agd about the 4utlding ar buiWtngs now erected or tumaftet to be erected on the lands herein deslxibed which are necessary
<br />to the wmpkte and aamfortabls use and occupant:y of st[ch bw7ding or buildiags for the purposes for which they were or are
<br />to be rtettad, including all gouda :nd chattels and pecsonat property as see ever titled ter furnished in operating a buiidtng or
<br />the activities conducted therein, sirrtilar to the one herein described a»cf referred to, and alt renewals or repiacxments thlseot
<br />err articles in substitution thercfrar_ whetlxr or naR the salters are, ar shall be attached to said building or btriiding# in any
<br />rr[annrr, [t is hereby agreed that to the extent permitted by law all of the focegoit~ property and fixttrrea are to be deemed:
<br />and held to t+c a part a[ and affixed to the realty.
<br />TU H AY@ AND Tb Y.ULD the prcntises and property above described, with all the appurtenances thtueunta belonging
<br />unto the Mrutgr~ee, and to its successors and assists, torever. The Mortgs~ar represents to, sad wtrenanks with, rho
<br />Mortgagee, that the Mortgagor has l>~ right to ~ll and convey said p[emisea; that they are free from errtatmbtance; and that
<br />~. the Mortgagor Witt warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims of sit petsasats whamxoever; and the said Mortgagor
<br />hereby reliraquisAcs at! rights of homestead, etthcr in taw ar in equity, and all other contingent interests of the MotYtptpr in
<br />and to the abovedescribed premises, the intention beixtg to txiavey ttorcby an absolute titk, ut fee rimpte, inetudireg all ruts
<br />at honxstead, and ether rights and interrsia as aforesaid.
<br />PROYtAF,U VEVIRTt1ELES~, 5iartgagvr €s 3uatly tndcbtad to the Mortgagee in the prEiltu'[Q~al sum of l
<br />SEVENTY-TtrO TFIOIl5AlD SEVEf+I/~~ t f 8T2 , TOO, p0 t and that r![x Mortgagor slr;lt et}eU and truly pay or
<br />cause to ix patd to the Mortgagee, or «rder, the principal xum as provided in and rvitknred by its certain Pmmisalxy Kota (or
<br />Q any Note in renews! or eitensian thereof) of even date htrewtth; and shat{ further pay all additional soles and advances
<br />according to the testes parrot as the Mortgagee may advance to the Mortgagor and stao any and ark sums now ur hereafter due
<br />from the Mortgagor to the Mv~rrgagee Sand Nate vhalt hear interest from date an the outstanding babnce at
<br />THIRTEEN per cent per annnnt'! payable to nxynehly Inatailments heputning on the fast day of the month Cnllowing the
<br />date hereof with a final rtuttunty of ,dt,ItE 1ST, 2021 Satd Note is identified es being secured hereby by a
<br /><xrtti'icate theroon- AU the term at saW Note ate €ncarpatated fly reftrencr, and this +xtnvmyance tltalt secure any and all
<br />axterwiatts ref said Note howavcr evader{xd. This Maartgtlge to to crenate €n full fartx sad cf#eet uaYil alt wntliilwts sad
<br />aonvenants of s+tuiAM$oritp4~~~aarie`p[rrtr}rrne~d, at~}w~htchtttx~m^+~thts M(a~r~tjga~gc s~h.{a~ll~~M+ fn~ull and PRINC2PAl SI~A ~
<br />St~H .~ pdrrQ~tt~ Cii(:tt yl.'t~~vCr4 iA~t[nlij ~•"S}ttet~t~ a~li~tl ~r'rTMt-'t1T~tYEfTln i:On a IACn~Ci pta~
<br />raid, nthvrwise to remain [n full fare and effect tt T. Sit l PFD AktJl1A liat.7N THi:' DATE tTi~ i=iNAt F
<br />9N Tl~ M1~RT[aAta€ N~tTE i=pR tj!>ti54.t~AJ~ICE. ~N All, PRtINGI~AL Stgtl5 ttlEt+t REMAINING tJ+PAIL~.
<br />r rAarrgagar to car er man ufty to prntect t r. county ~> thts . artgalte, agrees:
<br />1 That Mortgagar wtll poly the Nes{r at the t€trsrs and to rhr manner pravtded [herein:
<br />1`hst Mrrtgagor will Ra7t i7rrmtt ,~r wifrt the use tat any n! the property for any purpose other than the oar for
<br />which rite Santa wax intrndad aF ihr time this Mortgage was cxecutlsd,
<br />3. Tha! the Regulatory .~greemrnt. if any, executed by the [Aortgagetr and the Cecratary of Hausvtg and Urban
<br />Devrtvptrtent, aeons by and thrtaugtt the Federal llolratttg r'ommtswanrr. wha.-h ss Detng recorded tamuiFartersusly het•etrith, is
<br />tneurparstad In and Inadr a part n1 thts Altxtgt[gv. tiprvrt default under [hr Regulatory Agreement and upon the regtteat of the
<br />4ieereta[y of ttrassstng and t.'rbar t)rvriupnurt. a:t€nR ,,k..end tttt,rugls the €edrral f{uuatng Cumnussitsttcr, the: htdder at the
<br />Note, at ats e,pixyn, may dea:lare the wtrulc „t the tndrbtedness x.ured hrrrt,y t}+ br due and },ayataM.
