<br />' ` ?~ ,
<br />Tlut-E4aa Mot't~ar wifl FaY rite i~ sr ~tAxeut6 ttcatralst;l:
<br />That ttu Mortgagor is [Ar -6lrlter of said prt5perty in fee simple and hors good t•itt}tt amt [awful authority' to sell and - -'
<br />ea3rtrry the =_>~+ ana! the #tte-ar[rn! fe flee and-clear tnf cmY lien kr ~: aaA tftat itlnrt~Kor wilt warrant and--d!(Ryat4#3se-: --~ _
<br />title to said pn7releetx a[afrart t3te ct~tads ~ of ~ t der. - - --
<br />Tr. ptrp itmreriliatt?p when dice anal paga~,e alt getpetat ts7ttt. syeCiat to:es. special assessments, water charges, xe+rrr serv- `
<br />ice ctrargc,c. and ntl5er taxes and charges agaimt said property, setA all fixes iwiied on the rielet xrr•ured hereby. artd Ge furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, ulrart request, wtith lira origie5ai or duplicate reel=ipfs thrre(or. The :t.4crrtita6at agrxx that ttsere stw11 he ~tLrleleA':ta -_ -
<br />rarrh Frtarnthip payment trriuirrvi #sereundrr t.r under the t-vidence a,f de?rt vecrtred horehy an armttlnt a:stirrrated by the MartRager
<br />{~ tr. ire Kuifu•iwrf- #a"s- rttable- tint ?51r:rfgatQee tr. pay. ax they ?5ecome rhtr, alt taxes, aeasesstrtrn#s. nisi similar s}targes upon fM erases=: : -
<br />' t{~1 i suf,jttY t},grrtn' any cir•8npncy twra ur• .,f the :n uffictencc of xltrfl additinnal pa)~mentxF 4i,a?t lx+ farthta'tth deposited- liy the- -
<br />P.f!+rigagnr with t#5r 'Nortsag>e p, n drmantt :•~~ t. - tit,>rt{lager Any <+rfa b rtndrr this paraKraph .vhall tx deemed a default in
<br />payment of taxes, asaesatn nts, r strr5itar charges requtrvd hereunder -
<br />i'ir \4 rtkar, r - {?rc ~. it a- ttw-rr .nt{I Diu tw 5 irlrr3 ~ h n rtks {- nt ref t nnctpal anti- rriterrwt rtx}
<br />under an arl ur t -:lt n tt. 1 y ~ th -<1r.rt%aK ix• tfi e.n, c n- h th 44 ~r7 gage •. pay ax tE hecomec d to -he insu ranee
<br />~ prr^rar,tm vn nn nur~. -r r ritr.> _irl,verr-d t- rhr .i r -a{; K It !. l..hx'. nc. frecau. - - f the ,n -.riCiesenc`y arf such drMitirrnal Pay-
<br />F~ lnenix FhAtl ta* +nrtt: w7ih .i«pruitrl by the \4 ,rEStag<. wtih ih.• A4nrtgagec u{x+n drKr[and !+v the 44nttgager. Any def2v?t-under this
<br />paragtap!5 vhall i>v ~irrr,r<I i ,lets rtt rn f~- t~.ment •,f 2ncu cane' f,rentiumv if tt~r ants-,• t.r poiicir+s-dep<witod-are such 'a9-hailntr•'-
<br />~~ nwarrs •,r a!1 tsk t'a.iuit•+ and ih,: -irtmss : ar :nsut£irre•nt tzt i , rF•,> ,.nr~rr premium, iu^ '.Ii<rrigaKre may apply the rirpns'rt to
<br />paY premium;, an risks mqu,r.~ct 2r, t;f, cnvu rwl "t,v ihta mortgage
<br />F'aa'ment.+ :Wade 6y the l~iurtKaXr•r :,nri+~.= r?le atxn~+• pars,; r;sphx may ;tt the +,?5ttcn of thv 14urtgagee, kre held by tt and
<br />emm~5[ngied >ti-itb athr•r =u. != tends ~~: :ts ,.,vr, :rurra~ t.?r 'ht- S~av'ntert of -uc}; ;trrxx, and eniii a<r etxf?tiers, =uch payments em hrrehy
