~ _
<br />~~3a0- Agraem~at ~ Wessani7 Dsd ~: anrr~ a~~ s>,vWr $ . rtnw>a, au:.
<br />rti 4` ~1 s
<br />,..~ v,n,....--
<br />ZTH73 .IGR~:E~E:VT, rnsde #kis ! 4t day of ;rig , ry SQ , b¢tareen
<br />i
<br />t sf?itiJ x S`PECTi~~I'!s:R anr_= .?G~l?:Z ~. ST~:GiC~?YE?l, ;rife anr3 Flitsband, kereinaft¢r reftrrrttd to
<br />~` ~ as Ilse s¢tferfri and
<br />! e~U.1fvE IS. FJLLF~;?: ar.; Ctit.'FiTIaFY v, rL€LL1:R, Siu~basrrl and Wife
<br />hereinafter rrJerred `so as tk¢ buyer(s).
<br />WITNE3'S'FTH, that the setter(s) hcr¢by rovettaat(sj and agree(s) that iJ the 5wyer(sj skald fast mak¢ the fwy"
<br />- ~ meutls) and Dcrfa;m tk¢ covenants here:najt=r »tentioned on iris, irser ar treir pars io he >nade Ord perfurrci¢d, Ilia said
<br />tseUrr(s) agr¢eli) to Jwrnisk bxyar(s) a good and suj~rciant abstract of tztlc showing a mercharrtabt¢ litk of retard to
<br />-- ~ tk¢ prrmzs¢s hereinafter desrrib¢d in the szll¢r(s), and toil! convey and assure to fhr br<ycr{s), in ter. simple, ct~r'of all
<br />~encwmhranr¢s esr¢pt as stated herein. by gaod and sufjici¢nt FlTarnnty Deed, 2/re follatxtinrr toi, piste and parcel of
<br />j gror<-nd, to ust:
<br />;,acs Tr=a ('} aar.s "ih_*°er' ('ij .in 131ock Eight (~},
<br />F)il.l and Hustn€.'s ~:rltliCiorr to the City of
<br />Grettari Is.L:tnci, Hall Gairnry, Nebraska.
<br />And tk¢ Bed bx}*er(sj rav¢nantrs) and agrects) tv pay to said srltrrssJ, the Burrs of ----ra i 8, `]_x`-~.'~f?----- ~
<br />~;)IGHT~IS?4 1'S[L>L ~NII s'a,Gt. i,ifNFif1~D ;'~"E "riY ',1Vi1 NJ?,%~~i3t'"f'ti5----------DOLLARS,
<br />in tke rwanner foiloteng; .,c; U<* i rts:~
<br />Dollars, rash in hand paid, tk¢ receipt zx=kxrroJ is he7zhy arknuwtadged, and thenaiance payable:
<br />!t)f3.Gti) Gast; [,c;;.rF lr`eisra.rarti• _ ;~.r~w;;:
<br />i
<br />rh: br,+. -c+. ~ ;i; rri.. ,rJ C_), -.an ._.,. _... _. t_1, _. .. -. _. .._ vv Ut,e
<br />7e[_-•rs n~ n - ~r=rrat ~. >j =r :r.ntr:- ..ii: rh+ 'fir'st ~,~~r:r,. .,f 1
<br />ate- i r ~ . a to€? - _ 1 ~. t ~ , > ._ ~ ~?i ~ _s= ~ : _- , 7 tn_ _ - _z ~?>
<br />. .,_ ,;d-~. .? x L~__C'i, a._ t-,- !iu _,- .... 11: .. t ,. ,. .,?}'fll. .t t:, ': ., a., i.c
<br />9.,C' ?l7 c; ip~.'t # aC, r? .. t i; ,• _Tt;4 "rH L ~ ~.)rL°ti :`b a'f= ~ (.t) L,X! `n~?i>+f i,v l°o ;•i+t.,C I
<br />'.iir ar,r3n;-a ns, y ~ .. x~... _ t. r. _ _ _ t i. t-- -
<br />-_ _ - -- - _ .. - _. ,. ... .. '},' x'_21 _.«
<br />~: .,. .:. ES '. ~. ,. +. ,.. ,-~ _ + ~it-~ ,. -.,;La tii i~r..r 1: yeas
<br />-_.. ~ ., ,,-_ -~ ..-. _ ... i. ,. C- is.-.. ,. ., .. ,. -. ,,
<br />_.t, = .i,?.,~-- s,i~si..._ i,,s , - - .=: !~.~-rr ;• -': _,.:~-. ~.s~ W-h-.n .fist :.oc~,*c,-`..r:>ar:onr- ,aiYr-nn•
<br />i~'i~"'sud~+Mprfal:~1, 1985, chtl ~sil €re trrtxre~ h+k txxe -e aL cuxv is a:ny ,
<br />} u ~ i~`a~ rt~":k~7'tOi`~ "`tlto inrvE. reserte - trr r r,h, tc serer= adckle anal lnt:erest *anymrnts
<br />a.G.atty-'.g y~:~nt'~dc to es r~r hP a:us. ...:tss.an .. <<t~r:ul= .:•4:ha..t .;ny ,-r..,s€j }~nc~r~t. penalty.