<br />a that a1! terra, 6't:.t . aM !n;.,me 1rc,r=.} t1;r }wc~prrty ~<>rrred h>• the !dortgagr are hereby aa~tgned fo ttte holder
<br />of the Viate for the purpasc ~,f diKtkttgtng the debt hereby rr+uaed. Prrmustun IV hereby ~avrn tr, Mortgagor w tang as nu
<br />aletauit ssetF.s l€r€r€sirrdr~, t=_+ _;atir.:t =ss=h rents. ,~=.?itrc esd ask.=anr i;?t e€~ €n ar};c:rdancr wtth ihr t~rtrvtstirns rat the itrsguts[ary
<br />~rarnsr-nt;
<br />4 it€at .Sn,n Jrfu:tr herrandrr ter #ic'idrt =t the ':clr ~hait he .-nhrtrri t,, the aptuaxntrnrm of s rr,rlvtr fv -ttxv
<br />a_vufT ttavrer~ •3rts4ii~tt..,n, .vrti}. ,,ri ,,, -, ..~ tsar ;'F,rsr.s7, .n anzi pri±[+Lt ttsr pn,t,rzts .lei rttw~ hrrrtn an71 ~,peratr >tit#ss slut
<br />cisf"s,Fet the tents. tai= t i- a^ai : -_rttr h'~.-a~i€t:z-}-
<br />,, ai ~ , - _ ..~ ~r,.t`- ..~ • n_..a. - ~,~-:: _. ,~,. ,- -N ....sghv ..~. ?~ -stz;^rt i..,. ,:as -~t,.r~
<br />s~~~pia~i€ ,=~,~: ES_e '.e aa,- ,_ r#-.-~-~7-~~~1 t_€~ ts~~: -~_- .,~!-t ~il c!r --- '
<br />- -a . ' ` t-~flc-ssi !~-,.a tFg i ~e. s ,.~s:.a~r a
<br />~+ p+uttat propayrnr-ttt aa•«u!tv t;unr on .,ward ~. ..'adrumst!•,€w rr} s..,e7danrr w,th t=roaaierres ,a F"-,ragraph >! hwrcan..,r rtt,n€ .,n
<br />msursn~ paynsrnt rrtadr .n , -.,rda€z~e 'scalp to+avn€r,r» ==f t'araaraptf 4err}rt where 'htrr == a re^ruHtn~ !t}->a :~t ;'retell
<br />ancvvme, /THE 2Nt1t.RANCE CARt7IER PRUYIgIN6 Tt~ INSt„RAPteF :-~iALt. ftE t:t~US~EN tlY #i0RRl7WER EJECT
<br />TCt AftPFKJYAt. ElY I...ENL1Eftt i7t'tOYIOED TF[A7 ~it.k:H APPRl~Y1tL riF1A{,.L NJ( Pt= t.tniiEASt7NABLY whfI Tt+s~l.p.
<br />~rhat the ttlor[p~or waft Arrp thZ smpr<avr rnrr,tx rv,is4ng ..€ hFrraftrr , r,r, [r,i .,n the ilti=rdrd property €n~Irrd
<br />a(atnat fVa! h) iirC and lUGti iHhrt hatdrdr, ,dlltttatre:, inJ :,!Rpra~rx te, ,oa rztay iw ,t q+ntdir,t tr} Fhr 1ec?Id:S :.t fluuei R><
<br />and ttrt+rn I)+rvekvprrtant ,a.ttnte by .nil tht•„egh the l~td,~tat :fr?usar€tt + ,~~*::a}t,.~},leer ,.p=,aa *tsr tet~urdn~e ~.,f Yhr N=}tipase .ttrd
<br />+reher haaards at stay tx rcrttxtred t~*m ittwe t:.. iirrtr ky i'rr ?ri.idFr „i the \,}t+- cell ;rii .u,n urutran~e ,h;tli trc rvtdrn:~-ii h~<
<br />~attAat9 !rani aiad I~atErendad t'avatagc inautant'e l'r.trc'y .u t'c,lt.€r,. a ,.an,,:.r}tc n.}t t.wtitw rhao arr.rvvay 10 ~vruapty wlti€ titC
<br />appti4aMo t~umwtaa+<r clause twr~rtuyr, but m aru event shalt the artgz}.rux ~a _,}vrraar i+c ~e.ct chart !+tk$ vt the In•urauir
<br />Valuaa at nul taw tRIW the unpaut balance of ills u~,rwrJ Altrrt µalEr- whr. hr.. t.€ ra the ievt.,t and uw ,telautt Cher r„t €hr h„adrr
<br />,al Ihs Ni+tr attall haver the rtgtti t+a ~ifrk[ rnr.ttan.r tiu,tt {n,irer+~r ,> ter , nJur.rJ with rsdntlarRt 1ft+rtg,tgrr ,-I,tu~r w€th : ,.
