i~J' S--~ DF MC'4R't:iAGE-taHa» Hyl;man arM fai4ou $ 5VO1C Wa;toa, tle. 6846k.
<br />"~ IN CONSIDERr#TION of the payment of the debt asraed therein, the Cotamezaial National Bank. 6` a
<br />`' Trust Ca. , Grand Island, Nebraska herreby reteaaes the mortgage tv€od_e°lp -;
<br />t`.
<br />Comaiezcial Nationai dank & 'trust Co.vy ~aaes ;». >;nok aad L'zsula & ':.^ek ¢
<br />~Crarni Island, Nebraska
<br />iaa tke f6ttowixg dasetibzd •eal estate, to~avit: 'iR€e Soath kZalf (5~i3 of ;vt 39, and .~11 of I,ot 43, in '-
<br />?Block - 6", ir. Pazkview 5et4division, an addition to the City of Grand Island, Ha11.Cotuity €-
<br />i jNeSrz+uska. -
<br />Hof Seetiorf in Tau.>R.sMp . R.nnyt of the Y. 3#., Hall
<br />. ~Cvuwt_y, State of ?~7ebtaska ithieh i.t recorded it f3Gak aj HeaF Ettuta .Mortgages. page ,
<br />Hof tbs rerorda of said (:awtty. Docutr€ent ?'76-Ofi1777
<br />_ i IN TFS7'ISSCt 4 }~ tG'ff,~SREOF, tAe sau9 Ct}tr~scial Natinna2 yank & Trust !'.o, hna rmrsed
<br />_ llbete prese»Jt to be.a~xsc~fad ov i3.t pratidw-nt amei its t nrprr~l`~ .S rat to hr 3~i.red herelo this 3rd
<br />dnv o/ e~~rll , tg30
<br />!yy ,, rcial `~airional SaSk4' s~ Tr~~L...G9.._. ~_
<br />' 3..~tiC `~`~tk.o+-~~d.-~.- .., I v --- ~. y,`~^%'t"~-yZ„- ~ f-.Ytc.X~.., f'rssidertt-
<br />~.. ..~~~ ,. e .~.tES: ~E-•~e^,Lf.,GFdfL4.. tt7. L.'~.~ CW{IiC7 J4FrQtQr1
<br />a"f'A KS L 'zalsk$ , .. ., t 1ra_ ,
<br />', .; , - intl. 4kn ttna. da4 Uf . .. p$~:lZ - _ _... a~.. ~~
<br />_.;~~.,.. ....:-_Iza~~1. , . ,::-.....---..Gcwnty ~ i~efate met. 't.he undenlignet2, a `<utaty Pnbiir' in and #or
<br />i"I ~ isuSd ~artat~~x ~ea'~~'i:..._.+laK).~ is. ::oelklc, . . t`ica. , S'reeidenC ylf the
<br />i, i}:~ogtrmsxcti:..~ ~ f'~ 4
<br />~Yo me a L•Stnctvn tx€ be the f'nest~nt~and x lentical~rsott v:3lotze ~ is xifiiac+d to the ahca°e ~Mo .~
<br />peret»f19' ~ reltsuse and
<br />j ueknerwietiged t~ exacutiotc theetw# is !x his v7t;tntai`• rtct and deed as ~ui•h a~ditee. Anc! tf`.e voluntary ,•at uad_
<br />deed czf acid CorpnrstSon, u~t„t ita,:'t~y'txk'mtC :±~? ...~a ~~trle tl~zed by i?a authonic
<br />i., .
<br />Witncae m} d u~ .era! ~;h~d :.ulan:~, tiahsaaka ,Tti?1 ;,trtd t'isuniy the ciuy' ,+nil y~r
<br />E Suet above wait' ~ V ~ ar.;a:~
<br />- ....... ~,v,mr __
<br />
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