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<br />l~xrcat~uwrno. L 23,102 <br />~O1''~- ~~ ~ ~i~: ~~'~~~: ~~' James D. foodwi n and Colleen N. Goodly 9 n , each i n hi s <br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Thirt Thousand and No 100------------- -----Yl~t~ot'trnetttma.eatttaat,' <br />__.~~_.._.~...4__._..__._L__..__._~_~°---~._-----~_w~-------------------- <br />tareed to said mtxtggor by Tyre Fgoisab# &tiidind ud lawn Aaoctatioa of Grand itdaad, Nebr;aka, , tgtoe 3!H? tt'rares of roams d <br />satd ASSOCIATION, C:'trtiFigte Nai. L 23 , 702 .tin hereby grant. ~+aeY sad tmtsr the ,rid ,~C[AripN the {~ <br />described read atatc, sttmted is Hail ('rwaty. Nrdtrssica_ <br />LOT TWO HUNDRED FORTY-ONE (2A1} IN BELMONT ADDITION, <br />AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HAtL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA, AS SURVEYED, PLATTED, AND RECORDED <br />trgpttber wrtfi ai3 rise trroements. heredstarnen[s and appureenarraxs [hescunr+r hrksnRvrg, inciuztt~ attadrtd iltwr wvermgs, all svurduva ssY!eens, <br />wsttdow slwries, hhrds, ,corm wasduws, awnsngs, hcattrtg, ate ..smldtonrrtR, seat piumhrag zed watereyutprtrent and aeteswxies ihereto,pumps,stoves, <br />t'ttrrgtratoa, srd ruher irztnra c anJ ryrupronrsr turw ru ixrzairer -atachsd to srr gets` !n ::unnecttan wrtb satJ rnai eatate_ <br />Hutt whereas the xad rrrortgrgzx oat attreed std ,tcses hereby agree riot the tnazrtgatGU stu[t abd wntl pay ill taus acrd »arsmreata levied or <br />»sesard upon rarer{ premrtes and upon thn rnzutpRr and the Maui sta:ured t~rcby t,e€ore else same stuU becuree +kttoytswt: to fturtiah approved <br />irtsurrrsce opera the hustdtnRs un satd prnnsara vtuated ix the sum ut S ~() . (jDD, ()D t!ayah# to .ad ASti0('IA ()(Nt and to deliver to sad <br />AS'Sfy['lA7TfMi the potxcres tar sand [nsuzanu, and ru.t ur snmmn are peraut any waste ,w ur aMwt card premnea, <br />Fn .:a:.H !#lauit !n the pertor manu< ,-,r any ru chr !i rnu slut c~rrrttlrtkars of thzs ^rxt~pe !>r the hurW xewed hereby. the rtuxtgadet stsali, <br />.m dettwrri, be entukd ta, !mmcdrate (nssvruxsn .,t 'hr !nruet;agrd premzxs anti the anantip)(rrr hereby :ssrgrts, tranaiets aml seU over [u the <br />tntsrtgrrgee aI{ the cents, crwrnrtes amt rrrxxmse t,., tw .itnrttd tram the munptyr:d gttenrrscs QururR such trnte xs the nusrtga~e urdebttdnasa rtWl lemon <br />unprsd, vat the nxutRatter stwit tray the ivrwer n, attp<_rutt anv aunt ur agenrs vs urav dtsrrc ttx tlx pwpuse of rtpavuyt sad tmman zmi tenturg <br />the sszpe sort ~oUnt~ye the .cola. !rsrnwn seta mcx.tur, and rt nny ray ,rut :at ratJ uuuate all expense. ut repautrzg surd promtaes and netzrtrry <br />tx svbrsanr~r~ arni exprnaex snatrreFt :n :antsnit asul atyn;rltutg t±te same stxt ,:i ;vt;ketrsp; ,eratats iheratimn', the hatttnee remrmixrd, tf any, to be <br />apptitsl :zweard the dzuharitr aN srai teauigytc raclrbtcdness, there rphts,at the nxutRaKtrc may t!e cxerctaed se any rum darnrg the extttena of strt:tt <br />rkfauh, urespecitvr .rf soy ternpxasy warrYr ,~t the saur. <br />-(Ilex{ t'ttarn[5, larirrger. are trntu« tlat r ~-,+ailix.aa, :hat ,f ttH sazas \#<.ri~-a~.xr 4h~i1 terry .