8Td'1'13 Oh' N&BHd~Gy, `tAttaif 4t .»..._.,.._ ..................._...............
<br />Filed far i'ee©trl sad entered s'a Atnmereel T des
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<br />cad raeorded itt Deers Beaord ........~...„ ....:........ Page .....:._..................... ~ME13RJkSKA DOCt1diENTAl~1:
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<br />..............:....»........_.....,..........,............/may ........................... .. .........._........ STRItr~ TAX
<br />Consty G7erk ar I3egnty Cotmtp Clerk or
<br />Rater of Deeds T3eputy liegiater o€ Deeds
<br />APR -
<br />s`
<br />~ J.
<br />
<br /> p
<br />y
<br />~c W~~
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<br />M iTAt~iER
<br />S7A7EMEhT A
<br />MARIE t+FidfZER, an Unn3tarried Widow, , herein railed fire grantor ahather:~~ta.aa'teary,
<br />is cor~iderstion of Love clid ~ffetja ~ -
<br />reMsad from srsntee, doer grant, bargain, rail. convep cad confirm onto - -
<br />FAAh'fC>rS M. MAY and PATRICIA RAE I~JC7TVZK, as tenant , in ootmton,
<br />herein called the grantee whether one ar more, th= fol?owing described real property in
<br />Fractional Lot Eight t$), in Block T.nenty-five (25) of QtarZes Wasaer's Pddition
<br />to the City of Graixi Island, lVehraska, std i_n Warmer's Annex to First Adt9ititut,
<br />and Fractional Lot Eight (8) in Block ZW~ty-five (25) of Wiese's Additi~t to t-2se
<br />City of Grand Is3arr3, Ne);rsska. and `l!>P Westerly (>tte~-half (tom) . (~~r~r•,,r;,~teZY
<br />26 feet) , of that fractional part of Tilt Mine (9) , in Fx'actiortal Blom ZWenty-five
<br />(ZS) , of Charles Wasmax's Iklditiozt to Grand Island which with its o®plenertt viz:
<br />Frar-Yirx,a t_ Lot Nine- (9) , of Wamtter's Annex to First Adcliticxt and Fractitnal Iat
<br />Nine (9) , in Fractional Block 'itvextty-five (2~) , of Wiese's Ac9dition ~ City of
<br />Grand Island, which together fort cite lot Fifty-two (52) feet Yrj [~tte Httrtdrerl
<br />Y"t~ (l32) feet.
<br />'l'c '-~_ sad to £olei il}a a2mva d~rL t;mi tagriher witFt alt ten=meals, hereditameata
<br />aitd apgurtrnaneea thereto beWaging auto the grantee and to granter's hello sad assigns forever.
<br />And the graatar flora hereby aavenant wish the grauteF sad !with grantee's hairs attd assigns
<br />t~rat gratator is lawf$lly reload of said. ptrmia~; the, way are frte from etYSttmbranc.±
<br />t)tet grebtnr ties gi~od-right and lawful authority La eancey the name. and that grantor warrants and will..
<br />defmni tba title to said premises against the }awful e)aims of a4 persona whomsoever.
<br />Dated tkirelt $, 19$0.
<br />~;~ ., „ ~,, y.
<br />..~,-,
<br />~'FATft OF NBBRAAKA, t'otuttp a€ ..............._~,.......- .-...,.............,.:
<br />Before rue, a notary t~utzlic qutttified far raid county, petwenally coma
<br />MAIM MF2fi2ER, an t3nremarried Widow,
<br />_ - awn to me to bs the identical p~raaa or peraotu who aignin# the
<br />foregoing inatntm=nt anri aeknaaledgad the asaeutiaa ihareof to be his,
<br />bar ar their volttntary art and deed.
<br />Witarmt axy haul aed rial seal on ...~~1...$a.»~Q: ................................
<br />~ ~ a Notary Public
<br />~_~ e
<br />Sit raiaat_isaian rar~tras „_,--__.,_,~..._,.°.--~,y'.e.,3.,.,,,.., 19 $II.._....
<br />Fates 2'a +iyrPt"aarat! D# tradstsaka 6tata tsar furaort•fattut, r«w, a w.te a., t..aw, xr,
<br />