(b) if mortgage is itssutrd order Sedgy 23I , Owners ~ Iessee ah3fl ai all times rnaettaltt In foil force and effect from the
<br />State ar outer lirznaratg authority skit iitxctse as :nay he retptln_d to operate the prcylect as hottssetg far the eiderly-
<br />l3. C3txtters wa71 caetrply with the provisions of any 1'edtral, Stave, at local }aer prohihititrg discrunination in hotrsiag t:+n the
<br />paoraatls of race, color, rrtigirm os creed, sex. ar tmtioml argin, htdudirrs Title VI of tltt Civil Rights Act of 19b4 (Arbor -
<br />Law 8ht-352> ~8 Srat. 141/. Title VIII of the Ciuil Rights Act of 19b8 ritubtic L.u+a 44-284,82 Star- 73J cpthra {?rder -
<br />l i#361, std .•dt rrerrsant3 ~pt~sl by or pttt to the se~hrtlorta of the pc~~rtettt of ttautat~ aad iJtl~ ~cw3~ ~
<br />ment itt~tterrterrting these anthotities f vrrtt+dtwg ,24 t7~R Pens t. t 4(t, arrd 1 tt?, and Subpttrh f nerd A! of Part 340%
<br />f4. fJpm a vio#atiap of any of tht above prarisiats of thh Agseetrxrtt by Owtxrs, the Secretary array ghro writrat nrrtioe, theta=of; - -
<br />t0 Owwters, by reg~tad ar certified mail, addrasaed- to tht addtESSes Stah`¢ letthis /tgreattlCAt, or surer atheE addreilaea ia~-
<br />rttay su§saquwttiy, ttpan appropriate written txrtict tttereaf to the Secretary, ba desiatt:red ify t[tr'(li+rtters as thNS tegtg- ,__
<br />buainasa address. if etch vbolatiort is stot corrected to the satisfaction of the-Secretary vrithin'tlthty {3fl}days alter liar riat+t -~
<br />wcbt rtrttise is rtutkd or within ~tclr further tuna as ffie Secretary determines is neoesury to cornet the vtoiation, withrntt
<br />further notice the Secretary may dtclaro a default under this Agreement eff~tive on the date of sttoh ileci~arion of defwit
<br />and upon such default thr Secretary may:
<br />Q
<br />(a) fil It the Secretary holds the Hate - dertare the whole o£ mid indebtedness immediately due-and payable and then
<br />prtxoed with the foreciasure of rho rmtrtgage;
<br />fit) Ff said Hate is rsm held by the Setxttary -notify the holder of ttte Hate of such default and request holt~r to
<br />declare a .kfault undtr the Hate and rrxtriga~, acrd holder after receiving such notice and regttest, but tta
<br />otiterwi~, at its vpttan, tray ueciare rite whcrte inrlebtednets date, and thereupon prtmeed with fareclttstrre of
<br />the mrntgagn, or assign the Hate and rratyrtgage zrt the Seereraty as provided in rite Regrilaliorts;
<br />(b) Collect aU .*ents and r.ltar¢es to ~onnecnon wtth the +~peraiion of the pra}ect and use suc:tt cullecttaru to pay the
<br />rlbiigatimts under this Agreemem and under the start and mortgage and the rteotsaary exptmaea of preserving the prep'
<br />arty and cgrerating the pru3tct:
<br />(c) TaAt p+xsvesston n! t!°,e prc+trct, hang any arti:xt rreceasary air enfortro any rights of the ilwnars growing out of the
<br />pr~eet ~xperxttan, and ~.;peratt the art»ecr in accordnee with the terms of this Agreement uncl such limo az t.ht
<br />5eerttary in has tiiurettun ueterrmnts that tht tlwners are agaut in a position to operate the project in actortlattce
<br />wrath rerrsu of thrs Agrerrttent and to omp#iattce wtth the rttiuiremonts t+f liar Hera anti martgpge:
<br />td) Oppll +n any ; ot+r, State ,~t i°a•ue+ai. t;+t -~ct!tc ;~rtri+,rmance of thta .3ttr;<tntent. f~tr an rnjunc{ton against shy ttiata-
<br />ttun ca thts A~rterrtcnt. tvr t ,c akpcnntntrnt :,i a recen°er t~: ra'se rvtr and +,perate the prattct m azCOrdattre with the
<br />terms ui tl!e ACttterrttnt...r teat such +rthtr rtf=.e!' as !nay are :rpprcxtxtatt. +utcc tht imury to the Socretan• arising trum
<br />r dt-fault under anY +,t the te+rrrs r~r thts A~rFC^rrent uErutd ht +rrrparabit _+ncl the .+nr.,unt nt l3maga would he diffis~uit
<br />to sscertarri.