<br />tx:c-rigr..i ~a. vt4•urety f:;r the unpani F:alanr•e n[ rhr• rturt~aRe tndrbterinay+
<br />'i`,r prta•um. tlehvrr it, anal n;atnta:u !ur the i,rnr#it +,f t€re• \tartga$v durtrtR She fife of rhea nsartt;age rrrisirsai pout ti-s-and
<br />tenet-va!s thenvf, rieiiw-rtvi et feast r+,, =ta :^: `, a•f:=r:' tiw ,-xt.iratum .,f duty :,uch Sadia';es eisurnk xgatnst fire and ether u>rurahle
<br />ha card-v, rasnaltiee, ar-~? rorf2ngenc:cw ax 'hv ~trxrtRaR<'r may' rr.quirY, srs nn amount +:t{ual to tha irtdubtadnrrsa secured 6y this
<br />4<srtgagr. and in compu ru•s -ect,~ptai>t,• t=: t!:r• \?„rtF;tKs-.- -•, sth !•r•::. ;,avehte ; iaunr• .n .ra w:r .•f anti ;n fr,rm acceptable tr, the VnrtRa-
<br />- gee. la itt:• ervent anv •,rulu^; ;.+ ru.F n•na wt.} ;.[2 .. r. la.f„r.~ !. ,{av: ;,? a+ .,>pnalr<.,rr, ti.. lwireriea~re may pnlcure Insurance nn the
<br />ealt,i~- G _ tt.-_ w). !nte r! _ a. hr ra r
<br />' 1135 t. [€Frelr:ei'Fia a'j its _f ,.,,iii -.•-..[. ..e, „t 4, ..,.....,, i?rw_:•.• - ..,..: ti { _,I{ ,1r h ~rl 1 t t_ !u+t
<br />- forth to anal nntr ua±d Jl•atti anr3 -1:a{i iw ., .~~ur, .; `.~ '.ns<m<:riKaKr Fu:iurv=:~•n the hart ~,r t!~ A±r,rtKagor to 6tlnrsh such renewals
<br />as arc hxrr-tn rryvin•f ~~r fall 4trr- si S::rt .u+r ,n a:~ ;ta.•tnn-,i z:rn•untirr -!;sitrt ihr :.{ty,rl.^. :.r {i,r RTortKagrr. ,ronstftute a r!„fauit
<br />under rhr !rral+ <nf frets -n•, rigaes ,. :,r rir -:.•n _.t ,+.iv;,...3+a1! -~a '}r•• • .. ., +•f arch •:artut<• na avs KnmrnY of !hr um
<br />carne-d prrmtum.
<br />- : ~, ~ ,
<br />:1nv vumx r.a a-+-. :.- : '~?„r?daF•.,. :.~ .^.r.+~n .{ :,rr >r -., .-« n un .Knin.r *nac 1,.. r•-Rluu•d !-; the \t ortgagee
<br />and apµlled 'r*war+i -hr S.a~to;r n, „t rhr - f•t.. re t., ,a..r~ .•r <,t :... ,u<•r, w,.- \?~,rtgakr,, -,,.-.,u, ., , ether uh+>i%~' ur trl
<br />part ma>' !u- paid : ~ L• the .?artgar;•:r t•: },. .. r.P =.r -°pau -art 3= F•u ririlny- <.~t ., build ,, -.+ '.m L3 u;g+ :.: tie.•tr Piar,• ,., 4,r anv
<br />etltrr ,lur:xar,- or .:rbJc-ci wus.:ie t.,,r .,, ... r,:, z, ....-... --! _. -.> ,-.r -,. -. _~:.R, -., ~s --.. _r•u,,.,nt -. r,4e.•u it•re
<br />hy~ {wf„rr aucit pxymrnt rvr~r t,xrk iris+:r
<br />., pnentptlr .-p., --.. • .. ..'J .. -t. ,.i,. F. , .,_ _ .,-. .:- ,,,: .., ..Iv.n ru
<br />.. b J,unat(t u c+f ,a-,t Rey .r. -,. .. rt . n ~ w ., , ,. , < r r r .r ..., „ { c ,,'hdtrt -,x n r tr•, r .u , ~9
<br />riann t,f hen Hart rxpre .~,3v :-ur..rd€natrr{tt , -... .t+ t .. ..=•r ;,. -uflrr - , .t. .. -.a nxfu} _.~ . - -,ra :_,a;. once t., .-e t4i „n
<br />Fier,f pmta•n-, ,sex t_, {n-n•,n au:~tr •r+ ,a tls ten aura ,,. t., -+ -, ,t., t -.: t •,tv Ir r h} „n ..rd ata{t twvnmw
<br />lerw ~aiuat;ir .vr t... =. Strur.e~#:. , e.r -.-. ... ..• -t --.., ,,- -,~ . -.. .. ;!t - • .rn., t.i r•:yt .eth e-si
<br />to tt,r nr,.etKaKr••J e,rr•nl±.~±•x .rlt*t Ilse , sr thrrt-.rt+
<br />I .