<br />payahts lea ihx t€uldst ..,! the Vltx aril dhr ~ctrtae::-t tt~,u--=raa .rrGd 1- .ter tt.-,~,.- <t,F},t~rrt ,, ~. .;t~rr<t ;;}ay <t tstara{-.sect .h:a:I nr
<br />cirpoxitsd wtth tAr htt~rt rtl the N}.rte.
<br />ilatt [t the ptnttwar ;uver~l tteteby. ~x any past thric»,[, .Hair hr .larraytetl hr IrrC ., ,}tnr€ haaa€.t .Itearn.i wh}+h
<br />rawtiatu.~ as hold as tir~taatnwr pruvtded. the snwunt. }iaat try ,toy ,1}>,uz~nmr -_,}}t€taenv =}+ ;,+r€+.uan+~r .d the -„ntra,l ut
<br />=€~ ~ th.= ;<atd c. alas eiz-dt:-Ftti..~sv :Lrr :> r~~inte~ ;,tt z.azi -nasit P~ g•atil t, rs}~ =;,,t,#r, ,.,i t=1r time. rnj - r,.:.~t,t.c}o
<br />'silly tat sppita3 t,~ the dept =,r rulcaarsi ti€r €hc~ ret*+usng=ar recu}iat+rut ... tree ;-rrlsr air-r
<br />ti #h#t 31t awsidr ,!t damagrv ire ierrnectauss xl[h rty -., a}t---€ra3tli~- - ;,u"-}!= -.,~ ,•If ._.- slttat: ~. ,-: teas ~t w}~;
<br />prta#tattp attc isles-try +ap attd +ttHtt4 ert• p+ust t~ the ts,sWsi ,:t the ~tca,tr, wh++ n}t„ .:t'1,!+; ells ,amr t,a t,atrr}erit ;,r the
<br />IMta#ttsrntr last dw under utd 'Mute, assd tht holder ,=t the 'vfl>tc c, rte rrhy cut h,u}zc,t, -.., the „anal- ,.t vd,u tang„t t., ra«^. utc
<br />said Ileg+risr vaiyd artqurttanr,~s.lserrt}t' arsd tc> ap}}utlt frr+t» any rc.n +vatd.
<br />u. fhst the titurtig~ur, icryat her wtth scut to :uadutcm t,r ihr nxaot hl~ pay rn,:nte .tndrl Use trt nx+:,i the ~r«a t.- air vu rd
<br />may, wdl pay t+s the Mtort~er nhrnthiv, tx~anwg :,n the tu.[ ~;yy ,_t ter ttr^,i n;,.i}th aNrx Utr ,trtr raaee,xi ,.}.i .:f ro,h
<br />month thxtast[rr ,anttt the xard 'vale Iw roily- t*sttf. 6h! t,-aiiv,vsni5 soon
<br />,al na •IaO WIt a4ttttr-at Fv pr,wrn01, IAa rhwRpatla Mih tuAdr 1•, PtIY ItMr }}e.7 nMrr/ar}ar r„k}r'snar 4=atlilN le} 5r riles ,rr air t}rxn,:S a~,ed the
<br />likrfa raatllhr,t trsrspr acs rtluara. +x s ~vitlr acs +arst~e :tW aF, ,i r€~, .re Arad Mr IhF Sir%rn+.arr .,} rk>uwrwl{ x,}d "r hfrr
<br />r5ararirsrspwrrt, a rtKlw,w
<br />i{) tr 3u Rya Y aMat t~i)t! =.t aver}; dears ana €81{ }ruW trtasht arF }fl#}+rrd - r+briwl_a€ an.t,'r tiW i'r•••+.}„s}z ..7 '. hn
<br />wtailutaat itywliaa .~1,z1.: aw stallmt uaretera,wt i:} ~i:tlw:a€stt art tAo hazed. .,i lha ±f..,,}~_-_ ,,,,. .,,,,t.:., _ -_ .. ..} _t-~ s.}:
<br />.tl# fptl}1ai >btrr~a lrgl9rrfiQa (V~aga{rcpt, oq .~;,~q !:: jttVYlt[i .+:tA ~r.xi apl;x ..vii tf r .nt€t i~ u.R ~ }r , }Me
<br />a-sYtat Ilr}}wwa t„awwren.-mss W,rarrwt t.. rM+ NartrreY tk,t.arnr ~. i. ..a an}e..,Jr.t. ,;}d ,{,pta a!,Ir +....g,d at,. •,,. :ke, r.<,..ta}
<br />
<br />