<br />piJ~-+~ 1-SS1Gl-,MEi+t7 t3F ANTS Loam #9c. '2? t~4
<br />+tNOW ALL MEN $Y THESE PttfSERES: rttai ixowars! E. .~ohnson anci r2aierta J. Johnson, husband and wife.
<br />Tyra two thousand five 3etntdrac! Jailers and :tell caked tt~ Yortrs} in of the stns 4[
<br />~ ~______~ G€~rs 4522 500,tXle*}
<br />leaned to Yort;ytgors, do t~rtby+ ~t, t s~ anct convey unto C61i~ifCiAi FEUERtit SAYINGS AFiO Ll3AN ASS(~iA~161i a# Oteaba,
<br />NeGrastu- ttrereerratter txat` , fts srciz;sars aral assgrrs, the faNowrrq ttescrr3ted reN estate, situated in the Conttty of,
<br />ftAI.i. SUte of NeMasita, to-rill:
<br />---2t;e iteaterly Seventy ('0} Feel of Lots Eight {8}, and Nine {g}, in Block Eleven (11)
<br />in '3arrison Subdivision, :Tall County, Nebraska.---
<br />'C NAVE AitG i0 NOLti THE SANE w,>r dto aptrurtPnantes t!tereunte betangtng, J1tG CaGmertiai, tt$ successars and assigns, Forever.
<br />Sate Ntutgagars hereby cove.tant w+lh sa+d CGmmerc:at. ;ts successars and assigns, (hat Mortgagors are !awfully seized of said pranises, that
<br />Lhep are free fr--~ a7tt:mbrances arm `.hat dray w+ii tarever wattanf and se#~ns ttte tilde to said prem7ses against The taw#ut Claims of atl persons
<br />whOrrsaever.
<br />Provided. neverflseiess: tltese „resents are upGn "~1E toiia7v;ng Lu'ndit!EYis:
<br />•. 7?tat wfaerea5 the lead Matgagors as ,~Emtlers Gt romrnertEai have d4rs ate executed a note ev,dencmg such roan and a~eeing to repay said
<br />sa,m of moteey, swtfi; 7ni<-rest, is paymeris as set forth ~n sa;d note and have weed to abtde ~! ?he terms aF said Hate 3ntl Charter and By-Laws rf
<br />CGmarErtrat.
<br />Tftak wt3efEa3 ttt!5 :nGFtg'age iiaii SetUrE any adG+tianai ~YancE$ w+ih ,nle!es#. WtllEh !Gay. 3t dte aphon 0# CamiRelClat, tie made by Com'
<br />;SHCial tG ttteurk}erstgnad tdortgdgGrs ~3r L'tEtt ifrCC255Gr5 ;tt'st'e tGr dny ptl:prl'E, at anY y"iB CtetGIE ale retease,k~td Lantettatix~tvf it115 mbrtgage,
<br />r~i PRCYtDEO. NOiYEYER at ne t7Ere shalt The aggregate ar+nc;pai amount secures dy this G7or±gage itetng the amarnt due at am, fine at said
<br />rginat note ar+d any add,t;rmai advantes nade exceed an .tcraun; e4ua+ tG its percent Gt the amount at the arlglnai Hake. trot in nG event shalt
<br />sa+d trca(8 exceed fie maxcmum amount aetmtt;ed or law ens ~ROYiCEI~ HOWEVER, that nath.ng herErn cGrttamed shalt be considered as limiting
<br />tftn atGOUnt that she## hE sEtured hereby vrne7 advanced to sretect the security sr +n aecardance «tth covenants contained rn the mortgage.
<br />"taw. ~{ the card Abrtgagars sham 3av ~! cause :; ;,e ;aid E1tE 5atd sums n# matey when ate as set forth 7n said note. and anY otlter note for
<br />addtt!cnai advances inane unt!{ sa'a debt ~s rush Card w+d+ merest. start tltese presents shalt he Yo7d: adrHetse. to be and remain In full lone and
<br />etf4ct: but if retautl 5t7GtatC ce m~e.
