crngraventtnrx to ter made ptrrsuxni to said building toad agrsemer,t shall not rte carried an wtih reasonable diligence, or slrail
<br />hr discantircued at any trine for any reason other than strikes ar lack-outs, the Mortgagee, after dot notice to the Mortgagor
<br />or any subsequent uvmrr, is hereby Invested with full and complete authority to entry span Che said premises, empkty
<br />watchatten to protect such improvrmeats from depredation or injury and to preserve and protect the personal property
<br />therein, and fo continue any and all ouistandirttt s:ontracts Car the erecrion and completion of said building ar buildings, to
<br />::akt and inter into any rontracis and ob#igatians wherever necessary, either in its own name ur in the name of the
<br />Mortgagor, and to pay and disehaxge all debts, obti~atians, and tiabditiea incurred thereby. Alt wch sums so advanced by the
<br />Mortgagee (reclusive o! advances of the princtipal of the indebtedness secured herrbyl shall be added to the principal of the
<br />:ndrbtedness secured heroby and shall be secured by this Martgagr and shall he due and payable art demand with interest of
<br />the rite specified in the Nate, but no such advances shaft be insured unless same are specificaiiy approved by the Secretary of
<br />dousing and Urban C>tvelogtntnt, acttrtg by and through the Federal Housing CommissktnM prior to the rttaking theroot. The
<br />pnncipal sum and other charges provided for herein shalt, at the option of the mortgagee or holder of this lttottgage and the-
<br />!Vote secured hereby, bernrrn dui amt payahk on the failure. of the Mortgagor to keep and perform any of the covenants,
<br />canditiam, sod agreements of sod bwldins loan a~eetnent. This rvenant shall be terminated upon the completion of the
<br />improvements to tht satiafactwn ~f the Mortgagee and the making of the final advance as pravidtd to said building town
<br />agreement;
<br />19. Thaf ihr Mortgagor ~~avtnsnta and agrees that sa tong as this Mortgage and the said Note secured Iterehy zee
<br />insured urtdrr the grovtsKtns cif the !National Housing Act, ur held ny the Secretary of Housing and Urban Revekvpment, it
<br />wdl oat execute or fde for record any instrument which imposts a restriction upon the Bali or occupancy oC the tttortgaged
<br />property an the bans of race, valor, nr aced:
<br />.0. 't'hat ai addtttona! and collateral acurity for the payrnrnt of tht Nate drsuthtd and all Burns to berntne due
<br />under this Mortgagr, the lforttptgor hereby a~tSrts [o the Mortgagee al3 profits, revrnues, royaltits, rights, amt brttafits
<br />a,4nting w tht Mcrrttgtgc~r under any and alt ud and gas kasc•s on Bald premises, with the right to receive attd receipt for the
<br />same and apply them to said indeMednrtx as welt befart as after default rn ihr conditions of tbta iidortgagt, and the
<br />Mortgagee may dtmattd, site far, and recover any such payments whin due and payable, but shall not be required so to do.
<br />T}tu assignment is ur tununate and ttrtxtitte nail and void upon rtteau of thin Mortgage;
<br />:1 . That ti the Mortgagor fails u7 make any payments of. money when the same became duo, ar faih to rsnform to
<br />and wmply with soy of the c.~ndittans or agretmrnis contained m this Mortgage, or the Note which tt secures, then the
<br />entire prinapal sum and accrtxd Interest shall at Dory became dui and payable, at :he rketion of the Mortgagee: and ibis
<br />Mortgage may thereupon be farectaaed tmmrdiatety far the whole oC said manly, tntercat, monthly payments, costa, ground
<br />r,-,ts, taros, and the .vim of cxitrrdtng the abstract of title from she dolt of ihss loan to the tuns of [xsmmsacitsg suit
<br />t'nrecl+ostttt suit, all advances and tntertst. and a reaautub{r atutrney's ire, all of wtuch shall be included in the dcc°rea of
<br />G~roclttsure; and ihr contract embodied m this Mortgage and the Notr secured hereby, steal! fa all respects bt governed,
<br />a~nsttued, and adl'udgrd by the taws at Yetvaska_ what the same is made.
<br />The covenantt• herein contated shall bind, atttl the benefits and advantages shat! inure to, the rcNrective succesaon and
<br />a.stgns of the parttrx htieto WhtnrsYr used, ihr stngulat numhrr stwlS include the plural and rho plural the stttgttiar.
<br />The Cate~tng condittom, all and atngttlar, brusg performed a. wring to their notate! and lags! import, the oanwyence
<br />strait bt volt) and said ptemtsea released st tr& expense of ihr, Nurtgagor: athtrwise to be and remain in full force and effect.
<br />!K WITNirSS WNt?REtJF, she told Mortgagor has paused these prtstnts to be signed in its name by itsP
<br />7ttt l~ppt~thr da} and tear ttrst above Witten,
<br /> f MORTGAGOR } f1r1t1iMd[
<br />lh ihr gtrsrne~ of I[1R'7[1tXZ7t
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