t '..~.~4
<br />1 Lien c4si»rrd b}:
<br />..-_.-Mis3souri _Va13.ey_ Steei_-_CO._----_____.
<br />i 130U Division St.
<br />~ Addrrsa.SisSux-~C~y ~ ._L~$.-.... --- ----•-----------°-.....
<br />She H~,s crneral Sw[dr float. t.t.~. YeM. - -
<br />___._._._____ __ __`--~_ _V ~~_
<br />. - .....-April 8-`-----°--•----°---~--....-----------------TP wBQ_
<br />,qt: Ttirnez-. Grain Co. Inc. .---.---w-~
<br />.-- -.202 . E. Highway, Cairo, , Nehraslca
<br />Dr. Cr.
<br />See invoices attached
<br />s :
<br />--------- -------------f--------- ._. -------- -------
<br />- -- - ---_.... _ ~ 1
<br />-- °- - _'_
<br />-- .. _- ._ ................ .... _ - - .... _ i-------- - -t------i..------- ~ --
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<br />. r_
<br />---- ,... _....... __ _ --- _..._. _ .. -__.. -. _.. __ ..-s -----~--- -
<br />Srate :;f... "?ebraska
<br />Dou las ss.
<br />zl... e.»nr:j
<br />f .4j~eofetr. ..-.~o~ald. J, Huresh, attorney for Missouri Valley Steel Co. being just {
<br />+
<br />~ dxty rscares. cw leis r~atlt =a:ys tisat :ise t,~rre7~€ny rtrtrsi-ed uc~xstt vi it~rrs- rth:+:. ,7111
<br />r 1
<br />sssaterit€it, a»d 4snprcrer,-me»ts i.t trxe° and r'r?rrcrt that .[ante :vnc dr+». ,nrt ,^~ r~`rmr ri end lur»ishe'd Gt. [her xwdersig»ad j
<br />far the -usid Turner Grain Co. Inc.
<br />_.
<br />»xdrr ,t, _ oral ,a»era,t with Illinois Grain Equipment Co.
<br />,(nr the$ _ ere~tian ,:f „ grain storage facility for
<br />Turner Grain Co. Zne.
<br />vw t~€ f<rl;vctsn{, 1<ri- ?irr: .~: !+drrf_ ~.r :u»d. c'i- ~ in Cairn, tia11 County, Nebraska in the
<br />t NW lf4 of Section 13 iwn.12 N, R. 11 W. of 6th P.M., a part of right of waY
<br />i .-... .
<br />of Burlington Northern Railroad in i.airo-Mayfield improvement known as
<br />''.b'2 E i~ighwa~~, Giro, 27et, ;oroaii~d b}~ ChiC~gCi Burlington s ~'uincy R.R. and!
<br />.ased_ ta. TU.C~ser vztta.r~ ~,.~, t.n~.. .
<br />i tt .t th€ time 3ttza -c-»trrr. € net,; r»ade :tssd latn~r a»d matrreats r»rws.shra ,:»~r ,ir'lex :^rrrl ihercrx er
<br />Turner Grain c.o. Ir=c. a lease~to~d interest in
<br />- ata+ eke .etvner nflsasd prer»urs'
<br />and owner of building and improvements thereon and said materials were
<br />~ furnished to Illinois Grain Equipment C'o., the contractor and agent of th@
<br />~tn~tr Tux-rtex Grain %ca. Inc:
<br />Tlt.c! tka date aj tit« €irsf eta'»s i»rnssheri <tnd Jerse'erMt .evs 12/18/79 ,r»a !tu•
<br />dafa eel the Last ete€» terse. 1/14/80.
<br />:1~ant fixrtltrr statesrhat card laherc u~€s prrtttrs»ra un, :trNi nusttrtui; ;ce"ra tu:»+,,IttJ ,E» ,Irirered at..:n:l usrd €»
<br />j sail Pr;'dt»rt ar rrrnsises ,~a assd hrtnx^e» the dates ,+~rt€(trd.
<br />~ 7"kr;t tlsr e"yi<er rlwrr)erl t$er€far tare lair ussd ream»ahtr', +:nti tt#rtt .r,.r.- ~ r+:: a. lur :'n ;:Kd .;..•,x»t €he silsn .=i
<br />~Sa.:~.e 7~;?.w~?.7 ('„dare. thrtt .t+.ltd ~.
<br />Missouri Valley Steel Co.
<br />. :.!aeee~ r~~+s ,w kfe,' -.- •,+:ex.'a ,rr F?ir' "L-ti J~€=~un€
<br />~ sactlac ,>xsst. r~~~stit. Th: sam e+t 11,7']5.67 rr +
<br />+~' :-t .rNt n 'lrrr;~tl» at tnr -c tat r:t[i
<br />fru»s tar; 1~ due rrt :Tanuary 8t) ..and ,'urthrr ajlia»t :rtti: r!:~r
<br />~ M saauri Val~ey Steel c^.o. ~
<br />i rwn..-.-~..wwr~rn.r,..
<br />j ~l .~~ U' •'t~'. :. €a%s %N#.a ~.r 4;.... -v.^ ...-. re. ,.:r. rKr^ t#ts 3 ~'
<br />..~ t
<br />,~.. ~r i7Cl,¢,y~, ~- 1 ~ ~.~,~.
<br />-, - P - X33' S~"r- :"T i., ~f~:42.i`,` - ,
<br />X35 i~~t~a.I-n€` Est ~~f!£: .. v. 3.r ~.- ,.,
<br />