaseed thereby, the twat asn[xaet of prtaapd debt taut [o txuted st any rainy the wsgutd amount of thin etxxxtage" <br />tes ? 4th der ~ . Aprt 1 A, o., lv g(} <br />~• , , /' <br />'x~3ean C. Potter ~._.._,. <br />.. <br />,~,t87`AT-F:~ tIF?!#t~/ti53LA, ~ z+t. t?n tlda ? 4th daY of Apr i ? ?a SO . hef«e,ae, <br />v c:ffL~t('Y ~ t~wi.[ <br />trite tmdrrf~xd, a !votary Public a and for .tad enmity, pmratrrrdiy eaima <br />ile~nis A: Potter a#+d Jean C. Potter, each in his and her tA,rn right, and as spouse of <br />each Oi~r wh" are i'Y knossit to <br />ms to ba eta sdssuamti 6a*7uar 5 whmnse txsme S $ re afPuzd to ttre atx,ac urrsrnt as trturtgsRtx 5 and the}' etsrdiy <br />rise sand iMµrttAM~ era be ; r nsitmEary ar..t :tad dined- ~~~~ ~`-'• <br />dry heed sad pasasa+[id the skatm afoamiuid. - , <br />'~ t' ~,, t <br />sty t'.:a,~ r, ,- <br />ske'srss as - - fi Gf *.-, tai, - -.;2', . . y't yvD~a#~t! . <br />-~ tir'e' C:yrf <br />