cervices whirji may trz ftrraistresl by the t)~raers ~' suers to tenant upon blather te4ttes:, in addiritm tri y)ae, s
<br />facilities and serviczs indttdzd le the approeral retatsl sc~edutc.
<br />t. .
<br />(c} Ilse Sttctetary ttrdl u awry time ettfteaxaar a vrsittea recprssst ftrc a rant itreseatte Pr~rI3' ~ hSr wbstantiui~
<br />evidence and witttiri a ressotiattle tithe shall: -
<br />(i) Approve a rental schedule that k necessary to campeassts for any rtet fncrcatx, occurring since she ~ ap- t!`
<br />proered rental schedule, i€t taxes /r~tirer rltax iritermre tmres/ sad aperuing and araintenaaee east ovtr tieltt>~ i
<br />C3attte-a Imva no efftetfMt mongol. ar `:
<br />(u) Deny the inereass stating the reasarts therefor.
<br />`~ 4. (a} lire criteria ¢[rvemirrg eiigihility ut tenants for adrriissirxr to Bettina 8 traits and the etxiditioas of i:[xttiatred octetoR"- .
<br />~{ paruy shall be in acaxdan~x with the Housing Assistance Payments Contract.
<br />(b} The maximum rent for each Secti+m 8 itrsit s stated in fhe Hottaitig Assistance Payments Contract and adjustments
<br />m such rents shall tre made ut accordance with the terms cf the Housing Assistance Payments Canuact.
<br />O (c) tiothing cxsruawed t~rein shah be construed to relieve tare Ovmers of any obligations tinder flee- ~B A~stantx
<br />Paymentsfontraci.
<br />6_ (a) tf thz mortgage is ~rriginatty a 3ecrezan-held purchase money mortgage, or is originatty endorsed for insurance udder
<br />shy Section other than Section ?31, Chvrrers shall not in seMtting tenants diserimiaste agairtat any perttun m pstaona
<br />by reason .~f' the tact that there are children m the furii)y. In the event the rnartgage is irmttrtd under Secticra 231,
<br />Owners will give preizrznce ur priari[y of opportunity to occupy its dwelling aesorstaioastirras to e~er~ ~axaot~
<br />and handicapped persons as detmned in the HUD Regulatitms.
<br />(h) ti' the mongage u urigmalty endorsed lur insurance under Secnan 22I > Owturs stisll in setetting tenants glen m ather-
<br />wtse etigibk displar:ed persrxts ur families an airsolute prefzrenae or priority of occupancy which shall be accompllshtd -
<br />u follows:
<br />(l } For a perrud ut sixty (5C!} days €rortt [he date of ortgutal offering, artless a shearer period of time is apprrsrtid
<br />in writing by the Secretary, all units shall be held for such preferred applicants, after vrlfith tithe any utvertted
<br />units may be rented to n:m-preferred applicants; and
<br />(?} Thereafter, and un a cuntutumtc basis, such preferred applicants shall 6e given prefrrence over Hart-preferred
<br />applicants in their piaucment .m a watttng first to ire tnaintatned by the Owners; and
<br />(3) Natwiahstandurg the provisions of paragraphs 1 I ~ end (:), for 3t~ of the Section B ratite, the Section Z21 ur
<br />Section ,3i occupancy pretzrence shall be accorded only to those indinduais q,uatifytng as very ]ow income
<br />as specified w the Housing Assistance Payments Cuntrac[.
<br />(c) Without the pour written approval of thz Stcretary trot more than w5`~ r+f the nurtttter of units to a project insured
<br />under Sect_+utr 31 stall be uccupred by per-suns other than elderly pzrsurr ~.
<br />(d} Ail advzrtrstng ue at`forts us rent a project ms`ured tinder Szcu<m ' 1 t shall reciter a bcxia tine efi'art of the Owners tit
<br />obtain trceupancy tap elderly persoris.
<br />7. leionprofit Owners agree that no drvrdends .,i mry natnte whaiwxvet card be pate =ar[ the caprtal sttTClC issaed by rite eurEx~r
<br />tatWn.
<br />8, Owner shall uor wrttt:sut the prior written approver of the Secretary'
<br />(a) Convey, transfer, or rncumber :thy at thz mortgaged property, or pernut the conveyance, transi'rr, ur encumbrance
<br />of such property .
<br />(tr} Assign, transfer, dispose uf, ur encumbzr any persutud property of the prt,}ect: inr:tuding rents, or pay crut any funds
<br />zxeept from surplus caSlt, exctpr for teas:rtiable operaung expanszs arid. necessary tepatts.
<br />lei Convey, asr3ityt, or trsnsirut any trerretictal mrerut m our Dust holding uric ur the property, rrr xny n~ltt u> martuge.
<br />ur racervv the rents rind piulita Rum the munt}agad property.
<br />(d) Remodel, add ti?, rewusztuc[..~t derno[tstt any part of the mortgaged property ~~r .u'~rta4t from auk teal ~r kx;srm.ri
<br />property of thz prcrjn:t.
<br />(e} Make, ur rzcaivc and retain, ens dial rthutiaa , 1 a>esfi cr anti utcvme crf air} kut~1 c=' the pxrte~°t except surp}us iaXlt
<br />trod exctpr on the ftel3<rwmg ar[tdnsrras- '
<br />(1 } Ail dtstrtbu[rons shall be made ~xrly as crf and niter ttte end axle a seraunaual ,~: art{rani td3tai Peru+d. ,nrl = t.'.~; a~
<br />1>etmiited by ehc law c?t the applicable turisduhoa, an.i, rn ire cast: ut a itnxted .hstttbutnen nurctxag,>~. ,li
<br />dletn~utions rrr env one tinsel pear shall be lirrutetl to six E*ar :cututn .an the mrtenii «yvi:p tr,,,r~,trnma. as .1i~-
<br />tzrmirstrd try the Secretor} winch strati be t urnulattve.
<br />{i) ~o dtsiritru[uwt ~sttai} rrr made frstn b~3ttuwed ![nuts, prrtcrr t:r tfrr c~.enpktsr~nr •,t t)ae t>.,~trr t ~„ ~:«i-e:, ~..2~~
<br />atrg default ursder rhea Agreen>Qnt fit untSer the mote -r nzt~rtgage.
<br />., ~. ,~aez ._ . -.
<br />