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Leader's wrrtten agturnent or appticabic law. Borrower shaii pay the attmunt of afl mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />mam?er pravtded uirder paragraph 2 hereof. <br />My amounts diaburat+d by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />int5tbitdrteas r,t tlorrower secured by this Mortgage. tJnkss Borrower and Leader aftree Io other terms of navmeM: such <br />amoamis shaii lx payal?te ;:pnn rtotrae from Lrniier to Borrrnrer requesting payment thereof, and shalt bear interest from the <br />date of disburstis>rnt at rhr rate payable from time to time on ouHtstding principal tinder the Note unless payment of <br />interest at stash rate would t?e cortirory to applicable iaw, in which event wch amounts shall bear intexext a[ the highest rate <br />ptxrrtisdNe under applicable !aw Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shalt requite Lender to incur anq ezpetese or take <br />anY acrion tferruttder. <br />!<. LngecMat. [xnder may make or ratase to be made reaarntabk entries upon and mspectiorts of the Property, provided <br />that l.enikr shall gtve &~,rrower nMice prrgr to any such inspection specifying roax?nabk carne therefor related to Lender's <br />,ntarcxt m the Property- <br />9. CtaMefwtsadoa. The proceeds of am' award or claret for damages. direct or eonaegitential. in connectit+n with any <br />~aandrmnata n r+r other ?along c,f nc~ Property. nr part thereof. or far conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall he pact to (crtdtr. <br />in rhr r.rnt n! a r<nal sak+ng of the Property, the praxeccis shall he applied to the soma srcnred try thn Mortgage. <br />with the csctss- if arty , and t„ Borrower En the event of a partial taking of rite Property, unltss Borrower std f.ertder <br />otherwise agree in wrir~nu, thfre shalt tx applied so the sumx xecttred by this Mortgage xuch prsrportiort of the pl'OC:CI•da <br />• ax is equal to that pmpc,nien which the ama,imt of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediaMy print to the date of <br />raking hears tr+ the fart market vahtc of the Property rmmcdiatcfy poor to rtes dare of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />pad r„ Ba+finwet- <br />if the Property is abandurted by Born,wer.. aY ,f, after notice t+v l,rnder to Aorrosver that ChC condemnor often M make <br />an awa.=d :•r .onto a Maim lrr damages. ll+,rrower fail. tr, rawpr~nd rn Lender within 30 days after the drtr xuch notice is <br />marled- tcnekr is atnha,rired to colttct std apply the ptexceeds, at Lender's optiat, tither so ratorat}on or repair of rtes <br />Properly ++r +<, nc~ sums vecttrrd by ?his Mortgage <br />t..'n)ns f rnrh`r artd Borrower Mhtrwrx agree +n writing, any such application ref ps•ttceeds to principal shall ttgt extend <br />or ptHlq,I1C rtes dixe ,fare .,f rhr rna,nrhiv rnxtalimrnis referred to in paragraphs 1 and ^< htrcof ctt change the amamt of <br />srNl, :nera;tmrms <br />10. itlOrTdaleN NM Rrkwse,i. l~.stennr,n or the tiiTiG for payrrarrtt or m..ditlcation of amortization of the xuma secured <br />by nc~, Mortgage granted I+v tender to any xuccrswv u, micrest <,f Borrower chat) not operate to rokase. in arty manner, <br />?h¢ I a~s:lile ~,f trio ;:: igsnal 8a?:rower and Bnrrower'c .atuccxsr,rx in interest. i.ertder shall not F,e required to commence <br />pr,xccrdinlr. aga+nxt scach c;rCCessor ,,r rehtec to cxtemt tittle for pavtttcnt or othirrsvisr modify amarhzatis?n of the sums <br />sh umt hx tilts tf„nga¢e M~ reavr,n .,? arty demand made by rhr ,?rigrt?ai Ba?rmwer and &xmwer's su,;.c°e,~tvrs in interost, <br />I t. FaxrArrrware Ay iswier !Rst a Wwirer, #:,v tott+raran,:c by t etKkr in rx+rrcising env right or restudy heroemtler, or <br />x:ther+v+sr .rf„rdrd hs applraat+ie ~aw ,hat! n+,t fx a watvcr nt r+r preclude nc~ eacrcixe of arty stn.h right or romedy. <br />The prw~,nremcnt r,f ?nsa:rsrtce ,::r the payment :>f casts nr <,ther terns nr charges by i.ender shaii ntu t+e a waiver of Lender's <br />right +,• x~. ricr:te .~ mat:;r,tx .H nc~ :ndeh*tdne+s ,rc„reaf by rhr. Mortgage <br />12. Rewte/ios Crtsrsalati-e. 1r: remedaes pruo+ded +n they- 4lortgage are dtsfiMY std >;umulative ro any ,xher right or <br />ir`<ti:r+h •,rat'tr r+,:, MrvtgaRc :: :stfr•rdrd by aw :,r r~7urtp. and etas he ecer~rved aurrcurteniiv.:ndtpetderttly nr sus-x:asaively- <br />11, tiacrtssera atwi #axi(<tM Mwrrd; loiwt awd tierreai /.iwiiR<trt ("aplar. "ilx aevrnantn and agreeminta heroin <br />G++nta:ru,} ,ha?' Wad ,nd .,x +taf?ts hereurdrr hat! +nurr ro. rhr mspect;vc xuacrssurs and assigns of 1 cndrr std Roimwtr, <br />x:rhrr.:r ;, .hc (+r.a nr:.n• -.t ;+aragraph t" hereof #it aovrnanis arts} agrermcntx of Bornxwer shall t,r joint and several. <br />"ft?r .-apta+„« <n.i t+raxi+ng. "t °hr ,,ataRr:+ph« «l ?t,ix Moog-age ere fr,r ",nvemene-e ~,nlv and art oat to he used to <br />mltrrrr,.t :~r :tehne rhr f,r,+,~«t,.n« here.,d <br />fa. 4arict. F~.:~et+t f.,r a;?? ncx:.c rcyuirrd :,odor applicahlc law r+, tie kiven +n souther manntr, rat arty nottee to <br />t}a,ra,~uer ;• ...:alc,f ';,, r '"ax MorcaatZe ,hall he tr.rn tr; marling such n+,ti~e by ~cmHea} mail addrrsxd ter Burrower at <br />rhr pr.,~rr, S,idrr+« .. - .'.test ,;..left«, as t4+,r?„tier nuv des,gnate by .Hxice to Lernkr as provided herein. ,end <br />r. ,.. .z, .. . ,Elr _.__ '-~ ,r. -v ~:rr-+frr.} :eta ,.:et,.rn rc.r+pt re+yttestrd. to i rndefx adafress xta?ed txreirt „r to <br />.wh .•, test .tkld res. .,, 2 c,,.trr :,+ac :}r+rrr:arr hs •n+t ra'r t,+ Br,rrt,wer as prm ,ale.l htrrrn jnv n,•tice prus'ttkti hu in !ten <br />~t:.itragr :ha::.K +}rc r,:e,t ••: ':,, ~.r !tee )t„cn to Hs,rn,wet .++ I rr,drr when grvrn rn rhr maoner •_Ecsignated herein. <br />tt. f wilrarrw lei+rfaaiar~ (;.afcraairaa raft; tr€eratrtitN. 'f 1?r, ==.rm ;,? rrrnngagr iixmhtr?ea nnrfnrm ,vvenartls fur national <br />-e >- .. .•.rr...r, ,~.c„a.,,, -uh ' ,?,•rf ; ._r a' -+ns s .'~f~~ _Y, ~,rst-r,=1t a ; 4rfx3rt-e =i.,rr,ty r'?.tt+at?t€nt r'r,s€nng <br />r, a, j•, •.+f,~rn. -~. u,++, (laic ,hail F+r y,, rrnrd ~? the iaw .+f ells tins,}i.iurn +n which tt+e Property ++ I+><sitd in the <br />ex~°-- ~ -~• ,_ ,s,,.° _-~--~ - -°.t- '~+.s gag:< :•s Rr >s„€c ;.,alt-e,,-e? ,seta? appsxahir Saw. xttrh etw?flirl ,haft n<a at~e_t <br />+-'+~ -..~ .. ._=, '<t,•; ~;ES~ , . =?tE ~ ~ r, t:,.h ~a., ~ ar,~ t.t *-r. h,~.~ :#t~ .~rmdr~,rrg prt,sitizrn. and tc, thir <br />avxt tfx• pr,=+.+i+,n, ~-•t rhr 11.,rrXaac anJ rnr ~.=re ,err ,feclated to he ,rvrratrle <br />ta, brrower's t'rgn fla,rrr,wrr ,hail t+r turnosheal , ..+nf.,rnae.l .opv ~+f ?he time anal +,f rhr+ Mrxrtgagr al rhr t,mc <br />rl car~+rt k*a :,r a.icr r ~ rrdatXUt het u4 <br />i~. Xi'ataafe'r Af [M Pn.~erfv: ~arrra~Nrw. ll all l,f anx gait Jl ihC PMpens +1f art interext (hefeln 15 s~,ld „r Ifgnxferied <br />by Aaarr.,wcr w,tha•,n t ender x yr=x+r wester+, ..maem cscicdtnrj +al the .iratbxr „} a I+rn srr rtxumbran~r suborihnete t,? <br />th+« Moctaaac. +t+, rhr ,reatuy, „f x pan bast rm,ney xea'uru, +ntttesl f„r hrnrsehuld appliam:cx. +cl a traexfer hY dcvrxe. <br />drs.cnt .