<br />a. to any s1 th! payrrtents due ar sa,d ,cte 3ryci env .;CIEr rsete +at asdit7anal advances :7a~¢. as thereto agreed tb be made far three mondrs, at
<br />to x¢E{7.ng ~ i=',t; .w: ,;:~:sea .. ,.::es a~Ens +GSS ar reasra7 G; f,rE. i,~rttt7ng, and Gdt¢, °azards rnctudEd in extended
<br />average rsurance n ar, amrwnt `«nt ass '_han •fw ;,nine+d balante of sa7d nurtgage roan, .n a Company nr companies acteotabre ;o Cam
<br />saert;at 'he ot~gtna+ Cf st.th ;m+:cv ,r ;v:,C:rK a tx held by ammeatiai and wls! a mortgage c!a„se attached to sa,d polity or paf+cies
<br />a; fever ;). ;477fi-1ti+2 e. 'u
<br />.~ ,n Thu aaymHtt at taxes ~.d assessm.•_-its rv,w: ,.~u+; ~a;e yrer.IsES. _.t ;ri th,s rnartgage. pefare +~ey are dei;nquent: c.
<br />et rf chEre :s env CttangP :t ±r}e lwrtersn;: ~• 'tire 'Ea! ?stn?e :nc><tgages here+n. IJY sere. e7?hEr 3utr7ght Gr try !and confiner er by ass,gtt7nent of
<br />any ~n~>esf +Ste;@C~n .°-~ ~t:;P`ii-'}e
<br />then. . < any of ~n above sEf r~~ rw_nfs "~ .,nu:e :~s€`oieartess neretly ,ecured ~u;i- at the Gpttan al COa+merc!ai =mmedtataty b2tD+riE sue arM
<br />s~va^=e «rth+n .:.=ere ;.:rte :.nv ?he ar<:~~t ,.r :.de* a-a r, to and any ;~ Er v~Cte fctr add, brrttai advances madE she yr d!¢ date acre exE+c+5e
<br />,yt 3a~. npit;r. ~aa :.Merest ::,i The Max+sv~ ego 'atf ;r! .rrmt~ .fns Ih+S 'tnrfgage maY dfeai pE farecif?Bed is sai!siy the amcvri GuE rn sa7C ;+ale an0
<br />eery -,';er nsfE `as ass:t+,-a7a+ adYarces 'cgetitEf r.~ ; _.., ;;a+~? "y `.::am^era? !„ nst;rante lazes assessments ana a:75?=a.t'-x,E',s;an ~.:ha7gES.
<br />w1 ~1 'ttefESt tp.PC pGri ":vi S11P ~`f c:! r~y;rtpnr ~± !nr '~4ax.'±tY~ ~+.p,~; :a+P
<br />°11GYluE" ftiaf ,n r., e.xr;r -.toe. R`.:e aitec '.etau'~': :ra!~~ 'he .n±Erest .tUF ,;rider 5.a;a note and fh;s ~n:xtgage aRd anY ~:: thEr irate `~-r a6
<br />d t:a373~. nova .':e' :T1BE -(".iY^ ~f'.=F °,lx, mt5rn :ar tC'~ :!terE`St "dCE
<br />-+''K=d ~E.: -11?±tE -n-„r: -Ea .t'rek` ,`,~ .a ~` :-r_ .:; "'t¢ ~~~.~ :! ?7P :'~'r~fii7'z ,.,p ~>;4 - 2 - .
