2.i---WaAAAN?Y as~a F.Ima ~ WeEi Camwm, twcalw, PW..
<br />~i7--~~:~~9 ~'~t2RA1d7't DEED
<br />RUDOLF ~`. PLATE aad JEAbtNI R. PLA'I'&, Husband and Wita; RALPH J. BISIitiP
<br />and ELL$DT T, BISHOP, Hashaad and Wife; FORSES? J. POLLARD aad IBMA $.
<br />POLLARD, Hrsband and Wifa; and Dpt.aatrr D, ~ppyr~R and LOTS A.
<br />T$$AS?fEYER, $uabaad aad Wita; sash is his aad her era right aad as
<br />spouse of each other ,herein ealCed the grantor whether one or mare,
<br />in raaxideratian of NZPIETY THOiiS A2tD AND NO/ toOTHS-- (390 ~ oO0 , OO } --DfkLLARS
<br />nrcaired from graatra, does grant, bar~nin, F.~11, ~srnrr-r anf3 ,•onfirm unto D$LH$RT D. TH$ASI~i$IER
<br />and LOSS A. TFI$ASMIs'YER, Huabaod and Wife, and GARY F. VO$CRS •ad JUDITH R.
<br />VOECSS, Huabaad and Wife, as tenants in ao~en
<br />r,-ia :n'1,.,i a-.r ~rartee r.•het h.rr anz .:r nror,.. sir fn1', cr n:q .ieveribed rani property is
<br />33a11 t~rtunty, .".ehraaka: A tract of land oontpriaing a part
<br />of the Waat Halt of t#e Seutheaat Gtuarter of the Santhreat t~uarter
<br />%'~~•SE'ISW} of Seatloa $levea (ttj, Township Eleven (tt} North, Range
<br />_ Ten {t0) Weat of the 6th P.Af„ Ha 11 Ceusty, Zdabraasi, saws particularly
<br />described ae follows: Beginning at the Southwest earner of said W+~SE~SW3j:
<br />ttxeace Northerly along the Weat line of said W}S$}SW~, a diatanae of
<br />One Thousaad Three FFtiadrod Sistaan and Forty-one Hundredths {t,~t6:47}
<br />'feet, to the No;rthxeat corner of said W~SE~SW}-; ttsanoo Easterly sigag
<br />the North line oP said W~SE}SFI3{, a d..atanas of-Six Hundred Fitty-Five and
<br />Six Tenths (bgg.6) feat, to tba Northeast earner of said W}SE~SW}; t#ence
<br />Southerly alAag the East line of said W~jS$•~SW}, a distance of One 'thousand
<br />Fe,-ty..&i;bt read Fifteen Hnadredtha {7,048,45} feat; thenoe Weaterlp
<br />pero31e3 t~ the South Iiae of said Section Eleven (tij, a diataaes of
<br />Two Hut+dred Niarty-Eight and Sixty-Three FIUadredtha {298.63} feet; thence
<br />deflecting Ieft 90°30' aad ruaain Southerly, a diataaes of Two Hundred
<br />Silty-Nina aad Elevaa Hundredths ~269.tij feet, to the South 11ne of tssid
<br />Section Eleven {it}; thence Masterly along the South 11ne of said Sectiaa
<br />Slevea {ttj a distance of Three Hnndrerl Fifty-Eight and Sixty-One
<br />Hyadredths (~58.6T) tact, to the place of beginning, aa::taix3iag t8 aoraa
<br />=oelra. er. le~ea. :rt bare sir,-.: :,~ hvift the aoat-s ,lc+erilir~t! prectusres tagetfter with a.'s trnen:.•uts, IEeredit~euts
<br />~snd ,FNpuriesutr>ce. lliar~!ty tbeiea~nq unto the ~rnnt ce Ynd to grantee`s 1i21r3 , ~~, an.;p,+is~ war„rer.
<br />_flR<i iA?! ~'raf:tar jCeFf L:FrPtIY ^(}v..•nnnt Alin the jjrnnt:"` anti tt'ith gran ti"E`'± ii,'vrl and FlAylp;:19
<br />. :r.:ti! g«an"nr :s ?xwf:i;;r aa1~~„ ,rt ..a preaaiaaw; t.hnt :hp~ are IroC irar4 cn~•u nL rear!' e3a-apt Per
<br />eaaersents aad raatrictiona of retard
<br />it.Eai ~; r:,ztnr ham: ECaFi,~ rgNt and }arfui auchesF•iS~ ~ -Ott'„,= .}g ~~~: nna: t'aa{ ~rarlt>7r ernnrraub and-wiCl
<br />:i«fa~•sci thr e;,ie to .aad pr»~-wirieg xgniFUt site lewfut cinit~ of alt urrauas whieeaauerer.
<br />`r,+t~,l April set
<br />.--~.
<br />1f f, ~ ~ •_ ~ ~~ ~~
<br />,` ~- w
<br />131idllf'"F; Kati
<br />,~tO+ia• R. Plate
<br />~. ~ ` ~
<br />Ral;~4 83+~op ~/
<br />~B31 n 1. Bishop ~l ~'~` .
<br />1980 ~~ ----~
<br />.~^ , ~ - f
<br />.,-~,r r~.o-yf _.,
<br />/ -. .. ~
<br />Bbrrbat J,. Peil„orkl
<br />- ~~ c.Cr -{ f Li ~ .~lj~
<br />Irpr6 E, Polla~i -~
<br />r
<br />'Delbert D. Theeaaseper
<br />r__
<br />Lois A. Tbeaaaeyer
<br />.a i`.i_'_} Fr -F> IC ~.+ii .~. t',>.l [s t,p erf ... ..~A l;l
<br />BefnT.- a%r. a nutae•r ;=it'rf tr yq,nl=ti,•,{ ;cr >wasd ,-au+et~. ;,,•F'Annziil} s~:tasr RIIDOLF ~'. PLATlS.
<br />aad JBAiY~tIG$ R> FLATE~ iiusaand sari Wite; RALPH J, BISHOP and iCLLEN 1.
<br />BZSftt~, YFusban$ sad Wife; FORRiST J. POLLARD aad IRMA B, POLLARD,
<br />line band and Wifet at4d DELS$RT D. 'iASM$7$R aad L0I5 A, THSASMEY$R,
<br />Huaczoad and Wife
<br />`rt -, ;, . , E i.trzttts^::1 ,+erxun ar p,~rw.in ~h,l .•4i f. t << t<,.,~g„nip :n:-trn+,l«„I' ~ I-~ s~•k;,, tt3oflgrd
<br />t~€ ,-e, - t: t :t:r Mf to ha hie. her <tr edat•ir vair.sE=nry a,•t .art +,.«ed.
<br />SY~rtne.aa at ~~ =a:s„ ;c*.a,! l;atarial ~-a: <an Aril !et _., ~€3
<br />r a
<br />,,~~ ,
<br />~ar+wrr.a.r.err.r. Y,..
<br />~,~ ~~t ;E' CtY'f`_FA+MMlrf%i ,°t~•iTY4 ~y,. 1~Tt.L~..-t,..-t. w~a4. +L~ J
<br />~~~~~
<br />