<br />„ ,
<br />2hai •rtt+nri.t tnr i,rrr,n>.., r ~„ ,art {ce-t .{ .;.Itr, <..,, nR .... : . .. ... .. .. . „ . r..., nw'+ ..,,.,.ar.,,,a..r,,,
<br />tlrt.r e.+tiz,IK ,-r - S' - '•=-an ~ .1 - 1 - t •,mpenw.t na.
<br />rtv.a; i.,s- a:x.:rt.- .xh. : .r-.-t __ r . , ,.-.r- , ., <ha?i !+r- titat}t«i - t • =;.t. .- ,.._. s-r -„t r ,r. _tn S .. r.hectt7. ,n .t-_
<br />t-~kk '.astir ;rot ilk tt!NI - i•r=H rt-til R~. .., P-tdMf .rrty ~ V11tpr..rlAASt „r +. rn. r.r r, , , ,r, tr, :. .,,. -,,,t ,r an,r:K . rdntrr5„ ,. ..
<br />~r ~ sr:.~.,: ~ _ _:hrf t ~-r r...r v,v{ ~e,~.i_ air t;rrrrt ~x,,:ra-.a :.. {tu• \t,.r reu.rr. +Ss., re,as. .tf lrr -i rl „. tr,.r
<br />i llnertrtrm alt tt!t r-atyer+nrs- rcterar~ ats> mr+tt.•y» w, r•. rsvri by It t,r appiv file .rtnr r,n nay rn,u•irtr.inr+«x .r~urrti S+..t«i-,y f'ht~ \?nrl~
<br />ga1{arr to erta'uts ,u.h isle ttwt au+hntrwnF>s ::! !Hi} c+•111t34•nalSlUe,n: awar+is, r!anlnKe!,- amt t!ytll! .~1 y. lit»r a•ei t.f ••t. r.-t+i ae. itw
<br />Mertfagau r[tttY rtgptre
<br />-1'Rat v. aster .d tariurr t= t»•rh,rm uu> ••f ih«• r.nrnant., hr rnu:, tier \#urlgaK.-r• stay ,tr. -.n th,~ \tul tkay;<.r, !rdtwll r.rr~. thrn%
<br />.cF i-aFCertautetl, tiwt rhr Siorytrt,w- ntay .+iya du arty m'L tl mey •lrrm n•a•sary r„ S.n+u~,~t lM- Irrar sh. vv,( [hat !h.~ Mr,rt KaKc>r ~.v,H
<br />rpWY up+ln riemam? an} tm:arva i5aid •+r .1[>.kxl r!utti by the Alurtgagea. f.rr anv .=t th. atnrvr t+url^xr•n an«t ~urh nrt.nwvti t,rK-•tttr~r >. tth Y„
<br />rnlrF'wa thernun st rhr rate prrrvnieJ In vet note +haSl lav:a,na~ ..o moth ndthlruclni ntdvt,ir,inrsx hrlrl,> tx t[r.•..t an+l ,War ta, rn~
<br />f-lteridt rn any +irer«e lrnlrckwereg tl5ts ntultaagr sled t.~ scald r.ut -.t rhr r,•:tt~ a....t. ••F -air :.[ w~tS {,n•n„%ra :f er.,r „th+'nnsw•
<br />papd; that it chaff cwt tw akrligatrrry utxm rhr ~4arir;age.• t., .+atu+rr ;nh, silt ~a.IdNr ..S sus -,,. urtdrrancr, .r •Satn, ,n ad
<br />raat:iglt rnwtaYs as atlNexa auttwrstwd, kwt rratlung tx±reiFt .tmtateeted shalt ar t,nutrult as rryu+crus; rite \4artKa{{rr tc. arivar«•r ~+ ;~
<br />Fa,anvys for auy vetch putt,t+ar Fiat to da tply as•t hereunder. and tha€ 44urysatgaro shall cwt incur an. t.traa,nl I,atailty la•a atu.«• ,:f anv'..
