58-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE {Corp.)-With Tax Clause tRevised 1962} Tha H+SIImre fwer.i 9rgpl7 Hnmx,-Lisa~;~,ua ~ '
<br />. ___._-__ __-_..v.._ _
<br />- ( KNOW ALL ?vfEN BY THESE PHEBE;<;TS: That Mid-Continent Enterpirses, Ino. - -
<br />- j a corporation ozganezrd and existing uncMr and by virtue of the lawn of theState of Nebraska - - _ -'~
<br />mnsideration of the aunt of Forty-Five Thousand and no/100 ($45, 000.00) --------------- ~g
<br />in hand paid, does Itrmhp SELL and CONVEY unto Cotwnercial National Hank 5 Trust Company- --- -
<br />4
<br />of Hall County, State of Nebraska fhe foliawing dark^aibed pse>~i~ eF'
<br />in Hall County, and Sinte of Nebraska , +o-wil: - - _ - -
<br />t
<br />tot Twenty-Seven (27), H1ock Six (6), Unit Three (3), Continental _ -_# ,~; -
<br />- ~ Gardens, An Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall Cotmty,
<br />i Nebraska. -- - - ~~
<br />'. In the event the title to said real estate is transferred or contracto_d to be trans- ~ -~( -
<br />' ! ferred, from the undersigned for any reason or by any method whatsoever, the entize - .~ ?' .
<br />principal sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable at the-electiott__i f~-.,
<br />of the holder hereof. Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of title as
<br />above stated .in one instance shall no*_ constitute a waiver o€ the right to exercise the ~ ,
<br />same in the event of any stibsetltient transfer. i
<br />(
<br />i
<br />i
<br />i `:;
<br />f i!
<br />f is
<br />- The intention },ring to convey hereby un absolute rifle in Coe Wimple.
<br />-. TO HALE :1ND TO HOLD the premises atx,vr described, with all Cho appurtenances thereu;:io belonging unto the said
<br />- ~ 'Mid-Ccntinent Enterprises, Inc. ; --
<br />t ana to its hrire and a_e~igns forever. ~rrc,vided away n, and these presents are upon the express condition that if the -~ -
<br />said Mid-G~ntinent Enterprises, Inc. -
<br />ur . vi1ms shalt pay er coos.: to he paid to the quid Coittmercial National bank & `Must Company
<br />heirs, executors. administrators or .tssiRnx, the sum of Fort J-Five Thousand S n0% 100 ------- ~Ouflars, payable 4@X~
<br />j Q11flt4Ki4: .
<br />- X~ d~Xdi Xx9I
<br />~ ik{s2t3I1~ '.~ti'f.49 XX9S
<br />+'~ x7.
<br />:I)t!(01)Q4{ASSt7a@ d9jdCdQ X;<9C
<br />- `i)tIm616iid3tCLi1.! :Ll{ACCe6t :t ~f -
<br />- with :ntrrr-t there.+n :j{XXXXX.}:X771F9C30t{8CV7FX3AY1%6Ct3, rajah€e at~y~q .-.at<,:+sis.s t=: t1:r t,mar ~rif rffrM -
<br />+.E the _,~~,••+ry n ., or ii: - _ e:f mid ntid-Conr_inY_;+. !-.n`._crprises. znc:. -
<br />dated dli;`RCS ar as such note ~tr rtetes tray be teem t-tine to time ttx~,a,ifi=vd, rrnexed c>r
<br />SC~Rrl~~YHIt~. aria Shatl y~ay al'I '.`tYt':+ aiid a~•,w~n,:.('nt,J iPYia~-f upon R.91tf teal i•stdt6 is ntt nf[ GtttfT SHxrF,
<br />-_ 1+-=Qie~ ~n-f at~~nta k+sied ar~+trs ahie nxTtgasr ,>. the :,c.te ;v }.i<t: ehts nwY=Kazr -, ~vvn to - ~ vim. 1 =#ore t},r, game t,.~-ernes
<br />drlinyumrt, anti ka.ep the buildings un said prrmrxs Imured hrz the awn of 4 45, 0700.00 bees, if any, payable to the.
<br />f mid nturtgugee thin these preseaL to be; vu,d, of}tera«+se to 1~ and remote in hell [o t_
<br />t
<br />~ IT 74 I•`C RTHEIt AGGREE I), l I1 'That if the wld Inurfgugar ,:hall fail en pay such tsars or irracun such insuranc!, lhn ,
<br />mtrl mortgagee utay' pay ouch taxes and procure .uch insuranca+; :uxf the sum ao advanced, with utlen'st at I o, 25 per ;
<br />sent shall he repaid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage aitalt eland as sexrurity for ~arur. l2) 'f$at a Caiture u> Pay arty of -
<br />void money, either principal or interest when the some her.++m.+ duv. ~~r a t`ailurr tc comply with any of lha foregoing agrer-
<br />meets, a}>,vll cau+e the whole. sum of money he rem >E'<~urrd to b+ax,ntr due and cu}lav:tibir at Deer at the option of the nnx[gager.
<br />i
<br />IN WXT,N WktEREOI•', the said
<br />i has hatOtititu~ c~retud'jta,'aetriwratr .sal to be allxrrl and these presents to he aigned hY its
<br />this; ~~ ~ 1'st da;r~at,~' „~ April l9 50 -
<br />'l~tynrxtt p~aad.ettd desiivscrd in presence: of
<br />{
<br />.•. _ ',.~+'j,~..r /~ !4id ::onkin~Ft't Enter •es.rInc. ..
<br />t =~~ a..);:; t~tl..:~"~llf!i~l./" k3v ,. ~ L~;_.1..\'.~..+-.....-_~'~ 'r--. -.- -.. - _
<br />S'PATk dF' `'" -.i73~hA.gk~.. ---. - ___ .County at _H(}.~1__ _ -_ --
<br />Hefnre.ine, a nntary pt~. ynaiiticxl in said ccunty_ ueraunatly came Mi1a!1 ~. Bish
<br />-- -_-. -._ - - Ynaaident id
<br />Mid-Contirtant Eriterpri sea, Inc_ , a cariaxatian
<br />krwwu to mete Rn the preeiident Weld identical person wiw siggnexi ttre t rrRoing -uatn,mNnt, neat n,~knowledgrd the rxay.utien
<br />thecnnt to be his veefuntary act and de.-zi na each otticer slut the vaiuniarv act and d+xd of sold avriwration oral t)tat its ev,r-
<br />ituumto sisal was t1x+iTetn eHi7h7d by its authority.
<br />Witeaata. mty head attd st0lssial oral un- _ Agri 1 _I .. _ _.. Ig80
<br />My-ttuamttat+m vxpiras.... ;nr.. ~:'., °:...... .8 .' .:.. ,,,,.,.~.;z.~. ~:....._....., . -. ~ .~ ~ Notary fhtNw.
<br />STATE OF,.....- _ - _. - . _._. - . _ ~ EnterA 3 cn nunxau`al index and filed far retard
<br />are.
<br />forinty .. ~ is [he }irttnt.r of Ihvrin 6ffxv, of exist C~aniniy fhe
<br />. ...day of ...... .. .. _..... ..... }9-... __ -, at.....- _.. .... _. dd+xk anti. ,niuutrs - M., -
<br />atx) racvrnSgd is Honk.: - ot,.- - ut pogo - -
<br />-- - - ... Rey,. e:t Curds -
<br />Iiy ik.mtcv
<br />