- __- ~- _.
<br />6fl- R i STAT£ MQRTCAGE ECorp,y-With Tax Giattsc {Rev{sed 1962} 7tm AaBaaan Gamxr aut,piy l;am, Ltmolo, t7eEr. I
<br />.:::3---- --~-- - -
<br />KNOW ALL l0lEN BY TliE5E PRESENTS: That Mid-Continent £nterprises, Inc. ( ?
<br />{ ,'
<br />~ t
<br />a mrporetion organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State n# Ne!?ra ska is i,
<br />eonai!Jeration of the sum of Fifty-Thousand and noJ10^v (S56,OOv'.00) DOLLARS
<br />in hand paid, does hereby SELL and C-ONVEY unto CottEltercial National Hank & Trust Corttpany -
<br />i
<br />t
<br />of Hall County. State of Nebraska the following d?scri3xd premises sitaated
<br />in Fiall=. County, and Star. of eFetraska , to-wit; }
<br />i ::
<br />{ ;
<br />Lot Twenty-Five (25}, Block Six (6), Unit Tt;*•ee (3), Continental Gardens, I ,
<br />Art Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska j
<br />r
<br />L: the event the title to said real estate is transferzed, or contracted to be trans-
<br />ferred, from the undersigned for any reason or by any method whatsoever, the entire f ,'
<br />principal soar and accrued interest shall at once became doe and payable at the election.;
<br />of the holder hereaf. Failure ts> exercise taus option berause of transfer of title as
<br />above stated in one instance shall not, const~cute a waiver of the right to exercise the l
<br />same in the event of any subsequent transfer. ?
<br />The intent{an being to convey herekry an atrx-,tute title in tee .imple.
<br />'Z'O HAYE AND TO HOLD the pn miles abco=.e deacntxd, with alI the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said
<br />Mid-Continent Enterprises, Inc.
<br />uuf to lt5 heirs and nsdigns forever, provided always. and then= presents are upon the rsprtxag rnnditinn that if Lhe
<br />said Mid-Continent Enterprises, Znc.
<br />nr ae'tsigns shall pay or cauve to lx paid to the ,aid Cotnmereial ;Fational Sank s Trust Company
<br />hetrss, rzsv;utor,, administratcn <sr axsignd, tf±e cairn uC Fifty Thousand and n.7; lE)0 ---------- F:ksf}ars. paYah3e fL-0S
<br />1gLlaYllbltlttr]tit
<br />D'd[D6X#Ei~IDNC StyttAQ{ ;IXA
<br />txtLtaoxdExs~c :i9yiF~{ xx~
<br />artxlal~llxaczFrrE xt~lcxa: ~xx
<br />>aac~LtFftsx~E ~~ ~~
<br />iXdtt45hKIf~XydE Fi.~T:ISlti ;iX~
<br />with :nrr•~!,t tk•.-~e.•n ~r+t~~L x-.~~,e"e+~s.+~--+~-.' ~s' an{} ,z _ tt - teen - nrA rile.-t
<br />of the ;:r+~ei~•s n_tr ~r -s;F jai:. - - - - `-
<br />teG ' :r ~b - 1...h ....LS< ..,. .,.. P.- :^..3f ..c, .rCi'.i ...1r.' LG =13gr „ . r a.~i:a'wL'G QY'
<br />extende3 in wr t n _s.~, j u.i ~ n ~~
<br />- _ _ uaP _ rs i..- `ru ,~pr_asi ~ -~ a__.r~y. r.. s.tri a{l .,te,er taxes,
<br />levten and +r>ye-e,i'nrenu! lev~tnf uEwn the tn•:,rtgagr or the n=,to wfnch e}vta re<,rst;ugr is gavgn to s~urr. t±rfare the ~ tr- tetxrneus
<br />de{iau{uent, atxf Keep the buildings o .- d pra'mitrs i - inr the ::um ,:i * S0, JUU. UO .toss, ,t anY, payable to tree
<br />.aid rsa,rtKaXe'r. then thne.r preenn~n!~tl*e 4vttl, <,thaewi.r t~ ix• am{ n=ntain in Eul{ fonr.
<br />l`T' It. FURTHER AGRc.ED. tt)f"that d the Ward mortgagor aitail {ad to f>ay sac?, razes nr pnxure ouch insuranor, the
<br />Baia{ morkgagrr Wray f>aY such taxa~ attd pru'ure such tn.uran cc, and rite sum wa advam:ad, with inter<ht cat i6. yj per
<br />nnttt shall he repaid by said nwrtgagar. and that nu,rtzage .frail stsrvl sW atv:tty tox svnae. (21 That. s faituru Ga Vay any of
<br />sold murex, either princrpaF or interest where the samv tuyYS Ore due, ox :a torture t:, ctirssply with arty of tlw foregoing agren-
<br />menkK, sh,~il sauttg!~i~,rd}ula nurrt of money hecar, w urc-..f to t>ceume dun attd goL'ectiWe al once at the nptiun of [he mortgagee.
<br />(iV..WIjNE;33-L~C#~HcEOP, tha~d
<br />hay=~za!`eunkt a`aua cl i1R tterpVrrie seal iu he• athxeni seal ttnar L>rrarnts to k,u +ikned by i{a
<br />~ ~~,C. day-vf. . i'1gri1 li FsU
<br />!~,_. altw!' arwi d.>iea«_red in Rresr-rxr lit'
<br />M t/!~-
<br />~, r- n`. ~ 1lid-Continent Entarltris~ Inc./
<br />i --,~ -
<br />i •~~~~~• yr! 'an °rldent .u
<br />(S't'hT!'s OY.. ,'•+~~~?rat3ie~.. .('aunty cat . tiall°'~~ _
<br />' ' CieCure me, a rusrary trkahtir rtua{iliett ire said tvwnty, Lwrwaeal3y came Milan D. Bisit
<br />_ i
<br />-, ~ Prz+nienl at
<br />Kid-{:c,ntint=nt Enterprises, Inc. a coryeratina
<br />t {tturwn to mu to tx !fu Euosulrat amt rdeulian} pc east wtw -iKn<.{ the fnttgaing trumnnt, zued aeitnuwirriga~f the e~xrautiun
<br />~ tlter>!u€ W Utr hit ysrluatary seer and dxxxt as surh uilicur anti the aoiunkarp art and da~v! of Ktud rurpnra#iuw and thai its tr>t~
<br />) twtYA2 e..-w! wtaa,th~ip-s~ri~td by str authority
<br />- ~ ' LS'itxtest iaY htiad and tmf~iat steal can. - - Ai'r:i..; ><_ _ _ t{i 8U
<br />1 ....
<br />-' s -_!d}t. iaawrx ei;pira,. < ;<` ,, fy..' - .,.~., _+t:-_. .•r_a...,, -,.r - . - Y,xarv F'unfic.
<br />~, f - ~ - - _.. _ _.... ,
<br />~.~ ~'!'''~" LtF°. .... - .. .. .. i. Ent:ared can nrrn>krical uxiex atai tilcK{ fur r. vrv{
<br />` arr.
<br />d:orxratr ..-..-- .-. -. .. is for t~rgister of Lkv*ds t.)flitx• of said ('aunty the
<br />,.. dky cat. .. - lf+.. _„ at.. _ o'ekit; and.. minuted . 'vl.,
<br />seta rnrvrrtird to Fiaxat.. - ... <3{,. at la4de.
<br />ltag. of l~exrlx
<br />3:]-- I taUUty
<br />