~~ lax3n ;s~ ..e t~{.z(; t!t>r t3tilrtitft y" ~*f tiiyd 3tfarEr h~ <br />pav~ni. fszy tnrnthty tar sax{ A.SStRiA TNt\ „t to ~.usn +jlccrf"retl m i!x lirrnd se. ulcJ hereby es mtrre-st and rutnuprt an card keys, vu ut tx(rxe <br />taa [weasrrth r1aY tk ~l~k sari xarry a!xrrutl- uma{ stint 3<pats r,. E3tly f+aut. pay akl tax:=x .rw astaxistxrus tevxtf agarast sand premrrx and un ihn Nortgase <br />atni ihr ttnnti scz`uted rite eFt -._etr•rc ilrirresiuetea~y,'utmttr apla<st# c€iszuausr;srxue tkr t:uridutgs itarrmns us test sum ai > 34,~Q~. ;~(~ {wvatr# <br />to ;,ad AS.rit)('fA~l~i(Tti, arpar t . and asst slY4 Tt(}t: uprut dor,zand as nTlriey by ;t tad Sur suit taa,es, aaaetnasarnza aref a_nsrrraaua! wrth uttetext tie <br />rht nraautwtn jai ra?s tireee4ur Ir•lm ksase ,•t r,ayrrttot sit =!t wtt:t}t !d.usy,;gbrt k€trhy agraYS t:s paY, txtmH aris rsaate r>n sad prrnwes,tteep and cxrmpiy <br />wait :t€i t~ aasr~ai acv c3-~u •-3arrts ad Misr risxscss tnr S 3('j,~ ~ ton ay rt,ven tsy ttte rand siwttTa~>r r+r Brat ASii(X.-iA fi'tt1N. std wmP/Y <br />wsth art slit rr:fttz€etnet~s.-k stry! ;?t~zust4.~ att& t#'~-t.aor-s~~.L' _t ~ t7(Y+i: €hm :Hasa trssinis xistu ~t~[+n7e nut{ anti rout, s~.ihorwutt they <br />stfaii rctewm rrt tart guar and ;nay tsr icrtrak»cd ai ittt r.ptKUr ut the ,swt ~SS(X:tAfit tN afstr tatlurc t,n [hell «u>rtths to tznlte any ul satJ <br />psymsnts +ae ba [lute rtwn[hs sn arrest r m muuzy sari nuudhiy txsYatcnts, ,,r to 'step seal unnpiy with tix ageaenxnts sad rurulstwas ui sad Fksrsd, <br />and Maut~rprr areas to have a re.i lvcr appzsuNad tiuthwnh .a stxh faret,~knurr pnra:etdttyp. <br />i€ !pert sa any tltangr rn uwtvttthsp:N the seat estate ttnsrfp[dtd heteus, by sak ur utherwrae, thus she enlue rrreyznali( uuMbt!ttitreas hereby <br />tartaad droll, at the upttrur .rt Thr €ytataWr 6utidtstrr arui I,wn Asuu.rr(uus ut t.nrut tstanri„'JCbrazla, 6ewmrt trrmtedtalety drat red psytsb# wrtttuW <br />turtlats lndrax, and the znr+nmt rtrtsunutg 3uc .stoke sand twat. acrd an} .apse Fwnd faH any addnattut adqura- mule ttxrtutrder, rhtAi, frtrm the <br />dart ul rxereue of std s>Ettztsn, fracar uucttst at the +toratrrturo k'd+i rate. and tltu nsrutrugpt rrgy then lr0 €waizaw! to srtraty IlK rnrnutt dot na stud <br />bsrrd, and any .x4w hxsd itv addrixaut advautss, tuprthtr wrth all wnta petal by sad The f yrutabtt baitdrrtg and Luau Aatx:zrtwn sxf {.card latant-, <br />*isttrartta lur arsurarux, rases crud awaaxtutnts, sort abstraetmgextetaarut wbudn, wrtk :n(rtrzsu ttx!rtzrre, irons Batt u! paynttnr at the nquumtrm <br />tr(Ftt race. <br />As W-+vttad as vfic itorad tttuzrtd tureby, rhtk lien urutgxiy!a rrtrrarrrs an z(tecr the azaxtgtpyva nsry harq[ztttr advartax aaidi[xnrst siwoa to the <br />maAru .d srtd t3arnd, lheu awgat,.r xustitaaura sa rntrrrat, whradr aumx. chart tK walrus tix r><curuy r!1 trot nturtgapt the a' the ftenda atgtnrlly <br />tesw~td theetby, tha total aMwYtN rd ptuwrprl :ipErt nut to rs:rnd at +uy sane nc~ rurdtnarf utrxtnt rte th» rrauttyye. <br />~~ ! gaud tiw 31 th _ ;ray <d,~ Ap r i I a r} , r.r 30 <br />,,~ i ~^~ ~f ~ <br />o ern n <br />!~7`A7fiO41rF~tiilq+fttA.~~ #~,tt--~ 11th ~,y„i Apri1 <br />x'!ekTTY otr tu~,t_ <br />!,+ I30 .boar. art, <br />tOt erudaraldrutJ, a Noiaey Pubtrc in and frN card (uuusy, r•.t.u,ruy Batas <br />James O. faoodwi n ; E~.n M. Gov(frri tt , ea(:Y~ i n n I S aid her <xvn r: ~ny;{t . E3l~d ~S 3;;~~~~~~yyC <br />waf ouch other w!Ad puy>ASitYk6rswuru <br />are <br />we err hvt tkt zdtarttra3 gaisgprA, - ~ 5 are a€tiscd er. t#sc atwse anstrust,sut as rrrautartisrr arW thc?Y rrrraYy <br />«,ttss!.rvi.ddrta t.p!r rru11 gtretttptrux u, i>< "~ ]' cs>tantary ai:t alert datd. <br />,. <br />rmj hr~rQtttMt ~istlbteat rts8 date aEFaaarst- <br />- - :-, tiy(asp Publw <br />sai#~tt at - .- - <br />