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<br />acluz~~i i~-~9tAitt'Y
<br />The Gra»tsr THE A~DAII'P LIFE CIiRIST"LAN CEI~'PER, a varges'arti~s
<br />ergsniaed and existing under atnd by virtue of t!he ls+~a et the State
<br />of Nebraska, is oonaidsrattaa of liZ~iS T1f0tTSAlifl llTTi$ Hillit~ Alin 1~/t~ ~j'
<br />DQLLARS--(i9,400.0A}--reasivee! Prow Santee, does grant, bargains asll.~
<br />osavsy slid osnfira unto JSADT A. HEfiN, an unra~arried widox, hernia
<br />oallsd the grantee whether one er aors, the fallowing dssarib~ real
<br />property in Hall Caunty, Nebraskai
<br />Lot Ten (70) in Iwp•rial Village
<br />kigbtb Subdivision, City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraalca.
<br />Ta have sad to bold the above desarlbrd proaeisss togsth•r
<br />with all tensiaenta, hereditaatenta and appurtsnanves tbsrete bslaaG~G
<br />into the grantee and to grantee's heirs and aasigne fsrovsr.
<br />And the granter for itself and its auaesaora deaa hereby
<br />asvenant with the grantee and with grantee's heirs and assigns that
<br />Grantor is lawfully seised of said premises; that they are Erse Eras
<br />enoumbranve except eaasmoata and reatriationa of reward; that Grantor
<br />has good riGht sad .Lawful authority to asnvey the seats; and that
<br />granter warrant: and will dafead the title to said pretttd.aes agtiaat
<br />the law!'ul claims of a12 p•rsoaa whsaeever.
<br />Ia witness whereof, grantor has hereunto caused its corgerato
<br />seal to be affixed and these presents ~ignsd by its President,
<br />Secretary, Treasurer sad Trustsee.
<br />Dated Marva ji, 1980. 'rHE ABUNDANT LIFE CHRISTIAN C.BDITBR
<br />n
<br />Tore Hawkins, 'Crustse D. E. drnsld, President
<br />` ~~ . .r
<br />f~ ( p`i ~~=T ± i~'.~ "{ _'. 1 ~ 3~ N~~~ai 1. i~-i~'fi i ~"t I1
<br />D~+a~p JuztG'}nawa.~; T`ruste© ~iorw~th FfaCprthy, S ~ scary
<br />~rrYF4 ia~~t tl2, '1`r~isi.ea IZa14 aelcrr.n, Trssuret'
<br />Jo ~L,eDantl,_ ~ ter 'Pin ,Rust Tr else ~ ~~
<br />Lea Stimar, True ~ii
<br />5'!'ATE V~ N>Cli~ltAi+KA, Csuaty o2' Hall:
<br />Bsfare ate, a notary }~ubliv qualiYisd in said oouaty, peso®ally
<br />aatttw la. 1C. AFiNt)Lll, Ptresidrat, N0RlfAN ;1oCARTHY, 5•arstary, DALE ACiLiRliAN,
<br />'t'rrasurer, TIM 1tUST, Trystee, L1G0 STAMlB'J2, Traatss, TOM HAMICINS, Traatoo,
<br /># Jima, `~ustse, HAR'YY LXI.IR#'17iAL, Truatos and J0E [.A1fP,
<br />Tt•uatrr of 'Pl{lt Alii3A~N4' Lll*$ t.l3til$TIAJ1 f:ISNTEJi, a cotporatioa, iwaww to
<br />w- rr be the President, Ssarrtaxy, Treaourer and TruaEOra etttd identinal
<br />poreaas who alGtord for forwgoiag instrumrnt, sad aoicnewlsdGod tAr
<br />sx*autxon thrrrol' is bs their Yol~uatwey act and deed as suod •ffioora '
<br />asO the waluntary ant sai Ased of said oori.orrtion and that its oorparato
<br />seal was thrrrte aYt'ix+.d by i;a arMtbssity.
<br />its ep:aa try hoed sad nstasial esal os tisrob+.'''" ry$t#.
<br />aasr-at»- a,~r,a
<br />EOIM! D. ~t~ `
<br />M,+?lw~ IMS ghlw. +1,. res. ~ ~' ~~ - ~ ._-_-~_. - -
<br />.,. ..._, m . . _..__._,.. Nstary Pwbli,c
<br />