<br />a4'Y3`tF~ tS -.. ,, ~- •Kfr~P'~ '.:, ~a;+Ce ,. eeRp+njg +Re :'i T..c!iitS RSliE!d 1$ -.tl;Y@ ::'~..\!;1~4. .'~ -`^RIdU~t t7f ~.aaP .(1 !71¢ r+aY'yP, 1 ,_- if'Q u7MP.$
<br />r ~,
<br />u' a~"-X53.-~.., r.tG -.: C-6F 't3P .. .e_ ..+~re =PSi* :.Rd '~ , N?^ '., - f,.{~ "IptZtf ~.PY .a`C' ."/ -3w ;;E!:,it Pfl. ,.. ,F,t. 1, h -~ h4+T
<br />_~5~ Ill.) • a+'.
<br />f t t. ;:s !_-1 _, ne~gx .~{~ _, ~~ ..-t nisi@f ~"x'YE'~E5 "J~ '.~=~?!•ePf 4: ffi i,- ~7tE- frlf y.nRdC l'tA . ~~.r~$., ,...' .:. :f ~7 C'..3c~^'i~~: .. ,.. --JY
<br />', e. f 'F •r`: ~ -.. .._ :: vtnn :~-c-- .s -:~ °+* ._.~~' ~. k :?~ "r•:.,.I ....rv77 "7C ~ .....-,~ a
<br />rr!..-_°.s_ -3 - _., a ~ i ;_..'~ -ro...r,. ,--~x_ ~_- sn~ +-.-.: ¢t~5`3y ~.~s~~ES ~,,-Er. -;e .or.-- g `~rd . x:32== .~!d _:...et ~_ .g _~t. '. ..:.. #:.:::. u.t::
<br />tt, ap-'ti aar+. ., edr'r ,,;.s ;eiu nn +,v:t~r"r;•ieri~'i~ `L%afx sei,in+,ss ~c+,n~c; ,+E C.- ..;E ;u'EGt~a7e3s s@CG;r.L ;~'G, y ?37+:' an7~ -.; tiAiCA 'nJr;)a SC4.
<br />tfte ~.'7ders!&neff ~] r~ErP`ra SE{! ]SSl.92`ti, e+ .'~', ~+~' t;,ftgtM i!71T± _ ~71'~ e- i y+ a4 yarA .roll -ir7r _..,7 ~ ,n~Cegwa :' •~..A:n ~M :'.. art
<br />paylnG'if$ .'i4ie Tti/kg,9ge :VI~IEr3 ;L nnY rtifEr +{;E'y'lPEF ,)! atiY ".yQP «r!atSi7L'Y!t `r;*f!7 "raid :17!++1P!i ty 'a .7e dQpired cVi @tE omen tatx}Ye 'fR$Cr;tW,d: `.Ylf `sdt'}
<br />._~n'A't!a Stta. , .._ ~-ale ~ ~cJrt-:" !'1t htP `a-..~C tr, .lp~,--.c i~atF .. _.-eKi 'En.-..:.r i:, ,:'-`J~".:.!@ 14E't+^~ttS !~, :GLa`rer ;zl.Se°c,5tan 'tt saEd prelr,ises
<br />?ht '~iOrtgagots ft{tth#.'S anpa:r.t r-,)rRP?QtC!ai -Jt ~~-r';aibS, ?'tEbiastW ~1tEtt aktGrltRti 11 raT:-§'+-1#!ig $aid altGfn~i pG«@r 1[FP.YVCatItY, ~t t#t01 fi It5 `_~wn
<br />n~he a ~~15' +tatllRg to YakE ail !)eteSSary 9terF$ ,67 ps~~6rftgS :n +.uUti ,N Gflletwt58, tG CaU5e 4a!d pl891tSe9 tG t1e V.'1Ca1@d SQ 4Cifet# fertlal"a
<br />a£he7 tn5 dStE- and when var:M+t ka .e+Ei ee saw to wake a:i rearptahte teUa7t5 ~d taxes <x,t t lard ;ants, UrG'~+t>. eanhaU paymenss or
<br />rt-irrnr? ~tftd fc- Ge a;t ;ush things a+fier by ,s -ryrn •?tt+ters ra by ante: ~rhes txx+y .yrdsarlaed ens atI$r7r+!ted try .t as :ts agent Itr? said duri,~ase, and
<br />'.e ttra,g! ~.,+ papa +easunao.e fe.Y t.?r such sesrAs.es _.,t "te ao?±vd fu he ~.xtt at suctt omen ltd '.n ;uEt! marmot and :tn suet7 ?ErtGS as to fhEtt sa!d
<br />atkttft~'y may saetm .teat ~rih tvt; tzavrtr ;t wnsUwGC+r; ,,
<br />rs. tkertga~+s tteirf,y agaEe :tsar i C_van7t+ :ia- E=Ctet vJ[ErY+td?a'v a ,.,vG.~lair`y ttata!ws ::a ~,s ->,ada a ;ar?Y t^ am su,i ;,r v`at:eeCrng;rrat:+,g
<br />,, .
