<br />µ:a,
<br />3 s . _ £ Ct?` ~iSK~, ~#iil~T Y QF__~ MALL
<br />~i 3 ed for record and entered in ~~tsn~m~r i ca l -index
<br />on___~_-____.,~_ at_~_.___.~`~"clock F?.,
<br />Arrd recrart3ed in Heed Recard~__.._..~__..,...._...,.,._,._~ Paq'e _.._.
<br />____ County Cterk or ~~~ 3epvty County Clerk or
<br />Register of Deeds Oeputy Register of t3eeds
<br />~r~r""1~..~ bIARRANTY pEEb
<br />6tenn E. arni Betty J. these Herein Gaited the grantor whether o~ ar
<br />more, it cernsideration of __ One,~olTar and X1100 (St.00}
<br />received frr.~ grantee, do?s grant, barciain: sett, convey and confirm unto
<br />Hail County, Nebraska
<br />herein Caite£i the grantee whether one :3r more, the following described real property in
<br />Hail County, 'tebraska:
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township
<br />iZ North, Range 10 nest of the 6th P.M., Hail County, Nebraska described as follows:
<br />` Commencing at Lhe Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27,
<br />Township 12 North, Range 10 West; Thence North p0 degrees 0p minutes
<br />p0 seconds E.aSt, atong the East line of said Section 27, seven hundred
<br />{700.00} feet to the point of beginning; Thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes
<br />Ofl seconds test, (arty {~0.0p} feet; Thence North 00 degrees p0 minutes
<br />00 seconds East, Three hundred {3GO.Opi feet; Thence North O& degrees
<br />QG minutes is seconds East, one isundred and twenty-four hundredths
<br />{100.24) feet; The~tCe North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East,
<br />- Thirty-three {33.OtI} feef; Thence South 0p degrees Ofl minutes 00 seconds
<br />East, four hundred (400.0(3} feet to the point of beginning.
<br />Containing fl.359 acre of land., less Q.303 existing right-af-way, 0.055
<br />- acre of right-of-way to be acquired.
<br />APR ~ ~ 1980
<br />ttuV, end t~, !~oic7 the abt~ve ve~.cr'ibed €xreenisd5 r-t)drt.her with all tt"n~tent'.s, ~era~ditamer~t
<br />dtK~ dt~~c;i"'y•ranC4,S `h+Eret~i 9r~'itlnJi#1+a attF.Si Ztie T~ran-tEe anti ?.C~ r~rantNe'> heir'S~ and ~~SSYtjnS i~txrt'ver.
<br />sr~t; rr,~ ,;r`antU+' does iteraby ta~>i#+nattt writ.b 'ha qtr°sntee aril •~rith grantee`s ~~errs anti esstc;rts
<br />th,3 ~!.+rt' ~~ 3d7~,Tt,iiy >c'i;~u it' t.~;~ ;~rSg7;Ses; that t'tttr <sre frt~e tr`Cxil c.nttuntt?;a,°ra~.
<br />_. ;rant,~r ~taS ~t;xid right and iawiui author((. t#t <:onvpy the same; =ind that rjrantut
<br />~.ar~arft ~:,. -N,a~ .i+nrenzi the .itle*.a ~~ai+3 ~re~li5e5 against 'Fe lawful e:tairas of ai
<br />r -is~<<, w~ra,5c~~,Pr.
<br />. `.~'e~.'. April 7, 19$0
<br />~.... ~ _.~ 1"x~ ,
<br />,y
<br />-. ~` _ `'.
<br />.,..._. .. ..._ ...,_...... rw...a.~.r~.~!G...'ti.e. ._
<br />- 7 +K ` : '~ -t .. ts~i'.1t`.t,, taC,~li,.I:'i i ~` Fi~' ~.-.._ .~._
<br />'-I ~ `. i ~ P 4 t ~~ c4
<br />Me,~Y~ ~ ns,t.at~.,:„sit:'; ~t~t9i .~ied t .a cl "ouir..s. ,,t?twranaii can;
<br />,.
<br />- ~cx~:? 4U etd~ '_f.i }>~ rtyf ~~tit.fC,r~~ ;rer~'!T! ~r i)~r'S~rt; wtsU ;i~ttt~d th£~
<br />=a~i~§jtlirc~ ii~s$rtla~+nt i+na5 ~ekt;trw(t*tig~i "t#?rx~tr._t9t~t'>rf th~ret+' *.o ile l,t~,.
<br />- t?r t!€eir v:r€;~lt~iit'r ri;i and ,~eetY,
<br />_ __ .. °. 'SS ~~r f1$#t~ =~dasy ~€grc`Ii`+~. :.Ndi r;>tt ~~~a~,.~:~~~`
<br />-~
<br />- e. ~~::'' °~Y 4,{'v7§~yy'S tr7CMP ?rtF'§f"#*-'1 .) ttq
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