<br />tagetner with the €allowing rights and upon tl-ae conditions and
<br />limitations set forth hereafter:
<br />1. Grantors specifically rely upon Grantee's represen-
<br />tation that only one tower (or Bole structure) shall be located
<br />upon the a€oredescribed real pragerty, and that such tower and
<br />the dgwn guys and anahars associated therewith, will be located
<br />as more garticularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto
<br />and incorporated herein by this reference. Grantors specifica.l2y
<br />rely and understand that Grantee shall build a transmissign tower
<br />or kranar+sissiazt pole€sj, but said tower or pole{s) shall be
<br />;physically glared ugan *_he North Fia1f {NlJ2j of Section Nina (yj,
<br />Tciwnship Ten (l~j Sorth, Range i„ir.2 ;:~j toast of the 6th i>.M.,
<br />Ha i'1 County. Nebraska, the tract of land iyiny ;ust north of
<br />Grantors` property.
<br />2. r~rantars specifically rely ugan and understand
<br />this dacuraent to be an "overhead easeriPnt".
<br />3, Grantors specifically -eta~n rights n_f ingress
<br />and a+lress tq other property in uhis:h Gran*_:ars have an ir;terevt
<br />and a;tz existing iana,s, ro3cis, :rives, an6 the _.zc :xay *~~ changed
<br />from tixe L. c, tixte, lout tr•,e ri~:,ht.; re3€rvec herein to c~rantars
<br />tralf ... n,v ~y cawdr ::r ..z-~ig~t.e .. a..=~, e~Legt ry ut~.,ai
<br />agrees¢ent, to move, remmove, replace cwt otherwise alter any
<br />poles. te>wers, dawn guys, anchors, and the l.ke inwtalled in
<br />aecgrdance Witt. this ayreeraent.
<br />A. Grantee sha12 have the right of inyress and eyress
<br />aeroeb the ease~rient grcperty £'or any iiurpase necessary in connection
<br />with the survey, construction, recLnstruc:tiun, relc?crtion, ~nsgec-
<br />tion, repair, repia:.ement, extprsion, addition to, maintenance,
<br />operation, and rs~moval of said lrraea. such inyress and eyress
<br />shall be exercised, hcswever, in a re;~rnnabie manner.
<br />S. Grant€e shalt has[: th+~ right t~+ trim r~r remove alt
<br />trrcrzr and brush can sai3 risFht-oE-way as may be necessary to
<br />of€ici~ntly survey, eonctruct, reeanstruct, relocate, inspect,
<br />repair, replace, extend, add to, raint_aifl, ragarate, and rempvr
<br />