<br />$Q- ~'~
<br />Uxtt=oatt Covtar:stvTS. Borrower artd Lender covenant anti agree as follows:
<br />1. !'apnarr ~ Prirsipa! oral I~eraA. Borrower shalt promptly pay when dtx the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedrtesa evidenced by the Note, prepayment aad late charges as provides in the Note, and the principal of grad interest
<br />art any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2. Fsmda for Ttsua grad Iwt~sre. Subject FA applicable law a to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shalt pay
<br />to Lender on the day tnonthty installments of principal and interest art payrrbk under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a sttm ftxrein "Fonds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearip taxes artd assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents an the Property, if any, plus tmo-ewelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard ireuratue,
<br />plus cite-twelfth cif yearly premium rrtittallrrtertis far mortgage irtsurafta, if any, a!t as ressonabty eaiimated initially and from
<br />erne to time t:y !,ender on the basis of assessments aad bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an iaxtitution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency t incltrding lender ii lender is such an iftstitution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessrrtertts,
<br />insurannce premiums and ground rents. i_ender tray not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />nr verifying and campding said assessments and bills, unless i,ender pa}•s Borrower interest on the Funds attd applicable law
<br />permNS tender to make such a charge. Harrower and (..ender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest an she Funds shall ix pard to Harrower, and tmku such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest [o rte paid, tender shalt not be required to pay Borrower any interdt or earnings art the Fulttls. Leader
<br />shall give to Harrower, without ,:barge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Fursds and rho
<br />purpasc for which each tkhir to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged u additional socurity for the sums secured
<br />by thrs Mortgage.
<br />If [hc amount of the Fund: held by !,ender, ntgether with ehe future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due states of taxes. assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />assetsments. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall be. at Borrower's option, either
<br />prompt!} repaid to Borrower or credited to Harrower an rtwntMy installments of Funds. tf the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender ;hail not be suff'icleat to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and gttrottd rents as they fats due.
<br />Borrower shalt pay to tender any arrwunt axnssary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is rnniled
<br />by l.erxier to Hcrrr.~wer requesting payment thereol.
<br />Upon payment ;n full o[ arl sums secured by this Mortgage. 1 ender shall prumptlY refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by leader. It under puagraph 18 hereof the Property rs sold or the Property ix oihetwixe acquired by l.ettdor, Lender
<br />shall apply. nn later than +mtnediately error tv the .ale of the Property or its acquiutron by Lender, any Futsda txld by
<br />lender at the ume of application ax a credit against the sums secured by this Mortgage
<br />J. ipptirasiow e1 Paymrnr4. i;nirss appticatrle law prrniJa otherwise, alt payttxnts received by (.ender under the
<br />Note and paragraph) I and 2 hereof strati tx apptrcd by Lender first in payment of amnums payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph ? hemof, then to rntrrest payable vtt the Nwe, then ter fhe pnru:tpal of the Note, and then to interest and
<br />pnn[:;pal un any Future Advaarxs.
<br />a. C'tirteges; Bens. Borrower .Mall pay all razes, assessments aad ,abet charges. fines and impositions attnbutabk to
<br />the Property which may attain a pnttrity over this Mortgage. and leasehold payments or ground trots, if any, in the manner
<br />pmvicleJ ttnJer paragraph 2 hereof ,rr..t oat pard in stub manner. by Hormw•cr making paytaent, wlrcxt due, directly to the
<br />payee thereat. Hsirrnwer shalt promptly furnrsh to l.emkr sal notices of atrun)rtta due under thss paragraph, sled in rho event
<br />Hormwer shall makt payment dtrrs:tly. Borrower shat! promptly furnish to lender receapls evtdencmg such paymonts_
<br />Hurrowtt ~hati vrompt!}' drschnrge any lien whuh has pnrxrty aver this Mortgage; provided, that Harrower shall nrN lx
<br />requued to discharge art}' ;uch hen .n tong as Burrower shall agree to wnuttg to the pa}utent of the obligation xN:urtd by
<br />stub lren in :, manrrcr acseptabte to I.r:ttdet. x .halt to gcsext lanh stmtes+ such titan tw, ar defend cnforcet[rent of such lien in,
<br />legal pnk~rrJtngs whrch opera:r ro prevent tl+e rntorcemcnt of the Irrn nr lurteiturc of the Property air any part thereof.
