i _
<br />~~ ;naL in the ~^:znt ~,ry awards x°e ede tc the ;'+,st3a8ar:: or their s~sr~.-ssrrs :.^, tnterzs±..*ar cakSng ar dsn:.g?a3 3 -.
<br />- j C. ,h zxzr^kse c+ emSnenL damain ne xhote ar ,,y ?arc of *.hz ~aartga>ed eremr sas or ar;,• easement thzref n, the sakd ± ;
<br />t a ar.- .=_re hereby ass Sg::ed "_c -.h ?4.3rL3agez; tDe Ka.2ga¢?++ is h2reDY autnarized to co!'_ect, reczive, and -eceiPt
<br />t':er=tar vnd to a;PIY the ssme in pay'"edt vt on;~ _.:^eDteGtess. =atvred ::r u_ncata; >'?~, secured by ihls martgage.
<br />7 ;.'} Shat fn ;!=a =vent ^tgagd s data+^it in*,e ysycee^t - aaid rlncf al s:Ln. .:r of azty irstaitmer;t tnerecf, nr
<br />o^ arty ft,tares! r'::araon,~~ec t712 ~tise 'Khan r.he sane yeyt a Boar a F'tt,/r.uDZCt to any covenant or nentitian here- i -
<br />` - :h°n, ai. thr n-.tioa •~ "ct-cgagee, the ant irz 'ndeDtedrzsa s-ter.+~red h°reDy shnii torthRlth became d'ue and Dayatsiz,
<br />! t snail bear In Cerest at r~8 dafauit rate .^.zscribe^ in said note, an4 the ?:orgggee may media*.e1y fflred lbse this t
<br />mcrtytge or Pursue any other avsilaDla 1zga1 remz~y. _ p
<br />,,,7 ;7at in the :ever.*_ aatlan is brought co iarzciosz this mort3a±3a. ttre !fartgagee shall De entlC2ad tc immediate ~ ~ -
<br />ti[•.5 ;2551.^,!1 Ot the '~arigi3Ed SPtitl!15~5, atld the ^aJrt tPBy a~"pOint a rCCei/er t„ iakE ;103E@SSSOn Of S?:Sd Dr9mi 5R5, wi t(1 -
<br />ti:e :igL'¢2 G']we.^3 ~f r2=.;F'varG iG '1X8 Cages. i
<br />;!.j ,i;at rai rare ar delay at ?4artzagza :: exercise ari;~ at its rigLtS er privil.ages sha21 not De construed as a
<br />w,.tszr tt;erz~o*: t`ta5 any a^.t r !"or tg3gee walvlnq any sPZClilr ~wzfauit vt tlflr tpegors sTaa21 oat be constr aeG as a
<br />waiver ^,f ~ ~!t_re defaotts;t-,a ,cave of default in the Payment. of any amortlsaticr, Ens tal tments ar interest.
<br />' rr In ~:ase of Pay^ent Dy ?*,arc3agea,^i~:t~y !i.n, ~vdgm2nt, tax, tnsursnca, cost ar expansz, ar renCS, fees or charges, ;
<br />j sr:1d rfortgsgee sh<,il lava the :rlvl cage, wi thovt declaring the whale lr_dabtedness due astd Payable, co foreclose ar. 44
<br />- arcaunt r.' sucD s~^ci fic ;afault :'ar such soma as are ir. .deiautt acid such ia7'eciasura Proceedings may De had and i
<br />- e i.3^.C ~`.egcrihe~' :^.er'gin Z5Y De soi u, subJ act !.o thz unGSf: .ndeDtet'.ness h?r eDY secured, and this mortgage StIS7.1- ` `
<br />^rntim;e as a 12e;. Car ¢riy vrxPatd Dalanca. t
<br />t
<br />`Oj 'that the .'far`.gagea ,ray extend and Beier the maturity c* and resew :ind resmorti ze ~sid ~-.^.eDtedness, release-'
<br />,Cram 11 ESty an D». y l.iabiz -heren and reizase rcu he .San hzr:; ~:i ,orticns of the pro, =rty covered irareby. ` ,
<br />w c=.r ar _F Lne nr or<ty e e the ISaD11-t 1 r*gagors ,r :ny +?tF:zr ^rar-Y .sr '.n? payment of said tf
<br />- i...:~o.aLnfS.,, _,1 suCR XC2ns1:}P.S, -....PI""et:LS, ^enawal.., 9[W eafgr`:ZfiL1oPS t0 re 32cllred n~-Bby. -
<br />iransier ?' ;ecvrity. I! is agr~^c,? betNeen the Psrtl?s hereto, ~.hetr t.etrs, local rePres=r.tatives and assigns, ~ ~`.