<br />tv the '?ere7a?zEttrE destt:bErt frra: rssrtE th.s ...:'>~e - :;a+~_ ~,te . •+otes ;roar than a'.arESresure .nstlb,ter3 ay %um+nerc;a. Mrrrga~;rs wit!
<br />etmtx :sE i;arr7M7rL ,t `ar g.+ ,ea:+yra9 C ` ~skg .;,P4 `k ca+ > sa sv. ". : ?xeEdenq *'!e'Xs ea7~++ rMet a~('C tat f die ;7Ere+nbEic;re
<br />drsti: "Qd oil; e5iatE .* 3Rf iii i ~e,e ;# :NdR~it7~ ,~y~, ~ }wE 9+;t:tgnt :7ar7!alri i ltl.M« St it3lttfPd .:; d (%Ib},: .,r ",'P, 'n+":tge5
<br />~~a~tirY:d- ~ n7;;c er!tis `ar +.he ta,RStg anC 'at `he .:ats+a~~ai,ir7 +tr such ac~urss[sun io ~ ext~f ~,t me tut! am,,Hrri ~N the +emarnuig uaeald :ndx'ated
<br />aas^ .»'l~r+,n M *`~ xongage trr rn,!'t?¢e r¢retay !re ass~grkrd ~t, r; rmmEtf,a, arts sna:; ^,x turd tvre7w,d7 ;;,an?+7Ert:a+'n :,E aMt:++ea a^. ~: ~ n, :!
<br />-~.,! a'a9ar+r=g ,n~if3i iatEn"., t:i S.:L>? .:Ir~~iS
<br />n ~„ ? ,~,
<br />tit = aAE5t4t:f '3r' - ~L :~f"~.-""~?rlhrLC"s
<br />~.. , L ...
<br />_~ _~'
<br />}3Sa9+~.t"Ei t.r . l.t!n5£!rl
<br />_... _ j _. ~.r _-, .. - P
<br />r.'t,C2f3CZ'tA :i . .t pF72a5f:S]
<br />_ t9
<br />t ti: ~+. t~r -F e~l~ar .. - -
<br />...
<br />id,t~ `rte:." .ar ;~' ,' /-3f~=~.i... !a .53.0 - !~trnr.::e ,;trip we ._ , aru `, s,t. ,;.,:rr~c ±•~7;,rs~ a, ,.;
<br />Hovvr.1 :.. 'otxnsan auti t?or•erta ,.. ..iEShnsan, F>t~vanb xrad vr.,~.
<br />t1t~11. + 7Cr8r#'.ti K44:9"re :, :aGte~_ 3~E a t [E!Yt' ~ ~7'k-n -t^~+5s'Y n~ . r.'.-;' -• {t,r..., r '!'ry
<br />_~~ ~ < t:`n~tz9d'rt l±%r '.hf ~r9~ ~ts;~f: tiS@tPrt# :z !_*F_ ^.es fi :_.i a ~, . t`- _' -
<br />r» ......~.. _: ~t«r '=':rfi.'~` say : x,.;=~.:..,a'' ., .
<br />