<br />IS As socautty !+?r 'be t+atttxnt d+az ~u;der tt;rx 4rree:~tent n, the revtrvr iiartd ant ecpiaccmcnt. anti t~;?.rc~ne thr ~=rrcrar~
<br />baaus~ ut h~ tnbtltry unsitr the engot~nrent :+t the n++tc ie,r snsurtnce_ and as scctuttg i+~r the other isbhgata~-m~ ttudea this
<br />Aetecn>4nt, tlzt' [lwrtea rtspecttueiv assryp, pirdKe and rytt+rt~gC t<r t€re s~'rcre[aty thetr rtPdtts [o the rents. p!•~tits. mcoit>< and
<br /><lfar;es <ai wke:atwC+set sszrt whtc[+ they eztay ~ecrx v~ <rt :`-e rntrtk~l t+~ recetve taco: the +r}7trattnn {rt the: na+xtt~afeal i'sUptatY~
<br />sab)ca , iurwevtt t€a anY as~tgrrurent +ri tents to ;tae ut~srd +nattgagc •;ttrrrttt t++ hrrtitt, i =rttri a ue--fault is u€~lareti under tht3
<br />igteentent, h~rv,eve!, ,rer+rtvsv+~r+ is gtaretad ti. Vwt+rta ~•~.oiie~t anu :~ t un ten~ies ?t+z ~^n+vtrtt~t~~..ti this A¢sttnteut utcit nrnts.
<br />t3{i Ott Ira. ,'[isc, acrd .riaF~d>. T~tl `s F+~i+y+ s!i`t$is'ir , sI> ,,`c, rttb}_ ~i+ ., lei Haar rd led e., `, ,+ii tract E~ Gee'~r , aiteded iilCledtt5t-
<br />t•, .~a t~tl ;:, ..,t= _t..t°Yntet=F '.!'.~' ,..,,..
<br />fa) "'~Ictrtg,;p~` rt~uden 'Y1reu of fruit', "fltattei Mt>attraKC,'~ .-tiecurrty lnsvutren+..-' attd any nthrt ~~•c~,~~tt hx ti!r
<br />ncrtE nlarttifter3 lurtrn acrd ttrdtrrKu fe?+ trrsuraruc +:r hciu by 'ha Secrttar}
<br />{b} "`6dcur~gu" tv3rtn kr thr tzukkr c+t tht n>,rrt~er +ueutrtied harem. as ut~cexu+s :and ;+ss+gna.
<br />tcl "~3v,ttc t>' !eirre to talc ittxrat riarns_d ir+ t}?c. !sr.i {.m e>;t ~;.tr S+e+e,rt .~++d d,:.r}~+.+kt;I .a~ Y)wtld rs, tt,cu :. ~.+~~riaaey. l+rUt
<br />anu asa~tx'
<br />idj -`~1l+attuuttrti3 i'Yotrtt tl ' +a~iude~ ,+.I ^+.,t>z++}- test {~e+x>nae, .~ ra~x^tl..+.cc+rd t:p +3te t+n:+t~i.r,w° +q ~qu+sk.~kcr>c: ++rt+tg
<br />arse utNO r+wtotsed ttrr trrsutatu.'c ..r tutid he the tic.:retatr,
<br />ie} "!'rust" tneiuues tht wa±tigai Pn~~ertr~ and sE! ris +.thcr atwets :.f whats,.evet n;ttutt «. wi+cr~s+r-vr~t ~rtuata !:xr:i +t~
<br />txt vr-rettil by the hustrttaa eurtdutttx! .'n card +;+rrrtgagcd ~ruitlrt~- uh.+:lr ;rusirtews :+,udu:t+l :~a+ vtu ~ + y,.rac.l
<br />prt+prrtt,, vrhsth z+uutre~ r~ ixruvtiiHtg hti:usentt and ..+utc~t +ctitttrCM ss a;~~ r+rttde+trs! ~ircrer.x,
<br />ail ' ~1rt,r-lus f"aat,'° trurtftr.me#rvarrrl tt+,+.rrr, .>+ "ttcyttua; itetc+{ t..' '*,, .r~.rt,ttt rt~,vter: t?:ta+„ i+~:.a.-:. +ia.s:.t+,< .,~ :3;r
<br />etrr3 +rl s setruannuai anu annual fiseat tterkai afar;
<br />t 1 t rho trayztteru of
<br />ftl stttrt3 dye ti~ ,.>+t:entlt tct}urrt-u t+s hr ~a+<: unri+`i th+~ i+ru~tti ,-! at?s to+,rty.?gr ;,+ s~t,t. ut.;n~„ ,.i !r,-it!
<br />?r _S tare ~;#etarr`,
<br />tax) x+txiunu u=~uttt+a to ire tit~ntir'ai to tr:t #r~ ne ;+~,,.. .. ,~=t~l,rtctt+vnt~
<br />inns ~.ii t,q`siF~itpitt6 ?+f tiryE i~t:~ar. sstfYc't ttSat+ tt+„ tit FU+?ci Ss ;c'-~a~$sr t+P FC4a tsar. et+`.rt 4`st ~: ~t r_ ~- .,,, -_.. .-•
<br />-e tare-M. ftT '?F ;'ilytiat;•r17 !t-5' ~`-"(titi 1tYt .- _,i 'i~ _~ Ra';,.IP .. _ .,
<br />