+~~~~'~'~'``+ EXPAtiDABLE ~VIOF~TG.~~-GE v~~i~-~
<br />ASSSGttNiEMT E}F R£MTS =~" '~~- _ -------.___ -
<br />ilq',N{illi itli M€ik HY'.WNII~S'Ii: !aRE~T~T:a ':hat:seven ~. Prasch ezsdz.~rt!ara '~L. rrasch, husband aasi kite.
<br />thelsermite'rc T"IMangagors) sn ,aasderatum of tszel sum ~
<br />Faz•ty Four thousand cirliiars and h'ofiflU------------------------------rslS~*y~+ flt70.OQ~)
<br />tdttxss tc Nartrs. dd txr~r grant. hargam. sd! amt ta^rvey ,~ Cf}ii~R(:IAI rfCfRAI SAYlN6S ANO LOAN ASSt~lAfiON ai Omaka.
<br />"k#rasi[a ~ hem calf 4nntmerclai' i. its sac~sscrs artC assigns. flu fob d~scr~ re2t estak. sriuated !n the CourNy ~,
<br />HA:.:. ?f3tp ni Neilraslrz. to-w!f.
<br />..__ :.ot i:i~hteer. (id} is block Tvo (2) in Hickey xhirci Su:3divisiaa, a Resuhrlivis~pa
<br />of aii a€ 3locks .lo (2) and Three (3} uickey Suociivisioa and ali of Block Qne (I} and
<br />Tvo (21 dickey Second Slz:divisian, a€ the Cite of Grand siand,iiaii County, Nebraska.---
<br />r r?Ai+i khC T& hOLC '"E ;A~4E ~:m tt,e a{~•r?oxances "reveuatt, aes~q„g- ~!tr ;rmraerc,ai..ts successors and assrgns. forever.
<br />'asd ~i+tgagnfs nPreny «ouPr;art wier „a:c '~C:n-erc!a'. :is ~lccessnrs and ass!gns. !hat Mnrtgagnrs a,e tawfu!ty seszed o? sa!d premises. that
<br />'~e9 a:e !ree +:~ *arce>nhr~htes a^r t*:at [rev w:" `L'rPVer ~warra.7t and ee`r~d the ':rt1e +o saFC aremrses against ;he !awrul c7mms a1 alt p°r5nn5
<br />whbms~:s?yer
<br />!'fJi}!fin r<P.YPf?hf i?S> ^;C52 ':fE•SFn'$ .ra ~eC'~ H>p tr_,!i,iMifr,q '.^.?!~!t:;rPS
<br />T!sat w!tPreas the ~=d bhrtgagors as ~:Pn!be{s : :',>=~+Ptercra'. rave th!s ^>at+_ executed a ante evaeenc!r:g srutl !one, and agreerng to repay said
<br />sur.. ;f :annoy 'w:~ ,n(Presi :^r-.au-enrs a5 >P? farm .r+ ,nod nctF ane *,ave agreed tc~ atNde by ~e 'eras a? >aid Hate and Charter and By-taws nt
<br />Cammeu!al
<br />That w.herrs m!s ~ort~a;;e <.r,a; ~ec,;e .,nr ana t:a~a n;vanc?s .k,d! !n:ores; +vn!cn ray aF J!e :,vt!on nt Cnmmeri,ar Ge made by Cam
<br />mert;ar';: the arWersignze tinr~~xrrs ~,~ ti;e,r succes=i;r5 ,n title ?rr aav xase at aav tame before rte release ana canCetlahon of this mortgage,
