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31-02-0365 <br />eu'I~ <br />~ld°° ~~- ll~'YQd~S1T OP D~ CF 2'fQl^aT <br />A~ft1R <br />_ I{t,F)ta all ttl~t l7f t3t2ae uYaeow9tc, tjygt HO~1'Ca3C~ -FLUB INCD#iFORATEU -forg3~.t1~ <br />received:, does. hereby grant, bargaznr sell, a~ixgt, tran&fer, aax3 set open unto- <br />- - ~`IFcST acerti'RR ~?RTrT:~GE rnyrna~y ~ - - - - <br />- dIl right, titlEr 131tCSP 3' t, C:Id1t41 C1g - Of A;ORiQiGE PLUS i:~CG4RPORATED -... <br />- - - in e3nd tD t'hat c7ert8l.[t trust dEY3,/OX- ImZtga~[J@- deed P.fICIH[iharllX) ialid S3tt7atQ ilf - -... <br />$tdt@ Of <br />- t3'~ (SJtu2tlt ~ xal t Nebraska <br />dcx3 recorded in the o- f ~ f Clerk a;sd Recorder of sai8 County, .trust or , <br />'rrartgage deed is deecrabed as failows: <br />~ II4RE OP a~ C]F 1'Iii}ST andfor <br />' David J. Glenn and Cindy Glenn, - <br />husband and wife February 18, 1980 <br />LD('4L ~IPTtQ+I <br />- The SontSterly Thirty-bight {38) Feet of Lot Eight (8) and the Northerly Twenty-Tao <br />{22) Peet of Lot tdine {9), Hloak Tweive (12), in West Park, an Addition to the City <br />of Grand Island,. Hall County, Nebraska. <br />~`J'~1?.1WIa"~ kiY4WF2 d.' r~3: 10~~ N. €fancach, GYdYid Z~siaTid, i1E o88r31 <br />_ !IY'1[~`7,M#t~i, i.ei t_h. t2~. Mt~~ rnnrain .;_~1~Cie dim t21~ C.T3I{fly'. r~tlk: c~,Ci4~ CL) b~CS.IGE (~t1E <br />t:~reon, ixacluding interest, attorney's fees and citsz'ges, <br />N,ORTGAC,,1; FL!35 lNCCSRPgPATEU rearrants :hat it is the Iegal comer of said <br />trust arriJor ~ axr3 the rates secured hetteby and. has fui.1 right, cxywe~ arri <br />autxx~srit-,~ to transfer a~i assign said trust- andlar irartgaye dead and the notes ac- <br />cruesi thereby. <br />IN ~ the first party has hsreunta caused thane Rt~tseutts to be ~_xec3tcxi <br />by its rive officer thereunto duly au.lxsri~ad this lath day of ~.. <br />Ne~~ l? 90 <br />MOR2'GAGE ~~as zrrcoRPUSATao <br />~~ <br />3ta1~ .e~, Gttilaradc ) <br />`- - - °°°-- 7 5s <br />-C+~tuitt c*~-a~tito~ ) <br />f gll~ft by Haxve.~e Tari~ell ,Asst. Vice President c?z <br />- -3laar6g-isr~eesi'~rat-set -~ q,~g - ma t~i~'is~~i~tli _'~r <br />of PNUry . l9 60 .....,,..m.._._... <br />:v~it~nra~a-c~"rr3~':ud txfficiai saal. <br />~, <br />,. <br />lly.,Qai.~# aa¢~fr~: t- ~ . _x; ~`,~ ' C, € ~. t^ 1.t ~+N~ ~++na~~X.~,."'~ _ <br />xc <br />;ill <br />'~ 2~2 ~' <br />