<br />thing rt RMtY rt[5 ur ,neat to du herrutttkt.
<br />ie Five rever.Y ;•! rbe default by L~asr ty{ar~,r n sh+. ;rgr4 rrt -;1 ass :n3tA7:nrnt. Nx r=-ya+rat !=. t - .4,rtr -.•„ +,: i;,v rt,}
<br />in file @r-rtfir'nlsrlCe r.t rhr {!tifljs'atxran rn file m,trtKaltr of In i!rt tw tr ttt+CtAFett Clieteby, tix+ i<initray; r•r .L1aiS ta• rntst le'ti ri., all -safe ftlF
<br />t u>va1 }~ dt~ atu# pagabte withhut nrrFa-r. anti ~lort~L+e =fe=lt br untlttacl at ns opuun• wtth„ut n„leer- t•{thee fiv ltsaii
<br />to tt4t a recxtever io 15r aq?xrintod Ay tPlr rt,urt tkwtruf, ami wttlusut rrgnnl to rhr ade°quary a,f r,nv' +N•urel`i ?.,r the ~ndrhtrdnets. •.«
<br />r''~tMd lft€ratry, tb rntfft upon Altai take pltiaxrsraan +?f t?l! me+rtgnge<l pf\rtnt3a!s, ami tt't f`+«liet't arul tr'rrl4r ItSe r~•1ttK_ ,,patr,~ 81Nt pr'Uti ttt
<br />€twrat5l, eA[i apply fhr vtne. tf AB +'!wts „f oprrat4..a anti ,-t,fteclit-•n. up«n the indrbtr.takt,?r .r,-,t m,t i+,• rh,*. ,+r.,r+xaitr• 4 tr»ls,
<br />iasrtecttrS.i prct6ixlwangh~raby a~gnFttt ttx the M:ttt,xnger a~ `t} ti - r .rr~urll>F {,u lt5c t ayr,,.ut r.f a1S ul.ieht»rin.+~ s,-.urr-rl hrrrt,y
<br />`i'hr .5a4c+ttttdrQ+:~ shall latrur i!w {arrxs:t to a}rpr.rrrt anv stsenF .-r asrrl t+ tt Wray „<wsre' fur ffer pair t..w« .=i !,{,at+tn% .nail pren,-
<br />tabB; !'EPiLiflat tha ~,. cotlcctinyt the rYrtttat, raaenu,~. sea.! :rer:wnc- ~rs+i .t nea; 3s+..-:r{ .,f salt! u.ittme aiS rates;-+uvt± trk'url erf ,n :=va-
<br />{syt +uui maaray{ing the €peraav aeStl a+( c<.9iteetinK tha rl ntal, Iherot t„ui t-6r balance r. FUauv K. r n,. <f,rait t, ~+ Ird t~.warvt tYw
<br />rtCitettarSrF rat the msxys#gia i:rodetateciras. '?alts +u*aarru`rd is to trrttal elate setts Mct,nu- nFsH - .2zi ..ut asx,n rrlr^exr _ t iht~ n5<rtt{taxe
<br />~o
<br />