<br />~t ~'RiTV3CEC H!,WEVCft a! :~.. ?~z+P sale the aygfegaEE ; !rn«!pa; a:-?<nrnt secured Cv rhrs mortgage. De+ng the amount Wre at any 6cee on card
<br />:n2tnar ^vte ene arv adder°": t: advh~:es made px~,P': 3. ,a:x,rtr ~..a: ; cercen? or d,e amount at the o?!glue; note. but ;n no event shall
<br />sa,d ro;fe exceed d1P =ax,T:;=r= a~.arri", ;,eir>:,ttec tr !ax and a~r0`liCEE' +rJ§tEYfri Mat nnttl!ng herein cr~ta!ned shat! be considered as Ermiting
<br />~e amnuns mat sna ! ae ;ec,.sea =rt±Pbr arett -4rvanr,?f ;_: pr.~tPc± !'? ;ec<;r:?u „ !n acc`z;dance wrhr cnuenants tantarned,n the!nnrtgage
<br />link. -+ the sa!d s~:rtgag^•s :rz'~ ^sv x ;ausP !:..~, ;ana "'e said 5i:i~5 .r money when due: as se# ford! .n said Hato. and any omen note for
<br />add,t;~la, n~ua;+ces :fie .~,t ' is r ~G' ::asC * ,serest !hPn -'~ese ,resents =na=! he uo!d: othera!se. to ~ and rema!n !n full farce ana
<br />eitett. tu! ' ne+auit •hrr;! t>a ma!te -
<br />a ahu ! t!x ;zymer4ts e _ ;a,d `:+;te arrt a'?~ -rt!+er Her .- z~!!!:!,,as a~rances made. a5 therero agreed to be made i;r three rzrrx!Cls nr
<br />,. ,r~eo,..~ "~ _. e:t:--eels :., sa!c e!er,.rses :nsu;Pt, against -ss 5v .ea5an c" t:.e ,~ttnrng. and o'„9er hazards ;rctuded +n extended
<br />-,e=a„r •^s;. a^k~~=- ,_~,n; _., e5s lha= .re :a+tan'1 ,lance ~~,! ;a;a -~vtgagt~ ican- ~a a Corn4hiany:7f u:„r-rtwa'uFes a~real:ahie so l;orr
<br />e !,ra. °1P r ;Flue o! . ~ ~_ -:{ . ~r<Y c,es a 1. tl~ptd I r i.';oir~ner` e'<und aifh a mortgage clause aCiach~ed t+~~ frail pia4icy cr ,~i!c!es.
<br />_ _ ~ ~Np L=ar~x; _°'-~.Pk -?6 35~<*r,'"_E aS '~tSF.+:f,~ C M 1i~CO :) i"<tl. F - ~.:~ _ ~ L~"~;ii~y''- '~+~?? ihEY ,IY wEI d~k'~i NpUPPP t' I[_
<br />:[ "!eres arty cha.ee ~ .re ;Woe!>n-.! t!:P'ras.uvu's en r[p,tp,fw!;! bee.: !ry <.aie :'-the, not*rphf la! tyr acne .,titraNC_!. ~',a' w ii~ssogn,h:°ktt f
<br />,any -:Merest ;.Mr~~; ;>_ ~-~':her»,>e
<br />'tfd=. ... mrn _< ,h!' :'&.,,R ,fS ': .. erY~'.5 -rtr .yn,..a ..!~CE•W!L~eSnr,.q, ': r-_Y i+"C'vrei? ~!Y'a~~ .rrc :, tr _>r '~ 1;~. t.ev r: a- ~.-;r;W,~dfatc!1 1WCC'r?P Cue ?rte
<br />:dyai ir9 r. ?, -,:, !.; r(±eF i..~ra yrt.., r..?.:_.., ,,P ..n-,` ',~'., "~..tP +;t) Y'Y -. Yfe' f. •..+! t.. 3.:.7+t-~., _: a, J: .r:.P.. .rr She. _".":? d•3!e )' ;t:e "kP!t.i5e
<br />i,.
