9:3 Reeiaad 1578
<br />Hultman mQ fWMa 6 Mbff, 1tf111~n. R. 6~i61
<br />~--f~
<br />tf1sNt; IL. IrG znr! F~T2I{:Z~i .3, ~i3ftE1* Husbsn<i andrlife, exiah in tsia sncl
<br />laer awn r3.k;31t.,$rss3..;s~„~~~vs;;.;~,f.eac .g tkter.......... Grazctor. whether e~rertaare.
<br />iri conaideratton of ~lt_L'Y, ~ Ht~tdSa;~~ nNU ?1Q~!ot~JTI~S i1f~3;L_yReipt of which is herebg .
<br />.......................... .... p
<br />k142~ .if2l~ L . J~If',N~ tJ\ 3 r1d RON~TrI J , J OFiNS t1N ~
<br />aaeknfsw iedged, conveys to ......................... ... klv ~ bra n.9 and 4i 3 f e Graustses. ;
<br />as joint texlajsts and clot as tenants is common, the following described real estate { as delkaed
<br />Ha ~ 1 . C Nebraska:
<br />In Nab. rev. Stat. t 28-201} in .............................................. asntY,
<br />T11•~ '~r=.`?i,f=t'1.~,' .ieVrne~• Fr,r~t ~1i ~i;' } of LOt21 ~i~ht
<br />(.`:. j an.a ?Piste ~`+~ , ~1.nck ileve^ ~(t i) , Itsrriaotl f s
<br />aub~ii~•i-,inn, laeirf a hart +yf t'tf3 .aouthwfrelt
<br />zurlrtf~r of t11f: :ir,utllc.~ta[ ~.~uarter ~3ii+~~a j of
<br />a,~ctic.n litrilt lx 1'»wrlshi}. ;eleven { t i) :North,
<br />p~l3rtE;fr '4irte ~y) wf*;>tt nY' Ct3e F,th Y.'i.. in Ha11
<br />.,. ni3tl t`y'"~ ~f9173^AES e: e1.
<br />Grantor covenasrts {loantly and ®everally, if mare than cne? wtth the Grantees thak Grasrtor:
<br />t 1} is lawfullq sctsed of such real estate asui tP:at it :s fret' frvrl e^.c~:^!~rAr!cfa .'3xce~;t fnr
<br />821.3891 ^?r1t~. ~;15'kv ar`~v is-t'iC ti Ur1 `3 i3 x~ i~"Ct~l rit
<br />{,~,} has legal power and Lawful 3uthnnty to c_oncr.y the iaitne;
<br />( 3} w:lrrartts and wkI! 3efenti the title to the rral vstste .sgatnst the Lawful clalsns of a!! persons.
<br />~a
<br />Esecuteo: :slrc.il 't:tl1 ._.,, 1'+..:~t~
<br />....... BRI4SKA pt~li~tEVTAt?Y
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<br />}-cl t_r Yf ~ } f , -~~i it c_F
<br />Stake r,! Nrbrakska
<br />C aunty of '
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<br />Tlae foregot~ ttletrtdn3klit vr3a1 ~s:ktte~+rledged bCff:re rt:e i,n .. . ~..~`i°~'~: '` ,,, /.~~~.!~'
<br />by!'...,`al:,'~,E' Kt itit*t3T.7 rr1 t. 1',i•.IiIf.:.~ .!, 'tit)=1t;-l..}iUsUcarlr' .1 ,t ~12`c• ,. __ .. ..,. ..._„
<br />STATE tlN '`Ql~'B1i,A~3CR
<br />Caullty e+f ...............................M1.
<br />#`11es! for record axed enured 1n lNr:asserlcai Index Ut1 .... .... .. .. . .... ....
<br />a. ..... <.~ ~~1k .. ,'pd„ anti re:.clr ded ,., ;~ Vie;: ~r n: ~ . . ... . ...... ... 1':ame .. _ .
<br />G~,aunty yr t.~puty e"G7t:1'kt1' ~ lark
<br />Reglrrt~rr ,af +betw ar ii.>~t,uty iiwy(r~te:~ .~.i i±r..=rtes
<br />