~.___~~ s __ _._ ~__._ __ _ T~ _ __ __ . a. ___ __ _ __
<br />- 103-A-WAgpANTV DEED rRwfasd 1881) Tne tiaHm.a ~ianeet 8aenh. Hoaac, Liewle. FMr: i' - _ .
<br />TiIA'P 1 ar W r, Charles E. Fox and 3iary A, Fox, each in his and her own right snd
<br />as spouse of earn other
<br />herein eat{ed the granter whether one nr more,
<br />incoriaideratianof Six Hundred, Fifty And NolL00 Dollars ($650.OOj-------~---__-_--____.~a
<br />reeeiced frnm Front ~, do hereby grant, barlt=ii.n, sclt. convey and confitzii nnta The City of Grand Zs lend, -
<br />a Municipal Corporation
<br />hxreiu exiled the grantee whether .iu~ or tn<trr, the falioiring deseril5ed real }aroperty in
<br />Hall l'ounty Nebraska ,
<br />Easterly Thirty Feet (30') of the Northerly Seventy Feet (70')
<br />of Lot Threw (3), 81ock Two G?), Nagy's Addition to the City of
<br />(;rand Island, Halt County, Nebraska
<br />NE13ftASK,4 dOCUMENTARY i
<br />~~A ~AGN€~ STAh1P TA;i
<br />T€r~€~~ A APR - 3 190
<br />'a(
<br />gv ~,
<br />To hav.==, tend to h~,id nhe stare ~ir.+-rihed nr~miscs icgethcr with all tenenmuts, hcreditaments wind appar-
<br />ttv';antes there:,o betongiu~; ixnFn ehr rrttui~-r at~i ;t+ ;Frrin[~r:~; 'irirr, ,ruFi ti.a;it;nn Pt:rc~°er.
<br />.1nd the grniaor dons hF•nhy cuvent¢nt with the g~antc~Y and lexh gruotce'a heirs and >~igua rhrtt gtantar
<br />is lasvfnlly seised ~?t v44~ preainisis; that they err troy trom •~m'nmhranee
<br />
<br />that t±r:i.rztar has ,and rit;kt anti Ia;vt.i( a~tth.it tt t. .-., _•„e ;Ice rt+etr•,~ 'tuu ~h.~t t; rancor sraerauto and .ill dctend ~~
<br />i
<br />thr t'it?c is said ,> :r:?>r~ a......s..t. '~ ., a?a.t,.s .: ..': .r ... snit ~•ha:cu<,a`,'t'{.
<br />a s
<br />k~ated i~Prii s .'r gu -
<br />` ~? fir'
<br />.. _..
<br />;'~ v-a .~cW F~l`...,. i1Qi1T98ka -.... F~tlilntl JI... xa 11 ~~
<br />l3rftire iae, a autar;• Pithtic qualified €ar' wain evnuFy, prraanall}- catur.
<br />r'
<br />t"herles w. Fox and *vFry A. Fox
<br />- - 1€~paa*n fii }ae to fte FltCe f.}entteai r,~rrou :.r pi~-snna trhs+ >iy;nr.l the iurrgirin~ iustrument and asknow{edged chi,
<br />exrcutiiru thrr~eat to tFx hilt, htr or their votuntarg art and decd.
<br />. _ _ '~ ;~~-+~ 1..nres n'sI ~ wit ~~ -5-, . - '°~- - - - - - ` . ` ` Ei) _ Sys
<br />- f~ Ii[1tJQFP 5nFS a ~rHa~ltt - - - ~ ~ _ ~ ^~-/~,r~
<br />.1~'~~ - f ¢pYi,F-Et 1F t ..G.~' i.. uF-"IeK.
<br />~^tay,L.asr;Zo.I~.i ~>,.. '"~.,~ , .r~r..c4'. ..tiotary Pvi,ttc
<br />' ~~ r7 n~ ;1-,
<br />;; - - '.Sc raffiwiiuu ~~3~iri*ra. ~.ruG~7F~'~F-- ~'cw ..., I:kfa,.. ,E
<br />Sse~
<br />i4it4rrrd ~aa# unmerii:rel iztdex and fi~leel far reciard in ebc iieKi~ter nf• t~vekia GFfiar oP said tJonui~• tho
<br />.. ,sexy v0. .. .. - ... , . „ . , , 1J, .... , at.. , ..... ..u'eieeL• and, . rciautr~r :i#.,
<br />` wad x+.na~rset# to t aoit. , .. .. . - . of ... . . . ... . . . . at pear.. -
<br />;,.
<br />Rrg.:tf LYradtt
<br />lt,. , - ... .. .... i.epuFr
<br />