<br />,r ca'd ~tBt~iY' ~2~ ^?@ -_ _- :*C !x -~ 25'a --M!F NYC r.,.,,- inn L° ~t -'~`tgage ':aY f,'rNt 7 .ifs-~:~<_eC _~ ...._tD the ,. .+L ., ~~ie ..-~ >.i .~ ~)IP ,inn
<br />3;~y ".:Rr t,tP r^>. 38>:? +,a• a~iYa ~ €5 ~GPfh;n h.lr j'z >„ ~.a., .N .~~-,kiCia ~".s.'.an:C :are5 ;s5e55^!°,nts 3..'.; 3^stra~I xi!'nSi 1n. ~:ha!l;eS
<br />w:',h i4ie5t it5e!f't>, i..-- ~ eat[ -3{'er{• .. 'tP'-aR°' L`,~Pga'~ :3`e -
<br />lyR(',-..~-f!! [ha! a -: --°YC!?r ~..>te, xl, .P _s1eP, P,4.. ~ ~,.`:_I• ,. rx~P. :... -::SAP. .. .. 1., `.e .f,. ~.~ ~R ~.,. auk h_, ~(e>.' e'.fi
<br />!t, Hitt 3'rY3fres ~~>P-)--t='•='~!"'t 9x 'a ~, kt .f'P'il :;7tr
<br />.-P`:~r b.~E t. ..,. ,:. :,, .'-t ,, env : -.~_ - 'e .a, :.{, t _er,t. .ue ° .. -,c :..r r s.:rt - i;tiet ,..~ ~ u,7=. -,^ai
<br />dva.=`-<c ~.e=:; _ ~yi`, •-_ _a~F _: r+w-:;rti~i `his: t~,,.:,.a, . ,i u.tt h y:, _::r _ar _~ ,~ I , t~~ ~1. ^.. 9 I.:r~ , i~_ r r _ h« ; x.,,.
<br />?53P5c^!1P?c nY'!'~ .; h.e _. ahx __"~.71" '!j,?:'S" .,-_ :;!fi .-f: ey aW ., I „Ceti _,!Il,..j',.i,. ~ a '{l'@, ,tEFi
<br />_ v: C ~,: ,-P4 a,E p,.usf~- ..,' P ~v,gry ~ 3k.t. ~,dlls 1 n.l +,:'~,Ni tt i : _ ~.. :-,_ eu'S .cu r vIJ P..; i=l x!r }; L:-r, .ir thk^ {r-L, t uC5 3Gt: 9=a}
<br />r - - _ -P
<br />. ,~ yi a ,. « o- ,,a> ' ',~ .; ,-~ wti; ~: ,.l , ^, '9 , I ~:r _ a ~ii? ~F:;,a `-- -._ ~.wr - _ u +: , t.'t ..--_ ....._
<br />~?._ '~2c'n 's`t;~ u3~ .i.-?'~'•s ..r ~:. _, !: +~• -if-; , :~C ~ ..-='a Sa... ;r ~"sEY ..i f£~: •;: e! tit w:v . Phi .~lV3 uti ~ , , i '~ :rn. i FC.PFrn _l ~!1
<br />to af•'Cru ~~ -~ sr? ,,ate a^d a.{ s titxs :.~.~ ..~r,rritrl !Rrrgaaluei r, ~!,e rrtr?e?e. ,e`iz • ai:'.. _ Y,t ..aft ,L.l~ +~, _~..rlti a4wses
<br />Vic' .i:. --- -;.`_~ -@ €U.. -.tie -_ ~ f v'°°i.a.,, - i u. - x.C rtt ~-_.. r.. .!,~~~_ ~ .1: -Id`-Till, x:{ '..."t.. t,n tt3~E
<br />eayments are rc~rr.~~ ;.wttes<_ •~! any .•t':Pr~ t c.e•. -.' :, l .r!§! , `'^.;n sr : _'ri.P v ,, N a4s0!'~d ' , r"? i,.t._ :rx v~-!~S •'f]?~C tuft s~iC
<br />i.3.'T,::iPtC,a. ana ~ ,i, vase ~P -~du,E .,:r ~~ `at ~ .._ ., ..,r " -a.c,.~.e : c,l 'f'ire !;; (;+c).;ei>:{E a[tr:rn5 t,~ „•e!iver (,n5 tif.'S S!6rt „! `w~!C n,PI i S@4
<br />The Mo+tgagtlrs to+tner apt+nt ~almereia ! ~h^atr;: .+ .+as..a r. ,, ,:~rnPt{ , !act. g.r.rlg card atternP{ ,waver : '«,w;caD!y, r,ther •a •- :two
<br />:raala sr 1ka+Ygaga+s' Wastes t~ take e rtecass.tly . "L .. ;+ =.eec r.g _.,,,;, •t{ .,tnerw~;e t reuse sa=n t•rem,ses ;:' be eia,ad. t~ ! e[ *. rentals _ _
<br />...- ~..,~p, !~~..m.< a~.o 3~.t ,.pa., ~.. ~,., - ,e ..;' ~ F - :,s;t -- .-...:Jr. ;u'r~ ~ctu,ia ail'L~S'i ~ie5 !;j1P { t, .t ~ _t,wi
<br />._...__ _.. ....,... .., '..,... .. =:. ;C.r .,. ... - ', ,ip'r J` Sa tti5 J 1S ~:)n6a :{Yi t:, r! .-.