<br />5. Huard faartreoce. Heurriwrr .halo keep the impmvernents now exnimg or txreaiter crxnted an [he Pfnprrty tttaured
<br />agatnxt loss t>y tire, hazuds mcludeJ wnhm the term rxtentleJ .overage" and sash other hazards as tender may rcyurre
<br />anJ in soh atrtnilnix anti tear such per~td~ as t rmkr map resturre; pre yrded, that !..ender shat) not tzyuire that the amwmt nE
<br />such ..,:rs•rayre +t+tcrrd chat am=?urtt „} ~uvrrage trqutred [o pay t~ amt =esurnd by ?has Mrrtgage
<br />11rc tnsurarxr .arner provtdutg +he ,nswance shall lie ch+astt f±y Hcxtowrr .ub)cyt to approval by 1_entier, pnwidesl,
<br />that su4t, approval stall oar be urucas.~ttahl} wuhttetd Ary prcmurmx ,m inaurancc petin.ies .hall he paid rn the manner
<br />prtrvttfed under paragraph ttcrcaf ,u, ct not part in arch cnanrrer, try tictanrwu making payment. when due, Jirc~tty to rite
<br />inSltrY[R`F carrtC.r.
<br />Att msuranss r aticret anJ renewals tttareot -shalt t+r in tarot a~irptahht to I.cnskt unJ ,hail uxludt a standard mortgage
<br />slaut:€ rn favor ,t and +n `corm acceptatrk to l.ens~t Ismter stroll hate fix right to b.,id rhr pc:licerx and rrttcwais thetc~st.
<br />sus! flarrc,wrr ±ftali fnosrtptiy turnrsh tct l~tt+1€r slt r~rwal rtsut;~ arts! a6} teutgts sy4 pard prrmtunts. !n ttse c}ent r,t fcn±.
<br />Harrower vhall grvr prompt rNrt tar ts; tree mxurance caterer atu{ l rtxter. LenJrr mny +nake prtwf of loss ii not made pntntptt}
<br />bs iinrt:,wet
<br />llnlrau t enskr and iktrrower nthcrwrse agree ,n wruing. tnsutance praerdx shall ire applied to rrstoratiun or repair tit
<br />ltte Pn*prrty JamageJ, provtJed sw;h rextantron nr report ix rctxwmrcatly teastbir artd the xrcurrty ai this Mortgage n
<br />tent theroby rmpauni. It stxh rtsturairon ar rrpau is oat ccurxtmually ttastble .u ii the xck;.unty of thrs Mortgage wrntW
<br />be +mpasrcd. the ,nauraact praceotls shah bo apptxd to the awns saureJ by thtx Mongage. wuh the rx~rsx, it any, pard
<br />to Hsirrawcr It the fRapenc ~, atwudarred by &xnrww. „r tf fktrretwer lath to rnprtnd w t etader withal 30 days from the
<br />date nnttsc rs mailed by 1_ertder ru Httru>wrr !hat the trtsurarkr .nrner e~ttets nt settle a .farm tw insurance ktonclitx. Lender
<br />is aWlur,rxxl !e .olle<t and apply the tnaur,snee pntoecds at f rtutcr's opttizn crthir w rrawraunn or report of the Propony
<br />or to the xwnx scsumt by thrx Rfartgalc
<br />Ilnkss l rnskr at)d &un,wcr otherwise agree ~n writrog, env xtlih applrcauon of pnaeoda to principal .hail not extend
<br />yr twxiptmc the Jac dare tit the nwnthly intaal(mentt retcrrrd to in paragraphs t anJ hcrrol nr .hangr the antsurnt s>t
<br />wsh insuNnoena II uxsder patayraptl :a octant the Pntport} w, rsyuttaJ by Leader, all trgttt, i~tlt artd ?ntrroa! of liurrnwci
<br />in anti t.s an} i[txuracae pwzlua+~ stet m amJ to the ptt~eexfa thcrerrt resulung from Jamage so the Property pricer tit the salt
<br />or a~yurxtuun shall pars to lender ?n the estrnt „f the ,ants srcwdl by this !llurtgage mmtedtatel} prior to +us:h ,ate ur
<br />tnynisitratr.
