(~1 the ugre~iorr of
<br />(i y An sntotrnt ~~ to the ~ ±f ~ spet~al fib rtquirtd to be trtabttahted by *_tte p:gect;
<br />(ti) AU tenant seeurity dtpaeist held.
<br />~ °Rssidttai Recegxs" fdlrrXett d3ttnfbsrriow tntr-tdtfgtar/ any rash raanaating at the ead ofa aartiarprnal ~ a>mual-_
<br />fiscal period after deducting frarn wrptta cash the awtouat of s~r~ast3osn as that term h defined blow and ~
<br />limfrtd by Paragraph $ (a) htrtoot;
<br />(h) "Dratrdiution" rrxarts any withdrawal or taking of ddr a ~Y assets of the pro)eet, itrlitdias the aat of t~
<br />or assets far subsequent withd»wal within the tirnitations of Par~aph $ (o) hereof, and exdudin6 paymerst €or
<br />reasonable expenses utcidom to the operation and ittairttenance of the proiea.
<br />~ ti) "Default" trreans a default dared by the Secretary when a violatiop of thh Agteetnent is rrot correetad to the -
<br />faetian of the Secretary within the time allawed by this Agreement or stint further time as may be allowed by the
<br />Secretary
<br />~~
<br />1 ~~~.<<
<br />(j) "Section ~'• tEfrrs to- anks al~tted"under Section S of the !.!Hated States Housing Act of 1937 pttrstrartt to a
<br />Housing Assistarrce PaymentsCcxtlract.
<br />(k) "iivtiaing Asststartx Payrnertts Contract" refers to a written canuact between the Owner attd HLSD• or the thvttor att+tl
<br />a Public Mousing Agency, or the Owner and a Haustng finance Agency for the purp~e of providing haautg a
<br />payments to the t?vrner cut brhalf of eiigitrk families under Sxnon g at the United States Htiuaitig Act of 1937.
<br />tl) "Displaced permit yr famtiin" shah means a family or families, ar a pettaxt, displaced from an urban renevlral stet, or
<br />as a result of gtxrernmeni acttort, ar as a result of a malrx disaster. er determined by the President purniwt to the
<br />Disaster Relief At:t of 1970.
<br />{m) "~detiy ;±~±..*:^ means any psrscm. marn_ed of ung~, who n ~ttytwo years of ago-os osrot.
<br />17. Thts irestrument shall bred. and the bcnefns shall insure tu, the reapectrvt Owners, rhea hens, Iegsd rept+aasntatis' ,xecutors,
<br />adrrtixutrators, sricessvrs in office or interest, asxl asti$rts. and to the Secretary and sue•-essors of the Stictr:tary so imtg at the
<br />contract of mortgage Insurance cvntmues to effect, and during such further time as she Secretary shall be the owner, htihkr
<br />ur reinstirer cs! the mtxtgage, w tabligated to reinsure [he mortgage.
<br />tg, Ownon wutant that they bare eat, and wsll star, execute any other agrcemem wtth provlsieans contradictory eo, ur in
<br />oppis~itm to, the prorisions hereoF, aril that, ist any event, the requuemems „t this Agreement are paramount and
<br />conuoltittg as to rho rights and obligaticros set fcxth arxi supersede sny uthcr requurments to uanltict thtrewith.
<br />19. Ttw invalidity of any clause, Fart ,x pn,vistun of this Agtrcmeot shall eat afl'tct rho vallduy of the remamtng por4atw there-
<br />u(.
<br />.'t?. IZtefohowutgOwtters. NL'l!_IL?AY ~N T+At-15E5, A t~HRASKA ~rtl~AL P,~?TE•€R~-tIP, !_AMtti~NC~ E.
<br />t#1MtAt.D r , W I t_I_ I AM M. MARSHAi.i_ T I I . PAT t= . SAY 7 Q, rED .IAPtSCJhi APO K .C . iCNUDSQN, PARTNERS.
<br />clef teat assunx persrattal Ilabillty for eayttrente due urtdol ttte rtvtC area mrutgaltr. +rr t.*r the payn+ants Ice rho toservr fur re•
<br />phtcrtrwnts, «€ ft~r matte€s n~;t urtdet th€u ~twttr€.zl. ;xovtded thgt said Owrtcrs sttalf rettaatc~ [table under this Aga~rtsent only
<br />with respect to the mar;err<hrretnafter statod aartvely-
<br />(a) fftf rands ~ pr~rFx; tFt ctt the ~v~t s~iiwtg Into tF~r har~3 whSch, hF rite prcwts-sons hereof, They are nt)r entrtiCC~ tv
<br />retain. and
<br />tb) lx then own acts stn! deals w Bits and loads of others whie:h they have audturiied m vwlauun ul thr provtsiuns
<br />ht`teeuf.
<br />W WITNESS, WytRFOF, the parties hetet~, !rave art then 'itanda and xals tart the date i'tist l~rttnahorr wrtttru.
<br />!(Iwrrkrrj
<br />$Cal
<br />Wl7'!H'`'
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<br />:. AtttvCE k . ~AIMALQ r , PAR rtvetr
<br />SEEtkt ARY ,H titH-%ttvc. AMU t=RbA~ t)t >iEtfai'~tk Nt
<br />aall0t[ ht . thruuttt, tMe t P'tH~ gi 1. HC1i.~Si Flt, c'tM11AlSS1(,tNt R
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