<br />rats ark ~~ ?n a.i s;.ch M, ngs a,drr> ny its ~ w,f ~ rr:cr, s ; !!a'< ,.ra•tres ^ar autha,[ee a_rd arc~!ntad try ,went r., aaiJ ,.c-,c,5ie nd
<br />+.a fiar~ c~+ s`~y a ±eaS~enie ~e s surd ~er•,,,es o~, ~. , r d:;i,re r; ~ die a' such 5'nes .nd .•, sorb ':Caner a^.c, , n 5. _n ter 5 n , tr ;re+- °n.c
<br />atturrtay 1*.ay SeQIR ?tt5:. wt'>A lu4i ;:x}aver :;f S:idSr [ttt~Cr'.
<br />Tt,e t,#nit~'6CN5 nnreDu 35ree runt ~t fcmr.>t : as :,*tir, .., ,,.!ia , ss-;'nri,;,:i y _riii~riss `. r*adP 3 s::it1Y I<~ ity _ait %r !.~t~.r,~ir~ 'r.l!,'iv
<br />E y+e n~etrhet~e deszrr4ed r ~, estae '- in,s -.,_rtgagr err' ! _, !;rtes -.ice, rhea _c,ectcsatP .rjsl+tut~7 q. ~ ~ ;nelr,,l r',.,,k,aya, , ,a<;'
<br />,
<br />Ie,m2xlrSe 't",tNtQait: d. I;!r air SPaS%N}ah;e LDSfS R;{i-1tP;i ^~ rae~(~,d, ..a~.C "v,:! ~ ;A'H:ePdul~. TrP tAor?;3gc .> SJ c!, icE. „'a! ! r ._.- i„Ef~9q~
<br />i3@SCtil» teal estate ±ls btiy ;'afi (APrP.rif hB ~„ ~tt2i,d:?0 0. "'!e :.< w_, ;l ~flr'.e;1r :'A!^e H1 ~ .$ :i NlP'rii5P atrttl"eU 7 !iiri7:r .. ~;:IerS -
<br />avlatdYd_ Otte 'nUtEbdS (} t1iP ta+i!rig. 3:Nt t{i' Ghe t.f s: dera . 1if _ ~yUi S,hrk _~ !hP ex;Pflf cd IhP tUi-:fi Harr?i ,'+_ -il'na+n,aS ,:a.,l ,. .eG!Ptl
<br />aess secu+exl br tlt!3 +~u.;igagc- :>e, and ttsey h ~teoy ."i ~s~ t!e„ r, ,. ,P t.'a! a. o chat! rte oani !,.rt?,w!tn . ,.,-,,,e.:.: _', a ,,:r - ~, ..
<br />die last n!a?ua,ng rrtsiait~lts k,t sa; 4f! f:;dPttelt:m~5
<br />flared this ~_._."~_. ~. -_ _ day nt ~::r/c.-F: ' dsi `,.
<br />'t
<br />hY TH~ 1~ gE5E~7s<C 4?F _ e,d'>t ~._ ~ -- ~ i ' E ~ _
<br />- Lip - ... ate V!n -.- . :`FdSs<.
<br />S7A7t: ;i£ N£itltRSKA
<br />:iarbara ~. : ras~ti
<br />~8t atlirve ?lktYz '
<br />Stevez: •_. E`rat~ttz ~xn+. .;„sx•x>£az~ ... ..;aswd:, ;uspand anti wii'a.
<br />>,• i.~^ 'K xtr<fi, ;V es l~,A :cm i;a pMM 1z`:~f; e.rC ~~-.. _ ,..- - _ , ,i. i~;[G e ~ 3~iv~ ' ,'~3t' µ V [: ,_ .
<br />- ~i rf~ 1 ~! .. .
<br />_ ., . .. _... - ._.. ,-....+.. y
<br />r''
<br />