<br />„j r `:x in er-~y and respars!D-2 r.,^,e rdrtgagers ccnstituces a -arc of rte consid=rati an for the note Secured ~ ~_
<br />`S y - .. t t ~ r ..Sa 'Yn'r'ey :~s'c iirar -~' ,eaOri DEd larz!P.; th'c
<br />c.-x
<br />1r -n vae rra 3 - - . 1 r ' ~.. Is.2 - enr E debt C. e iT..E 3' 3 I +
<br />eve and Payable end ray preceeC in irie e.'t-
<br />rt
<br />' .., nt ~- __s ...,n ..: .s .-n ':Tr ,t.ter ~e ca_l: .~ .n -er ,_ r-r rile r._~_ a`,tl martgagc_ ~ :.
<br />t
<br />{ ~ + „tnmz - - acee . i crs - .~ s . ~ ,zer - n 1 t rsier et v2r, and convey ctr i1arT.gagea ail 1
<br /><.,t~, „a nc..:_y t --a ..,.Yr ,r _ z be- c...e vac 'ird -payaDtz 'under a-n;t. 012. gss, I '
<br />~' o t he ~ -t=t s ~ i - -~w'ex. t ,a . r t ¢v ,e n Ylscznc?. never!.^.g the above sand ~ ;:
<br />it uv P ,, t I- 3 a _,eS e.. e b r 3ne; - P t- P-- ~~ `ta lndetrtedness secured ?;erabY: or ~ .:.
<br />a + y' '-s¢ a~ - -- v- a ~-v r ~-, - ..zr i - ne yr .nae?urs ~r ...z t. sua_e_sars in intzrest, any or all
<br />,, '.. .,...,.t ~, it ..: x_..... ,av , e,,...._~:.e ., '..y :, ^e. rs¢zeP's ..gnu.. o LaXe and retai^ iota.'? s~lms, ant without Gre,7 udlee ~'
<br />+' i ar4y '~ -?.- "tqh .r er .h n rt aaR.e TSB -t :' and ar vevarce h eunCer to yortg .Rae of saki rents. .
<br />~' rc rlYt i;~,.~ -' e °uti e aY' array '.Ito .-- ~ -- ~-- the ;aymant ar reds tiara o^, thz ma^L- ? '.
<br />F. gc1E .eDC~.:.,t„..C_w .C.-..$.lrc~2 ign a. h_C2.nS2f...~ t...v._2_. .r,LaFettCEiit C. *Re mOPtg3,¢2 ~_En OR' Sald rCal
<br />ace: i~p_ --~r°E. ..~ -~ -~be eD- snQ +h*~ --:~a:_ -: «hic no^tg~ge o rFror-,. th+_s caneeyarice sna11 } .~
<br />e-_eme :nc,-.. _t.+ _,.. .._ ,_ .,^~ne C: r.e ,._ .t_?ct.
<br />t i
<br />- 'crone a.:c _ - - -c - -rsz -cs rn. aq en :.. ~ : x;d 1-z .onc-r,~,t c~ Ca cna sirzqutar 2r p2orny )
<br />r.~ecers u... _ az .u sac, _- s.rt:..~. s,l-~ he ~sr, ~..a,..i .~ c _A~ ~-:'?n ~x,:~; i ~.
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<br />- ~ ~ Uernice I Vi~ Ifeit (.ilSC knnwr2 as 6err 1 e .iL,y~p~~ine `iiedfelt)
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