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<br />~1-rd W1Tr~LLT 13J7Q ?ba H ttm a Gw nt aaDPii Hoaw, Ltneotn, -iebr. - 3 {
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<br />?`HIS AGREE_MFt~'T, xwd& this 28tb doy of March , ry 80 , betveesa
<br />DA-LY REALTY AND INSURANCE, }NC. nrrtnajter raf~'sd td
<br />as the sadden(s) sad WALTER L.- and LINBA J. VARGASON, as Joint Tenaats and not as
<br />~ Tenants in Common
<br />haraixaftar referred to as-the bayar•(sj,
<br />l:'ITNESSETH, .chat the seller(s) hereby cowxawt(s) acrd agree(s) Shat if the buyer(s) shall ftrst make tke payer
<br />meat(s) and perfarm the covenants hereinafter mentioned ox his, her or their pearf to be made and perforated, ttia=sold
<br />!seUar(s) agree(s) to fterxis'h buyrrjs) a good and su~irirnt abstract of tit{e sttaudxg a merchaxtabk-tiffs bf reu?rd'tp
<br />i the psenpras hereinafter descrlbrd ix the antler(s), and said convey and assure to the bstyer("s), ix fee sdsapte; clear<df"all
<br />axcursbran¢er rrrapt as stated hrtrein, by gaud and safjeciant lt'ananty D¢ed, the folloxtting lot, piece and parnl,of
<br />grmtnd, to :vit:
<br />Lot Pive (5), Block Two (2}, Normandy Estates,
<br />an addition to the City of Grand Island, in
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />.9tsd Ctse scid~ buyer/s; roron::nt(rJ and agrees to pay to seat seder("s j, tke sun: of
<br />SI'~TY 'i??C THOUSAND SEVI?ti HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/100THS ($62,750.00) --------- DOLLARS,
<br />tin.tkr^.maxnar,,fpltuttxng: as belay
<br />~J'Jollors, rash i'tr baud paid, the ret¢epF ~herrof is hrrzby ackno:tdadgad, and the balance pay~bla:
<br />tlmount to be paid at time of closing - $24,500.00
<br />Amount to be carried hp the Se12er 38L50.00
<br />Total S62, 750.00
<br />The above mentioned amount is to be carried by the Seller and will draw interest at the
<br />rate of 9X per aanx~ with payments of $328.86 to be pai3 monthly with the first payment
<br />due M..y 1, 1980 and a like amount the First of each month thereafter until April 1, 1985
<br />at which time the total uapaid principal balance plus accrued interest will be due in a
<br />balioan payment. It is also understood that it will t,e the buyers obligation to pay the
<br />real estate mates before they become delinquent sod f4rxish a cony of the recei^t of the
<br />.,paid taxed to the yeller and to fumiah fire and extended insurance an the oroperty,
<br />natae the rtelier rtd title holder to the property sad name lrquitable 8uildietg nd Loan
<br />Aa~t-riat.gn-a_Gi:and_FSland as natrtgtsge holder, A.copy. of the ^aliev *~ill he famished
<br />to bsrth t't~e mcrt~tti$e hinder sad title balder. 't?te expense of skid insurance will be
<br />'pati~ ly ~~~ huy~r~, Zt is hereby +saderstooa shat the sellers haves a mortgage on the
<br />~€DgatLt at nitahle.~ufld# 3m1 z~an Assecaatian of vraod laiand and-they agree to
<br />keep this Ivan oa a current basis and nay the loan in full +.tpon the completion of this
<br />contract. A deed will be placed in eacrov aC Da-Ly Realty and insurance, Inc, for
<br />dell very to thetbuyers upon fulfillment of the contract. Abstract a:i11 bP returned to
<br />~~taramOS~o~~errl'ti ot~ergzor r~~r ~. ~-geassabave in full.an the :vleole stdx retttaen-
<br />itty frmtn tinny to rioxr unpaid, and des pay-ull.grnaiul tarts, ehtrf ntay br ldgatly, jes,+ird ur impasud upan .raid taad, rub-
<br />srpaant to the year 4/1/80 and all ixstallttt.~xu of rperia! assrsrmrntr or sperial tas•rs baruminy due ar delint{uaxt
<br />' 4/1(80 and keep tka htritdi+ngt in a reasanabla~state of reps rssd ittstard
<br />fo'" ~' 60,OtYD,40 - If there it a rnurtgayF as said praprrty, pay inxrr,st and tarns {hnaaa wp to to be ke t
<br />P
<br />curYene It is xrutually agreed that tune is un csse»tial :le~ma»t ix thds roxdract, And it is furtlear
<br />agPaed.tdttt:iu,rasa of axp paytnrxl, either uj prixripol ur interest, rrtnainixg u»paitl fvr a spare of 60 days
<br />nfkpr the sanyr shat{ brcutt:a' due, mtd in ease of failure vj the said buyers} tv artk¢ any of the aforesaid paytnexts
<br />prji~,ided far kagauut ter dhe brrarh of any other evv,+enafrt raptnixed herein, tees cuntrrut ihaii at the option of iha srtlerfs),
<br />fir'°, jcrrfasNd auud drtcr~aieiu.•J aru{ !kr buyar(x1 sjtalt for/sit aft ¢aimrxts trwda hsrG-uxdcz, and such papenents skald tta
<br />retained by tke srtler(s) as leynidatad da+rwgas in full ratisfaaticm of +tll the daraager sustainsd, cud seller(s) shall haw
<br />flu right to rs-radar and take parsrasinx of said lsraxrisas aforesaid,
<br />'t'kat thls ayrrarnaxt shall xrt br assigned by buyrr~''sl arthsttf tke u^riltan czFtts_°xt ^f tdta rslles•(a).
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<br />F !1 icjttt~-tk+ta all t7te rwyaaats& and agrarntnrts herein eoxtainrd shalt estmd to and bt abdiedatary
<br />yfpnn the ksirA .rt;e7XFttprs, ~ ardrnixistraturs sad a,tsi9nt of the respsetiw cantles.
<br />_.; N ti'ITtYaR++at: 1#l`~f.,~{t?s.C71', the pariiar a{.,tbfte ares¢xts haz=c iserru»ar .,•t their bends and reels the day and vror
<br />frrcd at'avr !r*rtfiittt. , .. r I~ tom, r'ti ^-~ /£ '~
<br />Bayard, seated scn.t drl:~~rrad i~ tAa ~re~#,a~ ", '~ "i},'"~ ~~ ~•~~~,.~ ~~`t~c+ t ~
<br />~ ~ zr C'riSt ZNG ...... ~~
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