<br />6. 14aaarvaiisr arse! NaiaNastrrare of froilroely; Lcraeitalirt t oudoaftdtxpas; Phraed l;ait Ikveioprrretah. Iktrrowrr
<br />stroll ks~s tF,e Pt.-arty an gt~kf rsttatt and tau ;:sttrmttt wtr ==t ;termer rtttt.rattmttu sir cktcttrttation ;tt tree PropOrty
<br />uu! shad ttmtply .soh ?he provtwttu .>t arts scare .4 they Hcttigagi r, ,ut .t lcusetts:id. tt thts ~9ortaatte ;> ,,n a ..tort it .+
<br />ciatdamutttnn nr a pianrsrd +uut .kyctatpntttN. Hturr~wet sha14 perform ail .+l Nnrrowet x „ttlrgat)snts under the ckci,uati.m
<br />ur ~avruatttx ~rraung ur governing the .;.,rwktrnrtuum or ptararted amt drveWpmrm, ?he bylaws anJ tvguiatittns e,1 rtu~
<br />s,urdomtnaum ur ¢,twtrted uutt drvetnpnXn4, atµl .unsiu,trnt Jits:utttrnts_ It a .orWamulttutt nr planned amt ikvrl.rl,otrrtt
<br />rr.lrrt is :;xrs:utod M Oa'ruwet oral res urtlett togrttter with this Mtxtteage, the e~ovtnanix anJ aKtrrntrntx .,f such rulci
<br />xkalf t?s acsupcrated rota anti shaft amtasd ana suppktnrnt the cnsrttanux artd agrr+zmentx eat rhos Mortltagr ax ;t the r,rt.i
<br />'A C.te a t'_5r1 hefetrt
<br />7, 7xta~lactlwt of [,aadtrr'a ~aetrcitY. It lisxr.,w~er tarts t., prricrrn[ the iuvcnarus anJ ugtermcnta .1Mttatnr^,d :n ih„
<br />MartlaAx:, e,r rt any xtaxt ,*t prttcasrdrng >s ,.iNtNtterlr:rsl w-huh matrrrally attrrls I crtJet x interest rn the P~.,pcr+,
<br />mctud,ng, MN area itmnmd tu. rsatnent ducxwan, rrtwJiyrtxy. suskr cnts~r~rnaeat, nr arrangcnutNa cFr 4v.naalrngx ~nsuie~ut; ,~
<br />hrurkntpt ar rinrrdmr. +hen I ewkr at t codex's .•traeoat, upon ntntcc r,t Hanower, :nos ntakr sus~tt apjtrara,t.rx. ,4:srnre~rt ~u, t.
<br />siutts and tales su:A asttctn a. rs rte,r;frary ct. protest l.etttie^ x :rttrfr>«t. ;nchsJrrts. fnu rxtt lam+tai :,, .t:xhsrrsrncr+=E : .
<br />rEtl;nartattt :tt;,arif;~s OcEk.s a:ai 6s+tf~i egt;;f: skF ~rs3pir tip cs, rrstrr,r r~raars tF f er>daC[ rcwurncd m.,rtp;t~,r rnrarran. e' ..v
<br />-'xftasttL.-,rt .,t treats+t;rg it}~ ';;.Ito .ec rte-rrt try rhrs Mctttlfsgs, l3rirrti,wtr sFtai; -;?s} ittC pi ¢tnttttttj !eitr~*tt•,.i ! :tea:ntarra ... .
<br />reett:~ +n etta:t ~antst sxffi.h txvar ~x tree rc-r,.xrr#ranettt S:st strs:tt stxxu€artrei .stn:.aztrc .., p_~a,n#arn.E +rrf;'Hrx;k r.e az.~
<br />