1.2 Revised 19?9 tittttrraa and FMtan 8 WaN. Watlan, tte, iz8161
<br />,;pK ~. Skf'LZK atti IIpRrJTHY M. SETLIK, llu8band and ki.fe, each in his and
<br />her ortn right and as spouse of each other and CL~:NCE L. SHUDA and
<br />V>;RNZk: lt. S1iiJD=`., Husktand anti 'siife, Dash in his and bf?r oxn right and
<br />as attausa of s3aeh, other ........................................... Granto ,whether one or more:
<br />SEVEN THOtlSatdD T~tl 1liP.dUREU FIFTY :tNf) NOf 400T1i5 IIf3LLARS
<br />in consideration of ........ ......~ $.C.a ~ Sa ".Ua.~.,....... ..... ...., receipt of which is hereby
<br />LLCIYD `w, R~t4NZTL antl SfSSAN L. WAGNITZ,
<br />acknoaviedged, canveya to ..............................................~u~bartd, and i*ife Grantees.
<br />as joint tenants and not as tenaants in common, the following described real estate { as defined
<br />in Neb. gev. Slat. S 76-201) in ..................Tall,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, County, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Twelve (i~~, triest:r.oada l-'.3LatQ5 Third
<br />5ub.iivision, hall Gaunty, Nt braska~ Pj!(q ~ ~ ~y
<br />at`*~Nti
<br />~ APR - 919
<br />KP~~~~~'+V ~~
<br />S q7S ~'-
<br />Grantor covenants (jointly and severally, zf more than one) with the Grantees that Gratrtor:
<br />{ 1! is lawfuli_y setaed of such real estate and that tt rs free from encumbrances ,exeo{~t..i,t~r.
<br />.....................................................................
<br />..;~.?.~.~f!t.Nlr~~..s~.R<,t, i;r:+4tri~:.~.=t.~..:bi..rr~t-t,rri
<br />( g} has legal power and lawful authortty io convey the same;
<br />{ 3! warrants an~/dr~~wil_ldet-enLd th99e//t~~ru~~e//to the reDa~l relate agatnat the lawful clarms of all persona.
<br />Executed: ....~Pl..'.tG~/Tdwl4r.!Y.4;~I~r..., Iia.~
<br />tl z)Ea .,. ;~.+L;. ~.k ,.. x,e t'r`ts c:e L. ;Itlz cJy
<br />~~ r~ l ~t F ~' R~i.ti .t -is+...........
<br />> r~
<br />/ ,
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />County of ,.... `ia i, i„
<br />The f rr~aitti(_rtttltrument wary acknowle rd before tne• :ru ..(/."!.!.`"~!'',~:4t~!4!..~DyI~~...,.
<br />.3~x .~i r'i.tK ur ! ,rtttt)i'tiY ~t ~bi'1,LK, Ir'.!.,kjrturl +ei.l 'nl i'z~
<br />....
<br />bir ..:?.!-3..?. r.~ti~.~~~r..!r.a..;!fits?,,..i,r.;t..~t'.1{i'.~.ts. r.. bt3S:i1.,. ,1.a.a titttl..-: ~.ry~..x.Ll.:'.
<br />~~.. ~.,.~1.......
<br />~1l~~gwlM~ulle
<br />ifrlr ~~>k
<br />S`FATB t71r NRSRttSlCe1
<br />CauttRy cxt ...........................
<br />Er'iled for record and entered :n Nuntr.rzcal index un ................ ....... . . ...... ........
<br />at ..... o'clock .....M., atxi recorded zn 13eed Necurd ................. ..... 4'.tg•. .-.... .. ..
<br />fay..........._ ..................... ...... .....,,
<br />to ounty Oar i.~puty C rsurrtti t: ic•rk
<br />itegibtet ~.f threds :,r i.re•pt.tti 1f.=E(~,.w;rz <., .r,-t?ii.v
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