~- ~nr t~
<br />b ~ c..w.,, t:.a+b ~.
<br />~~~~ St.iFt~1tYCSHIP ~~ ~a
<br />Edward Hanna and ?hetrsa Hanna, each in his. and her
<br />own r#ght and as husband and wife,
<br />3:erein caned the grantor wbetbss amps as
<br />i~coasiderstioaof-Eight Thousand Five Hundred i3ottars ($8,5t10.~t}}---------
<br />reeeived frrom grantees, does grant, bargain, sett eonvep and con#irnx tmto C T d r i s G . An dE r5 t1R
<br />and Delores [}. Anderson, husband and wife,
<br />_ ae joi[tt tenants with right of survivorship, aad not as tenants in common, the follomigg desexihad real
<br />m .............
<br />pragerty .... H 81.; .................................... Gonnty, 3lebrsska:
<br />t.oi; i_ight 4$ -and the East ©ne-third (t/~~ of
<br />l.ot Seven ~7~, 81oek Eight (E), Gladstone
<br />Ftace, an Addition t8 the City of Grand tstand.,
<br />Hatt County, Nebwas[ca,
<br />To ha+e and to hold the eLava ~teseribe3 ilremises together x-itlt all tenements, hereditaments
<br />sad aggn.d.+nsncog LhereW heloaging unto the t{ranteea and to their assigns, or to the heirs end assigns
<br />of the sun~ivor of thew ierever.
<br />send grantor dose hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assigns and with the heirs
<br />read a~igas of the survivor of them that grantor is IscFfuil~• seised of maid gremises; that. t$ey sre free from
<br />eaossmtrrancz
<br />that grantor has goad right anti la~rnai authority to eenyey the ssuse; and that grantor warrants and wilt
<br />defend the title to satci greusisea against the law+:al claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />It. in .the. intention of all gartias hereto that sn the event of the death of either of the grantees,
<br />tfe entire fee simple title t~s the r2at estate rrhall vet ;~ tii., tiurviving srantee.
<br />I~s~ert Ap ri 1 - f~ ~s Ttt . ~F
<br />~ ~
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<br />STAMP 7AX ~, ~,
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<br />Bs~a~e ma, a aotarq public gna4ifiert lox said oauniy, personalic same Edward Hanna.
<br />_anQ';f-~xmp-~iann~, $ach in his and her own right and as husband and
<br />~- =''a~~
<br />~, s$~nr to €ta'tite idctatieal gersc+o or gersoa~s ubo »agneti tr,e forizgoing iBatrumerrt aad aetmawledged
<br />='*,eclie~atiorr ~}ire+ASd to tre his; Inca or their votvtrt:trg' art anr3 decd.-
<br />.. ~ ._
<br />~9'i ~ salt tmtnrLal seat sn .~r. r ......_.. ....:.......... .. t9.,,...%fl._..
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<br />Vii.=r~ tea te~riiz;it emote < ... .~.f'4# .1d,5,~....:i,...ti......... <$ '~,.......
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