-~SS%GNME?iT c7F REPL 'c:5"'3'PE C4F12RACT
<br />RAYMO:~u J'. 'i`GTRa~Y :~.F ,l SrrS~.%z . L, 'F~f~DY: husbae:d and wife (herein_
<br />after referred to as "TvRDY'~}, hereby assign tq STEVEN F. CARMIN and
<br />CA'vDY I. CAR;-'T'~, ;:usb=•,.= ;a.? ~a9_fe ~-, :f:i.-~?- tenants (F:ereirafter re-
<br />ferred to as "CAFMIN"}, all their rights as buyers under a ~ertain-
<br />real estate contract with William H_ Haskins and Marlene Haskins as
<br />sellers with ..efe.rence t the follawir.q-r,escribed real estate:
<br />€ Commencing at a point on the South sides of
<br />r Flum >treet in the Village of Danip?tan,
<br />o Three Hundred Ninety {~g0} Feat West of the
<br />I- center of the St. Joseph a:,d Grand Is7.ant?
<br />Railroad, running thence East Or,e Hundred
<br />Eleven (.111) Feet, thence Scn2th One Hundred
<br />Forty-Four 4144) r^eet, thence S9est One Hun-
<br />. Bred Eleven (111`, Feet, `henc'~rx North C?n2
<br />rlundred Forty-F`aur {144) Feet to t2se place
<br />of beginning, being a part of t1;e Southwest
<br />Quarter of the 5autheast 4uarte'r {SW~SE?43
<br />of Scotian Five- (5) , ~'own:hi;p N„ine {g? North,
<br />Range Nire (9't west of tyre Sixtt; (6th; P.M.,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Tvrc3y agrees tc place a Warranty weed i;; escrow .rich Carmin as
<br />Gres ,tees. The Escrow Agent shall hG the ;3ank of _;oniphan, ^uariiphan,
<br />Nebraska, 'TVrdy shall pay far the rE-vanu~.= stamps regn.ired ar. the
<br />deed based upon a tatai consideration crf 'twenty '!'hree Thousand Five
<br />riundred And No/100 Dollars {$23,500.~~}.
<br />Carmin agrees tp gay `tvrdy Seven 't'housand Six Hundred And
<br />No/100 Dollars ($7, 500.00} and icsr thr. t,ai~snce of the t'urchase
<br />price to assume and pay the balance due an the original real estate
<br />contract. .The payments steall be trade t-c,: Yi,illiamri. Haskins and
<br />Marlene Haskins, ar suc-vivar, axe ;:x,11-T~rs. {herein:<;i't~;r referr:~,l to
<br />as "HASKIN$"2 T2rP ha7.anc.e due at ~}-:#.s t,t-a:te to };e ;~nid by Carta#n
<br />is F'ittaan ~ saner ~ -,.t- t_u^dre~ ~-- ` vo; },!'i~' Doll ;.. `zl~, yQO.,~t2) ,
<br />x'his oa.arity shad i"e payebie at thx, rata: of Nirse w~na-Half ?.,-
<br />csr?t {9~~? r a+:num and shall be ray i _- ~ fc. ; _:_
<br />p° ~~ tls't ysvrr
<br />apt they rat£ An amort~zationSSCheduleYahall 4~/1~- r31_a= ' ~'?=_'~'?}
<br />er month. 3 be furnished. 42t naY-
<br />ments shall be made to the Bank of Denip'har. as Escrow Agent, with
<br />Carmin and Haskins paying the escroe.' feeya an an equal basis.
<br />Haskins agrees to th:s assignmrrit and hereby consents tc it,
<br />E3askins hereby releases `~vrdy iron, all. c,k;l}itatiot~~~, t+nd~~i the c;iginal
<br />eantract of sale, hereby substituting Carmin as the buyer in exchange
<br />for a One Fervent (it) raise in the interest rate under said contract,
<br />all as set forth herein.
<br />DATED THIS 1st day of October, 1979,
<br />~~
<br />r
<br />FaYtitoud lvrd
<br />{'l ~
<br />;) : , ,, ~-
<br />I- .,
<br />Candy T'. Carmin:
<br />/`
<br />t4~''c~, =~,,.
<br />Svi?..l.i tar ~_ Ha k-i.n~ ~.
<br />....gry~~ ,.ff y~/,
<br />..Fl'`"s~' .lz~!'EE' , _ ~'`f'zt:, rife'.[ :tt ~~ .
<br />'`iit i`-lent- F{<, _, r: i.n:-.
<br />- !.
<br />