+r h, .=peraru+n „t ;a„ .y,.,n tht .itath +,1 a 4,rm irnant „r :J~ _he .t'sr!t „t e:,tt 'aa~rba«!,3 x.•,tr. ;: s?-: '.~tktre ".t:is':,r 7'tv . _ . _ .._ <br />..... • ... ~~, c=-risa:^:-:i an z+t?. rr+i: ';:!,,re".?4trar.::citdei ntav. at I cosier x agxs,*r., .}et laic ail Ehe xun,>, swurrd hs rho 41,,rilt,-gre t,+ t?e <br />+mntcuuie!? dfar ac,d pa?atilt ! ender xttafl haxe >savcrl .iw? ='s+taxr t.' aa'crlerate +t, ptrc,r t,+ rhr .ale +=t truufer, t.cnxkr <br />and rhr lxerrn, r,• wht,nt rhr Prup~errx :- t:.r t,c «ol;} .,r rranstrrrrd rea.h aarrxrrnns cn wr,t+nY that nc~ ..ra!xkt ,+f ru.h l,rrw,n <br />r, •a?rx?a:t.,r, !:-, } en,lcr a+d Iha+ the totcrrxt txavahlr ,.,n the ++un, xra tired hx tht« Morigaie xhail t+,i at sash tat0 .xx l ender <br />stud +zyurst !f 1 en.tet ha. warsgl rtes ,~pann, to +,aeletarr 1`r+,v,deal .r. ifi++ ;v?ragraph !7 .red +f Hurriewer\ un.:exaaa .n <br />,merest ha+ r~sh,tttd a ~arrtrrra aaawnpr rxw ayrecmcnt sr:eptrd rn writing by ! roster t ert.fer ,hall release Bor rower rn,n, aU <br />id?Fraat:ar?s ..osier tilts Rlorrgage u+d iht Vwe <br />1f 1 t,?sleet a«crse?~ra x,.r.h ,•ptn,n t., aczr}eratr ; ender tnaii mwii Harrower rtaara:r .,t avaekrauav, +n a,:aoralanar w+th <br />par airapts ; S t,cm=l ti+ssh nxdtcr shall ,+nasrtte a prrfa?d ul ruxt less than 1st dasa Iron, the date rhr ua,tr~r tx mail¢t! wtth+n <br />w haih 9cn r•.wrrr :ear4 ;+a: +hr ,tiros dn.tarcd dye. Hvrrcrwer rarix +„ pay uf. t: ,nets pr+,u rn the rvpuau+m +,f aax.h t?a'?:,lei. <br />t.rrader Oar+. w,thout ?,rrrtxr na»ra~r +=r «tcmand ,•n `SM„ ~n,wrr- ~.,wdlt are? rrtrxrdtrs nrrm!f!rd +xv paragraph ! $ bores+f. <br />'v,sx-t-•.tr-atr.t (-:+4 rg li.xt=++rer seta! t~-r {xs' tut:hc:.r:,-rna:tt and agree a. t,,tl;,wx <br />tM. #ca,sipatlrr; Rs,wra/iw. i'aceiM as pwri+irlt M t~sKrUi i? ierrxef, ryes lrrrowrr's ttctori of awy covtarrl ur <br />a~raraarw of Rrrrpssot ht tests itutY*wRte, ~ tUr rsrrwawN ro M> sties iwt awy tariert +erarad iy fiia Dtor~age. <br />tuiv Irarra ~ acesiseattaw eiail toaY wreire tw ioaeoaror . pa.iie+i p? praRr,ri 14 Uoreart «perrt>is~c Ili else Meari; <br />t31 sir aerarw te:ptisaN b cwt wilt Urewctr, tyl a da0a, atei Naa Mraw M• stays tram roe itae Mee eoNre k aarilri to brrwwer, <br />is erireU was trsasir wsrM k caeestt tai f4) fiwe ttdlwae w coeo saci UerwcU w a Urtose sir iatt sPetiiod M the awtke <br />wrq erstste M acxrNraaw of sir awaas sorres,il ty ti4 1laartRar{e, latoeMawe iy F.nilN Maarofrihag iawi soil d Me Pta-erfy. <br />-tllar oa?liee sfrori trtiirr Mfona Mnwwet a+t Mrs ttltfN W rWralate ?rMae acreierwitaw awl tMe rl[it fix asreh tss lea [urrcitoaua <br />paarosrlYat tit osw•saMrwas at a defixwM ae awy oilq detawao •/ tipsrsrair to ~ awl frrteiwawsl. Ii tit tNeactl <br />M ttitM ctttiwsl a! w Irrtovt rise ,rah tpcclMai ~ fir wwUra. la'aior M I.eaiar's og+Mrra eta. deciaer s~ tit ette '.wawa secore4 U. <br />tiia blaslrwp 4 M }wrawilrRely ire a+ad pwyeik wiMssrra ttrssMe Jaaeaai std ws? fwoctasr Uy ptiitiat peoerrattlag. f esisr <br />ail ar aas11t1rat is a,etlrcf i ore! poewittrE wg r1r}+roa si tlanarsiirrox iwaiwiiK+ Uwe tar BtaYod hs. casts of iarrrwwan <br />wtiawre, aiwrr'aa tars aria operas. <br />t4., iaewtrao`s iti•it it RtaYsaaee. \.AwttMsrat;cUnx lswdrr~x asa:sletw:i*n e,f the xrrrt?s acti tired by thrx hturtiaic <br />:iz:1 ktrg tw€ ri ,., t~~ --? ~~ `~f!~ s,p= 1 e= *,:• art=s..-x :l?ax. Hs??;gxagr .sax::-.xr.»:;r+i st ae, •.:rc <br />