<br />untk inFa~re=st +7t tht Wale aJ !t1 per rtnt pn annum, i!apal:t¢ ~. ~ttrr:=;e~ inn t.`te tnhule sxm ranain-
<br />ing frvm tints to lima wnpaid, end to poY :sll general taz.s, t,._... _. ?,r !;~ f,.fly 1.•-ertt cr imposed wean said :and, sub- -
<br />segnrnt Eo Eke year ~: ' ~ !'til and ~t installments of spenaP nsstl.;nrrn7s or spatial lu.re's bareminy due pr drlingwant
<br />after 't;; i;`t*.> axd krrp tke buildirKls in a reasoxai4fa stela of rzp;rir and insured
<br />for$ i j,t_l:jtY,e?{? if tkers is a rnurtgagr c,n sa;d propsrl t~. pa}•-ntc~ras6 :tnd taxis diterson up to F. cit. ,~,
<br />rat;rx'+~nt It is ntxtualty nyrrad that time is an essential :lc~mcnt in this rontrrzct. .°!nd it is fxrthzr
<br />agreed thal in raaa uj any pttlHrtrnt, rather of principal ar interest, rernairein9 unpaid Jar a spare nJ +,Ct days
<br />after tkr some shalt barorne dx<, and in rasa of ~'atlurc r:j !hr Said ba.t~erlsl t~ rnet>:c an~~ ur fhr afarasoui paymtnts -
<br />pro~it{rd Jar htreirs ar tke breath cJ env atkrr :ot=e'rs:rn! tent~s:tsrd herein. th;a' i gnir:zc't shalt at th~• .,pti::n uj aks- se~rt s;.
<br />b¢ forfeited and detrrmiroxd anti tke bnyrrf s/ shall Jarjrit :ell patvntnts muds` hzrzzrndrr, utrd .surix palrcnrnts s»ail 5t
<br />retaiard fir fhr srilrrjsJ as liyuidatrd d,tnutges is jail satisjaclion x=J <dl it=r damat,;<°s sustatnrd, ana srilrr{s! skall i+avr
<br />tke,./~:tpprppttt Dual=~:@Sr p~estssion aJ said prrmicrs ,tforrs-aid.
<br />Thstkkis agrreusrwt ;dgslF not br nssiyrud by but,.ris) txidkoxt ah€ tt`ritien ;.=nsty:t ni the sc?lrrrs/,
<br />72 is tutttually agreed that ail fhr crrt~r»anis and err,°emtnts %;c..•tiro rrtst,zinrd sits?f r;~>+_>n,t t„ an.{ t.a ah?i•~air,r,
<br />upon tha hryrs, rxarxtars. ,~dno-cnisirururs and ass,gns of :ha raspy<tity iartie.s, .
<br />IV Fk'fT'415$ ts'fiElil~~?F. the h<+riirs of thrss FresWnis i:rx~r ncnuntn r:i tt:sir tanri+ r:uri .st•cis iJr.= der and tear
<br />ftftt azeert4! arttten. ..,„.. I -
<br />l d t,
<br />. 5'w~nad, xeate1i trod dens-srsd in fhr prrs¢nsr of -` . ~ ~ rt _ 4.;
<br />~ _
<br />a€ :-3=t -';':
<br />